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Chapter 1024 It's really a relative

Chapter 1024 It's really a relative
Around the Spring Festival, visiting relatives and friends has become the main task of people.

Even Shen Lin is no exception. Years ago, he wanted to visit friends; after the year, it was still the rhythm of getting together with old friends one after another.

What's more, if you are poor, no one cares about you in the busy city, and if you are rich, you have distant relatives in the mountains.This sentence is still an eternal truth. As Shen Lin's business grows bigger and bigger, more and more people take the initiative to seek refuge, show favor, and make friends.

Of course, this is not counting those business partners, but this one.There are also many who can be called friends.

During Shen Lin's visits to friends, many people also came to visit him, such as those factories on the rice shell ecological chain.

For these factories, seeing batch after batch of brother companies similar to themselves, it is difficult to pay wages due to poor management, they feel that their status is even more valuable.

And they all know that the reason why they can achieve their current results is not because of how good they are, but because of Mi Ke standing behind them.

If it weren't for Mi Ke's support, they wouldn't have such a good life now.

Although Shen Lin has announced many times in public before, whether these cooperative enterprises in the rice shell ecological chain can cooperate friendly does not depend on their relationship with Shen Lin himself, but on their own strength.

However, that being said, almost all the heads of the rice shell ecological chain cooperative manufacturers have come to the Shen family.

"Director Shen, Director Shen has given me great help." Zhu Zimin, the director of the Red Star Carton Factory, thanked him sincerely in the living room of Shen Xingye's home in Rice Shell Garden.

Zhu Zimin and Shen Xingye were about the same age, and they knew each other because they were both factory directors of factories around Dongzhou.

When they were young, they rarely drank and chatted with each other.

Although this time, Zhu Zimin came to visit Shen Xingye specially during the Spring Festival, but in fact, he did not want to drink, and his goal was still for Shen Lin.

After all, their factory is part of the rice shell ecological chain, and the outer packaging cartons of rice shell products are basically produced by them.

It is also because of the support of Mi Ke that when all the carton factories of the same kind are half dead, their life is very nourishing.

The Mishell order not only allowed them to directly realize profits, but also, because of the technical guidance and improvement of Mishell Electronics, they also received many orders from other industries with their excellent technology.

It can be said that the addition of the rice shell ecological chain allowed them to survive the crisis.

As the saying goes, don't forget the well digger when drinking water, Zhu Zimin would come to Shen Xingye to sit here almost every year and festival.

There are not too many things to bring, but they are carefully selected at first glance, but the full heart is expressed in place.

Shen Xingye chuckled and said, "Shen Lin should help you? In terms of seniority, he should call you Old Uncle Zhu!"

Zhu Zimin and Shen Xingye talked very casually, but once Shen Lin sat here, he felt a little scared unconsciously, and subconsciously became more careful.

Although this Chairman Shen was very angry, but he said something that made Chairman Shen unhappy, his New Year's greetings this time were meaningless.

"Haha, brother Shen, the whole factory remembers Mr. Shen's help to our factory! It's a good idea to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade. This is true. If it weren't for Mr. Shen, our factory would not be where it is today."

Zhu Zimin said with a smile: "The market of our carton factory, the old factory manager, you also know that now we can make a profit, and we have been highly praised by the above."

"Set us up as a model and let people learn from me. In fact, I can be today because I have met a noble person?"

After chatting for more than 20 minutes, Zhu Zimin took his leave.

Although Shen Xingye kept a meal, he still declined. Being able to have a home-cooked meal here is more meaningful than the delicacies in a five-star hotel. Of course he understands this.Unfortunately, there are too many people waiting outside.

I obviously don't have such a strong relationship, so he can rely on this relationship to persist until dinner.

"Shen Lin, I have been honored by you. In the past, Lao Zhu met me occasionally for a drink."

"In the past few years, he has been coming to visit me to pay New Year greetings." Shen Xingye said with emotion as he held the teacup: "But it is not easy for Lao Zhu. He has also put in a lot of effort to make the carton factory so prosperous. Shen Lin smiled and said, "Director Zhu's carton factory is very good. He knows how to improve technology and pay close attention to production quality."

"We are not going to adjust our partners recently."

Shen Xingye smiled and said: "Son, you should tell Lao Zhu this sentence, so that he can relax and feel that he has a sense of accomplishment after chatting with me for a long time."

Shen Lin smiled and took a sip of water. At this moment, the phone rang.

When Shen Lin answered the phone, he heard a call from the property management company outside: "Mr. Shen, I am the grandson of the property management team. Now a few people have come to the door, saying they are relatives of the old factory manager's hometown, Xiaoshen Village."

"Look, let them in?"

Shen Lin said: "Let them wait first, and I will pick it up."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Lin turned to Shen Xingye and said, "Dad, relatives from Xiaoshen Village are here. I think their goal is to keep the factory there."

Shen Xingye had already heard the content of the call just now, and at this moment, he was very conflicted.

When Shen Lin answered the phone, he was a little worried, and his son directly said that he would not let him in. After that, this relative would have nothing to do.

Unexpectedly, Shen Lin actually said that he was going to pick him up.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Xingye asked in a deep voice.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Dad, I know exactly what they want to do, you just listen to me."

While speaking, he put on his clothes and said, "I'll pick it up."

Shen Xingye hesitated for a moment and said: "I'll go with you, there should be some elders."

For his father to pick him up in person, although Shen Lin was a little reluctant in his heart, he knew that he couldn't stop him, so he immediately followed Shen Xingye, and soon came to the gate of the community.

Three or four people, including Shen Dezhu and Shen Debao's father, were all inside the gatepost of the Rice Shell Garden at this time, looking through the glass at the Rice Shell Garden, which looked like a garden.

"It's called Rice Shell Garden, and it's really similar to a garden." Shen Debao's father said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

"It's beautiful, just like the one in the painting." The third master said with emotion, "It will be great when our village will become like this."

"Third Master, if our village is like this, is it still called Xiaoshen Village?"

While everyone was talking, he said calmly: "Third Master, you are the main force this time, you must find a way to persuade Uncle Xingye, or else..."

The third master nodded and said: "Okay, I know about this matter, and I don't need you to tell me, but I don't know if it will succeed or not."

While several people were talking, Shen Lin and Shen Xingye had already walked over.

Shen Xingye was still very familiar with the relatives in the village. After all, he had been staying in the village recently, so he recognized everyone as soon as he opened his mouth.

After a while of greetings, Shen Xingye was very enthusiastic and invited his relatives back to his home for tea.And Shen Lin stood aside, smiling without saying a word, rarely speaking.

Back home, Shen Lin began to pour tea, while Shen Xingye and the third master and others chattered about, talked about some family members in the village, and talked about country jokes, which was enjoyable for a while.

After half an hour of gossip, with a calm cough, the third master's expression became obviously serious: "Xingye, I also know that this time some people in the village are sorry for you!"

As soon as the third master said this, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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