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Chapter 1025 I'm Really Not Angry

Chapter 1025 I'm Really Not Angry

All eyes fell on Shen Xingye.

The purpose of their visit this time is actually one, and that is to let the factory stay in Xiaoshen Village through an apology.

After all, this is really important to Xiaoshen Village!
"Third Master, the old and young men in the village are really kind to our family. If you say sorry, it will be too alien."

Before Shen Xingye could speak, Shen Lin had already finished the conversation.

Looking at the smiling Shen Lin who looked like I was speaking very sincerely, the third master didn't know what to say for a while.

I said I was wronged, but I said no, it's all good.

This chat is so chatty, it seems to be dead all of a sudden!
Just when the third master was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to proceed with this topic, Shen Debao's father said: "Shen Lin, I know that this brat Debao is not a thing. Teach him a lesson."

"If he dares to make trouble again, you see, I won't break his dog legs!"

Shen Lin looked at the menacing Shen Debao's father, and said with a smile: "Uncle, I'm not very familiar with Debao, and I haven't dealt with him before, but I think he shouldn't make any big mistakes, it's all good!"

"Haha, what about you, I think in the future, his education should be based on verbal criticism, it's not good to do it manually."

Unfamiliar, have never dealt with, keep praising...

Isn't this obviously flattering?
Shen Debao's father was also a little numb. He already knew that Shen Lin had blocked their way to make amends.

You didn't offend me, and I...

"Shen Linwa, if this is the case, are you still willing to leave the factory in our Shenjia Village?" The third master finally lost his temper and asked this question.

After all, at a time like this, he couldn't go around in circles anymore.

Shen Xingye and the others all looked at Shen Lin at this time, they knew very well that now was the most critical time.

If Shen Lin agrees, then everything is easy to talk about; if Shen Lin does not agree, then this time...

"Third Lord, how many times have I said that the adjustment of the layout of the factory this time is considered by the board of directors from the perspective of long-term development."

Shen Lin spread his hands and said, "The factory in Shenjia Village not only consumes a lot of energy, but also has many problems, such as technical aspects, such as transportation, such as..."

Shen Lin asked four or five questions in one breath, and then said seriously: "The reason why we abolished this branch factory is that there is no other way."

"You can't do business at a loss, what do you think?"

The third master was dumbfounded. If it was said that Shen Debao and the others were greedy, he still had a way to make a statement, but now when it comes to business management.

What business does he know?He is completely ignorant about this aspect.

Under such circumstances, how could he speak against Shen Lin.

"Shen Lin, you... You really didn't close the factory because you were angry?" The third master hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Third Master, it's really not because of this."

"Haha, look where you think, it's just because of the business adjustment of the company."

As the person in charge of the village, Shen Dezhu is well-informed, and when this matter came, he even went to the village.

In the communication with the village, everyone felt that this incident was caused by some people in Shenjia Village, which made Chairman Shen heartbroken.

What they have to do is to warm up Chairman Shen's broken heart.

But now, Shen Lin opened his mouth for business, and closed his mouth for profit.It seems that the relationship with the people in the village is still very good.

This made none of them know what to say.If they don't admit it, do they still have to forcefully apologize?

But if there is no apology, how can this factory let Shen Lin continue to operate.

For a while, I could feel myself sweating on my forehead, no wonder this kid can make such a big fuss at such a young age.

Soldiers come to block you, water comes to cover you with earth, even if you spit and spit, and say a lot of good things, he will have a way to get you back. It's really too hard to deal with!
Shen Xingye sat there without speaking. At this moment, he knew very well that Shen Lin's way of dealing with it was already the best.

Shen Lin didn't say those things, but blocked everyone's mouths. This is to save some people's face, but at the same time, it also completely cuts off some people's unrealistic ideas.

The third master sighed and said, "Shen Lin, this factory is for our village..."

"Third Lord, the higher ups are now encouraging the establishment of factories. After I move out, everything is ready-made. If the village wants to use it, it can be used at any time."

Shen Lin didn't wait for the third master to finish, and stopped with a smile: "It's okay, I have no objection."

The third master sighed. Although some villages have started to set up factories now, this is not an easy task. The factories in many villages have been booming in the first two years.

But as time went on, and there were more people competing, it began to make ends meet.

Now in the village, who is leading this factory.

Shen Lin looked at the few people who were frowning, and said with a smile: "My elder sister and elder brother-in-law just came back, I will ask the elder brother-in-law to call over later, and have a good conversation with them."

"By the way, there are so many of us today, so we will go to a high-end place. I booked a room in the guest house, and I will drink it until I get drunk!"

While speaking, Shen Lin knocked on the door of Xu Bingyi's bedroom and called Xu Bingyi out.

What I originally wanted to make an apology to stay, turned into a short conversation among the parents. At the guest house at noon, Shen Lin even brought Chu Feng and Xu Bingyi to accompany Shen Dezhu and others to eat and drink, and waited for them to eat a meal.

After drinking and eating, he arranged for Chengzi's car to take these elders back to Shenjia Village.

On the way back, the third master who drank a little too much said: "It's okay, don't worry about it, we all add up, and we don't have as many minds as Shen Linwazi alone!"

"They never gave us a chance to make an apology."

Shen Ke drank a lot of wine, and felt a little uncomfortable at this time.He looked at the third master and said, "Third master, I understand what you said."

"Hey, people say that it is difficult to operate here, what else can we say!"

"You can't say, because we need you, so you can work here at a loss. If you say this, I have no place to put my face..."

The people who followed Shen Shi did not say a word, and they knew in their hearts that there was basically no room for redemption in this matter now!
"It's okay, Shen Lin said that the factory will stay with us, and we can use it casually, or you can take the lead and start a factory? We all have experience, and we can definitely help you." Shen Debao's father , and said softly towards Shen Ke.

Shen Dezhu glanced heavily at Shen Debao's father, and then said with a smile: "Uncle, clothes, food and household belongings, how many catties a person has, you have to know in your heart."

"I, I really don't have that ability."

"If you want to do it, I will give you my full support. What do you think?"

The calm old man stopped talking, but at this moment, everyone had no intention of saying anything.

The car stopped at the entrance of Shenjia Village smoothly, and when Shen Dezhu and the others got out of the car, many people surrounded them.

But in the end, the hope of many people turned into disappointment.

And Chengzi, who knew all this, saw everything clearly, but didn't have the slightest sympathy. He turned the car around and went back to Dongzhou directly.

(End of this chapter)

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