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Chapter 1028 The person who may become the richest man

Chapter 1028 The person who may become the richest man
There were too many people watching the party, not only Shen Lin's family, but also many people.

Like Liang Jialuo!
In fact, the Spring Festival atmosphere in Liang Jialuo's house is the weakest. After having dinner at his grandparents' house, Liang Jialuo nestled on the sofa and watched TV.

As for the things that her cousins ​​and cousins ​​talked about, she really didn't care about it.

In her opinion, it's too vulgar to eat and drink and play cards and games.She, Liang Jialuo, is an assistant to the boss of a big company, how could she be with these idle guys?

"27 layers of purification, the leader of healthy drinking water, ice dew pure water..."

Looking at the advertisement that appeared on the color TV, a cousin who was chattering suddenly asked Liang Jialuo: "Jiajia, what is the standard of this 27-layer purified water in the United States?"

The reason why I asked Liang Jialuo was, of course, because Liang Jialuo had returned from studying abroad.

Liang Jialuo said lightly: "It's about the same, in fact, pure water is about the same."

"If you are interested, you can ask Sister Zhong Qing, this is her factory."

When they heard that Zhong Qing had built such a factory, the people who were chatting looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

Especially a few people who were about the same age as Zhong Qing showed disbelief.

"Has Zhong Qing started business?"

"Hey, why did she choose this line of business? Can selling water make money? Don't make it a money-losing business!"

"Don't tell me, I see, this water is much more hygienic than the tap water we usually drink. When it is officially put into production, I must ask Zhong Qing to give me some."

During this discussion, someone said to Liang Jialuo: "Jiajia, you seem to be quite clear about this matter, why, you also participated?"

"I participated in a small share, and my boss is the major shareholder. As for whether I can make money, I think it should be possible. After all, my boss recommended this project to Zhong Qing."

I don't know when, Liang Jialuo started calling Shen Lin the boss when he was at home.

"Amazing, Jiajia, after three days of farewell, you should be impressed. I remember that a few years ago, you were still the little tail behind your sister. Why, you are going to be the boss in a blink of an eye?" A cousin teased Liang Jialuo. Said: "From now on, my drinking water will be contracted by you!"

Just when these cousins ​​were talking unnutritious words, the Spring Festival Gala was about to begin, and in the last few tens of seconds, a line of words suddenly appeared.

"Technology changes life, Mi Ke wishes the viewers and friends in front of the TV a happy Chinese New Year!"

"On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Mishell's spring product launch conference, we will see you soon!"

These two lines of text read out, the male voice is quite nice, more importantly, at this moment of family reunion, everyone is waiting to watch the Spring Festival Gala, but at this moment of great attention, these ten seconds The advertisement gave everyone a shocking feeling.

Although Liang Jialuo is not an ordinary person, but before this live broadcast, the advertisement was posted here, and such a prime time was chosen, which is not something ordinary people can do.

"Jia Luo, Mi Ke's advertisement is really good!" Wearing glasses and giving off a calm appearance, the lobby brother sighed sincerely.

Liang Jialuo didn't like this cousin who had a mature demeanor in his every move.If she had just come back, she might not bother to talk to him, but after working at Mi Ke for such a period of time, Liang Jialuo was different.

Liang Jialuo, who is full of personality, has a certain amount of social experience, and suddenly realizes that a young girl, especially a young and beautiful girl, just has a high IQ, which is far from enough.Wouldn't it be better if IQ and EQ were equal, and talent and beauty coexisted?Maybe, I can become a more perfect person and go more smoothly in the business field.

Therefore, I secretly smiled at my cousin's old-fashionedness, but said with a smile: "Brother, you just saw that this advertisement is amazing, have you ever thought about it, this is a sponsorship fee of 100 million!"

"We won it with real money!" "Also, do you know how much our Mihu's annual advertising sponsorship fee is? There is no pie in the sky. If you don't pay some price, how can people give away this gold for no reason? Give us the time slot!"

At this moment, the opening dance of the party began.

Amidst the festive music, the actors sang and danced, creating a lively and peaceful atmosphere.

People in Liang Jialuo's family basically don't like lively scenes, so most of them are still chatting.

"Jiajia, what are you doing this spring product launch?"

"Grandly launch our new products this year, and then announce our prices." Liang Jialuo said with a smile: "In addition, we also announced the method of telephone shopping."

Speaking of this, she smiled and said: "Our boss said that in addition to the original sales channels, we also want to expand the channel of direct TV sales."

Listening to Liang Jialuo's introduction, the hall brother adjusted his glasses and said, "Mi Ke's Shen Lin is really full of tricks, which makes people dissatisfied!"

"But for Dongzhou, the existence of rice shells really plays a great role in promoting local economic development."

A smug smile appeared on Liang Jialuo's face. Although she often complained about Shen Lin, the boss, she was quite proud of Mi Ke, the company she worked for, for achieving such impressive results.

"Sister, which star are you going to invite for your spring conference?" A girl who was about the same age as Liang Jialuo but very stylishly dressed asked Liang Jialuo.

This girl is Liang Jialuo's cousin, the two are only a few months apart, and now she works in a foreign company. When she was a child, she liked to argue with Liang Jialuo about many things.

Liang Jialuo felt that the reason why she didn't have a strong sense of belonging to her grandfather's family, and she didn't have the kind of intimacy when meeting her, was probably related to too many cousins. Who made her father have four or five brothers?

The relationship between Liang Jialuo and his cousin was also very average, but in front of so many people, since the cousin asked a question, if she didn't answer it, it would be a bit ugly.

Although she didn't care, Liang Jialuo, who had already been influenced by Shen Lin invisibly, still said: "No celebrities, our boss will appear on stage in person."

"Your boss came out in person? Haha, did I hear you right?" The cousin said in disbelief, "How can your boss come out to sell products in person? This..."

The cousin wanted to describe this kind of thing, but found that she seemed to be unable to say any other words.

Liang Jialuo chuckled and said, "Why can't the boss come forward? My boss told me that this will definitely save the money for celebrity endorsements.

"But I think he's doing marketing."

Although Liang Jialuo's hall brother looked like he was watching the song and dance, in fact, he had been listening to the words of Liang Jialuo and others.

He said with emotion: "This spring conference is unique and amazing!"

"Jia Jia, if Mi Ke can come up with something eye-catching in this spring conference, it will create a huge brand effect."

"As for Boss Shen going off in person, it is definitely an eye-catching gimmick, a gimmick that makes people want to see it."

"After all, this is almost the richest man, put down your airs and sell us the goods yourself!"

When the lobby brother mentioned the word richest man, the few cousins ​​who were chatting were silent, although these young people had no worries about food and clothing since they were young, and they didn't have much sense of urgency for money.However, this neglect does not include the existence of a man called the richest man.

(End of this chapter)

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