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Chapter 1026 Mi Ke's new product

Chapter 1026 Mi Ke's new product
On New Year's Eve, almost everyone stopped what they were doing.

Making dumplings, fried rice cakes, boiled meat...

Every household is busy preparing food, and there is an attractive fragrance in the air.

On the street, with the sound of firecrackers and the laughter of children, there is a joyful atmosphere everywhere.

But at this time, the factory area of ​​Mike Refrigerator Factory was extremely serious.

Whether it was an ordinary worker or Luo Lei, who was in charge, they all waited for instructions with serious expressions.

The two refrigerator production lines have been assembled at this time, and what they need to do now is to test drive and see how they are running.

Once the test run is successful, it can be officially put into production. Of course, no one can guarantee that the chance of test run failure is equal to zero.

Although most people are full of confidence in the production line they installed, but many things are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If something goes wrong, it's a big problem.

"Mr. Shen, everything is ready, shall we start the test run?" The deputy factory director in charge of production came to Shen Lin and asked in a deep voice.

Shen Lin was also a little nervous at this moment.

To say that what they use is a mature production line, and the staff of Dongmen Electric specially came to install it, so it can be said that there is nothing wrong with it.

However, in order to meet the requirements of the new refrigerator, this production line has been improved in many places.

Although all hidden dangers have been eliminated one by one during the design, no one can say that there will be no problems.

Many times, problems come unexpectedly.

Although the rice shell refrigerator is the most important new industry of the rice shell, for the rice shell, the business of the refrigerator is not successful, and it will not hurt the bones.

But even so, Shen Lin still felt a little uneasy.

But on the surface, his expression didn't change at all, he said in a deep voice: "Start the test drive."

With the sound of Shen Lin's start, the huge workshop suddenly started to operate.

The workers who have been trained long ago are busy in an orderly manner in their respective positions according to their duties.

As the factory manager, Luo Lei was in charge of everything in production, and as requests for instructions gathered at him, he was so busy that he didn't even have time to talk.

Shen Lin didn't say anything, just waited silently.

Along with Shen Lin, apart from Cheng Zhenyuan, there were also several professors and their graduate students from the University of Technology who were in charge of refrigerator research.

For these professors, they are also very nervous at the moment.

After all, they verified and modified the details of the design plan, and if there was a problem, they would also be questioned.

Because of the existence of the Rice Shell Research Park, their lives have undergone earth-shaking changes.

It can be said that among the many colleges and universities in the provincial capital, the University of Technology is the most envied.

There are even talents from other universities who want to enter the University of Technology, and hope to receive research projects from Mi Ke.

Because each topic not only represents sufficient scientific research funding, but also represents the high-level treatment provided by MiKe.Amid the roar of the machine, five minutes passed. As a white three-door refrigerator with a Mihu logo was unloaded from the tracks, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Lei quickly came to Shen Lin's side and said, "Mr. Shen, our test drive was successful!"

Shen Lin looked at the refrigerator produced in 5 minutes and frowned. 5 minutes is not long in the eyes of many people, but in Shen Lin's view, this kind of production speed is not too fast.

He waved his hand and said, "First test the performance of our refrigerators."

"We are only initially successful now, and we will be truly successful only if the performance meets the requirements."

A stone fell to the ground in his heart, and Luo Lei, relieved, said: "Dong Shen is right, I'll let someone test it out, and I'm not going to stop the production here."

"That's fine. Let's continue here. I'd like to see, what's the yield rate on our side?"

Shen Lin made some arrangements for Luo Lei, and then came to Professor Chen accompanied by Li Xueqiang and said, "Professor Chen, thank you for your hard work this time."

"If the test results fully meet our design requirements, I believe we will definitely put a satellite in the refrigerator industry."

Professor Chen knows best about the production design of refrigerators, after all, he is the leader of the team.

Hearing Shen Lin's words, he smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, you can rest assured that according to my estimation, the performance should be fine."

"If you want to talk about launching satellites, first of all, I have to thank Director Shen. If Director Shen hadn't given me some pointers, I still don't know which aspects to improve."

Professor Chen didn't deliberately praise Shen Lin, he really didn't expect the materials Shen Lin said.After all, the improvement of a household appliance requires countless experiments.

However, as a person who has experienced it, he already knows the principle of energy-saving refrigerator design in the past, so if he directly pushes it backwards, he will naturally avoid detours and be unimpeded.

Shen Lin waved his hands and said with a smile: "There is a priority in learning, and there is a specialization in art. As a layman, I would never dare to play big swords in front of Guan Gong. I just made a small opinion. The real contribution is Professor Chen and you. '

Speaking of this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "We have been hungry all morning, how about at noon today, I invite everyone to have a good meal, and it is considered to be a holiday with everyone!"

Professor Chen looked at Shen Lin's smiling face and said with a smile: "Some time ago, I was chatting with an old friend. He said that Chairman Shen was a scientific research genius who was delayed by doing business. I still didn't believe it at the time."

"After all, you are the boss of both of us. But now, I believe, he is not flattering you, but a fact."

Hearing this praise, Shen Lin smiled helplessly.

He also has no choice. After all, according to the current scientific research strength, if he wants to reach the level that Shen Lin said, he still doesn't know how much energy and time it will take.

But if Mi Ke wants to quickly reach the highest level and lead the entire industry, he must make a breakthrough. Isn't it normal for him, a person from a previous life, to cheat a bit in terms of these technologies.

"Professor Chen, it's just a coincidence." While speaking, Shen Lin smiled at Li Xueqiang and said, "Xueqiang, you accompany Professor Chen to the hotel first, and I'll come over later."

Li Xueqiang has now resigned and became the person in charge of the rice shell technology. He promised and left the workshop with Professor Chen and others.

Shen Lin waited for Professor Chen to leave, and his eyes fell on Cheng Zhenyuan and the others: "Mr. Cheng, the current sales focus of Mi Ke needs to be changed."

"The promotion of other home appliances is basically the same, so the focus of our promotion next is the rice shell refrigerator."

"By the way, you can contact the media we cooperate with and hold a TV product launch event."

"Promote our refrigerator as soon as possible. After all, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys!"

(End of this chapter)

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