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Chapter 1029 Shen Lin's picture is very big

Chapter 1029 Shen Lin's picture is very big

The cousin looked at Liang Jialuo and said: "Jialuo, it's a pity, your boss is already married, otherwise, you have the right time, place and people, and you can get the moon first!"

"I think your skin is itchy, right?" Liang Jialuo, who couldn't hold it back this time, threw a pillow directly at his cousin, and the conversation was a bit dull for a while, and there was a lot of laughter.

However, after fighting for a while, Liang Jialuo turned his attention to the party again. Looking at the singer who was singing, an idea suddenly came to Liang Jialuo's mind.

Not as handsome as Shen Lin!
Director Xie is also celebrating Chinese New Year!
With the production of Shangxue refrigerators, Director Xie's small life began to be nourished again.

At the very least, the higher ups have paid more attention to Shangxue Electronics Factory, and those relationships that were once neither salty nor weak have also begun to warm up.

Take the Chinese New Year as an example. What Director Xie feels most clearly is that the number of people coming to his home to pay New Year greetings suddenly begins to increase!
Because he drank a few more glasses of wine with his relatives at home, when Director Xie, who was a little drunk, came to the TV, it was almost ten o'clock.

At this time, the female host has come to the stage. She first made a small comment on the above program, then looked at the prompt in her hand, and solemnly said: "Friends from the audience, Mihu Electronics reminds you, The time now is..."

"Here we have received from..."

Hearing these words, Director Xie frowned all of a sudden.

He tilted his head, squinted his eyes, and asked his precious girl with a puzzled expression: "Xiao Xia, what did you just say?"

Daughter Xie Xiaoxia is a college student, and she is enjoying watching the show at this moment. When she sees her father standing in front of the TV in a drunken state, she says impatiently, "Oh, Dad, didn't you hear that? I was telling the time just now... ..."

Factory Manager Xie took a sip of the water in the cup, stared at him and said, "I just asked, before the time was announced, did you mean Rice Shell Electronics?"

"Dad, you heard me clearly and asked me, of course it's Mi Ke, they have appeared several times! Aren't you obviously delaying my watching the show!"

When Xie Xiaoxia said this, she seemed to have come to her senses, looked at her father and said, "Dad, are you Mi Ke's competitors?"

Factory Manager Xie ignored the baby girl's question, but continued: "You...what did you just say? They appeared here several times?"

"That's right, Mi Ke will hold a spring product launch event on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, and Shen Lin will appear in person at that time."

"Tsk tsk, daddy, you are Mihu's opponent. When will you personally take action and come to a product launch conference to make me proud?"

Xie Xiaoxia just watched the excitement and was not afraid of big things, so she said to her father with a smile.

In the past, Director Xie liked to chat with his precious daughter very much. After all, the baby is grown up, and after graduating from university, he joined the work. He just talked with someone, got married and started a family, and he has been pampered for so many years. The palm of the hand is afraid of falling, once she has her own small family, she will not be able to see her every day like now.

It is based on this point that Director Xie is obedient to Xie Xiaoxia and dotes on him very much.

But at this moment, he really didn't even have the idea of ​​chatting.

What he thinks about the most is the advertisement of Mishell Electronics and the spring product launch of Mishell Electronics.

When the refrigerator was produced, he felt that he was running fast, chasing after him, and the distance between him and Mi Ke was finally getting closer!
But now, this sudden advertisement, like a bomb that was suddenly detonated, woke him up all of a sudden!

This scheming Shen Lin has so many tricks.There is also the spring product launch event that I don't know what happened, I am afraid it will also give consumers an amazing feeling.

Moreover, this annoying Shen Lin actually wants to play in person. Although the purpose is not clear, Director Xie's first reaction was that this guy is too powerful!

Among them, there must be something that I don't know.

Shen Lin's personal appearance on stage this time is definitely not a simple matter.It definitely achieves some sort of fermented effect!What is this guy trying to do?Is he trying to create a topic?

After hesitating for a moment, Director Xie picked up the phone.He originally wanted to call Takeda Ichiro, but now, whenever something happens, he habitually asks Takeda Ichiro for advice.

But after dialing two numbers, he stopped.

After all, it is already past ten o'clock in the evening, and Takeda Ichiro has also returned to his own home in the past few days.

Director Xie who called again, this time called the deputy director in charge of sales, who was his right-hand man.

"Director Qi, Happy Chinese New Year!"

Director Qi also drank a lot. After a year of hard work, he had a happy get-together with his family.

However, Director Qi, who is also considered a battle-tested man, still maintained his rationality at this time. After receiving the call from Director Xie, he said in a deep voice: "Director Xie, happy Chinese New Year."

"I also said that when the bell rang at twelve o'clock, I would call you to wish you New Year!" Director Qi said very politely.

Factory Manager Xie was not in the mood to listen to the flattery of this right-hand man at all, and asked bluntly, "Did you watch today's party?"

"Director, I watched half of it, and I just had a drink with my brother!" Director Qi replied very honestly.

Director Xie said, "Have you seen the advertisement for Mi Ke?"

"I see, my family just said that this rice shell electronics is really extraordinary. Not only did it shoot a cartoon, but it also went to a party!" Director Qi said with obvious jealousy: "This Shen Lin is really good at making troubles." .”

Director Xie was taken aback for a moment.

He originally talked about the advertising effect of the party, but he didn't expect that there would be cartoons, so he said immediately: "What cartoon? Where is the cartoon you mentioned?"

"Director, you don't know yet. Now Mike Electronics has created a Mike Wangwang team, which is broadcast every day. The children in the family are all fascinated, as if they have been drugged with ecstasy."

"Hey, it's just a few dogs, but the kids love to watch them!"

Director Qi said with emotion: "This Shen Lin, not only does business well, but also engages in crooked things." '

Factory Manager Xie didn't say anything about the complaints from his subordinates. He was thinking that he seemed to have heard such things as the Wang Wang team.

It's just that he didn't pay attention at the time, thinking it was just an ordinary cartoon.

"Shen Lin is playing a big game of chess!" Director Xie said leisurely: "Director Qi, wait a minute to see the advertisement of Mishell Electronics, and think about what kind of results it might bring us. .”

"By the way, send someone to find out what will be in the spring conference of Mishell Electronics."

Regarding Director Xie's arrangement, Director Qi did not refuse. He repeatedly assured: "Don't worry, Director, I will arrange for someone to find out Mi Ke's motives."

"By the way, as soon as our refrigerator was put on the market, it immediately caused a lot of repercussions."

"Xiaozhou from our comprehensive department told me that a relative of hers works in the Mishell Electric Store, and now customers have started to come to their store to buy our products!"

The new situation reported by Director Qi made Director Xie very useful, and he smiled with satisfaction: "Director Qi, this shows that we are taking the right step."

(End of this chapter)

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