Chapter 1030 Too Hot Is Trouble
"Since this is the case, we must also strengthen the promotion of our own refrigerators. We can't just watch Shen Lin blowing the trumpet loudly. The advertisement is superb, and we just know how to work silently. "

"Send someone to contact us to find out how much our advertisement will cost in total if we want to compete with Mishell Electronics' advertisement."

Director Qi pondered for a while, and finally said: "Okay, I will ask someone to inquire later, please rest assured, Director."

After hanging up the phone, Director Xie thought of what Director Qi had just said, and a smile appeared on his face.

It must be very uncomfortable that there is no snow refrigerator in the rice shell electric store.

My own products will never be sold in Mishell Electric Mall.

Director Qi, who felt much better in his heart, watched the cross talk with five sense organs competing for merit with a smile, and laughed a few times from time to time.

But with a smile, he thought of Mi Ke's spring product launch in his mind.

This press conference made him feel stuck in his throat.

Shen Lin also attaches great importance to the spring conference.

Therefore, after deciding to hold the Mi Ke spring conference, he entered the working state on the second day of the Lunar New Year.

In fact, there is another person who entered the working state earlier than him, and this person is Zhong Qing.

With the advertising of ice dew purified water, Zhong Qing's affairs increased.

Originally, the ice dew had just been produced, and there wasn't much business, so Zhong Qing spent this holiday very carefree.

But since the first day of the new year, there have been many phone calls one after another.

At the beginning, they were just some acquaintances, and their purpose was to ask Zhong Qing, out of curiosity, if this ice dew purified water was a project she did.

However, at noon on the first day of junior high school, everything seemed to be different.

Calls from all over the world flocked in, and the purpose of these calls was only one, and that was to get the agency rights for ice dew drinking water.

At the beginning, Zhong Qing could handle it, but slowly, Zhong Qing felt that her head was blowing up.

She doesn't have a complete marketing plan yet, but her eyebrows are already on fire.

Zhong Qing, having no choice but to pull Zhong Tianyang up to help, but Zhong Tianyang can only provide ordinary help, like what she is facing now, Zhong Tianyang only provides one solution, that is, to untie the bell, the person who tied it must be tied.

So, Zhong Qing, who had returned to Beijing for the New Year, couldn't wait to come to Dongzhou again on the afternoon of the second day of the Lunar New Year.

"Shen Lin, what should I do now?"

While Zhong Qing was speaking, she took out a stack of paper with densely packed handwriting written on it.

Shen Lin looked at Zhong Qing's tired look, smiled and said: "Sister, you don't have to go there yourself, just call me for this kind of thing!"

Zhong Qing looked at the relaxed Shen Lin, and really didn't know what to say.

She ran over anxiously, but this partner actually said that she didn't need to worry, which really made her feel speechless.

"Shen Lin, now I feel that everything is in a mess. If I knew this earlier, I might as well not be in the advertisement for the party!"

Shen Lin looked at Zhong Qing, who had known this before, and joked with a smile: "Sister, you are not afraid of counting the money and getting numb in your hands, are you?"

Having said that, he took a sip of water and said, "Brother Zhong, how are you doing these two days? I called him yesterday, and he seems to be a little hoarse?"

Zhong Qing glared at Shen Lin angrily with her beautiful eyes.

She said in her heart that I am burning down the house now, you still have the heart to pay attention to my brother's voice!
But looking at Shen Lin who was flipping through the materials casually, she still had to answer: "After my brother went back, he basically drank with his cronies."

"Brother, leave him alone, let's talk about the two of us."

Shen Lin didn't care about the ambiguity in Zhong Qing's words, but Zhong Qing blushed and spoke by herself, without thinking too much about it.

"Sister, there are two most important things in our factory right now."

"First, there is the issue of quality. Although our sales are very good, the quality of our products must be guaranteed."

Having said this, Shen Lin nodded on the table and said, "Remember, we can never relax our requirements for product quality at any time." "Otherwise, we will destroy our own brand!"

Seeing Shen Lin's solemn appearance, Zhong Qing said in a deep voice: "Don't worry about this aspect, even if I can't supply the goods, I will definitely not have any problems in this aspect."

Shen Lin smiled, and continued: "Sister, the second point is to plan our distribution network well."

"In layman's terms, it is our regional agency model."

"My suggestion is that because our factory is initially established, it is not so easy to get an agent in place in one step."

"In order to seize the market, we need to establish a dealer agency system."

"Although there are various problems in the provincial representative, it is still necessary to have a provincial representative when we are robbing the market."

While Shen Lin was speaking, he began to describe the agency plan to Zhong Qing.Zhong Qing calmed down after listening to Shen Lin's words.

She felt that in her hands, it was like a dense ball of hemp, but when it came to Shen Lin, it was smoothed into order.

It seems that things have not become difficult.

At this time, Zhong Qing suddenly felt that she really didn't need to run over, as Shen Lin said, as long as she made a phone call to Shen Lin, all problems would be solved.

The afternoon sun, through the window, silently shone on the faces of the two of them.

Because Shen Lin was talking about something, he didn't notice the sunlight, but at this moment, Zhong Qing, looking at Shen Lin under the sunlight, couldn't help being a little crazy.

"Sister, do you understand everything?" Shen Lin raised his head and looked at Zhong Qing who was in a daze. He thought she was thinking about something, so he asked directly.

Zhong Qing was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I... I have almost understood."

"But Shen Lin, you are the major shareholder of our company. In terms of shares, you own a little more than mine."

"You can't be the shopkeeper in this matter, otherwise, if something goes wrong, you will be the one who will suffer the most."

Zhong Qing, who felt a little weak in her heart, quickly said to Shen Lin that she used this method to cover up a trace of panic in her heart.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Sister, as long as you do what I say, there shouldn't be any problems."

"If you're worried, I'll transfer Liang Jialuo to you."

"Although she is a bit reckless in doing things, she has experienced it for a while, and it is very appropriate to deal with the current situation."

Zhong Qing had regained her composure, and after telling herself not to think wildly, she turned to Shen Lin and said, "Okay, with Jia Luo's help, I can feel more at ease."

"By the way, Shen Lin, during the bidding meeting, can you come forward, even if you don't speak up, help me sit down for a while."

Shen Lin hesitated for a moment, seeing Zhong Qing's begging face, he nodded and said: "Okay, I will help you this time at Binglu's agent conference, but sister, let's make an agreement, only this time, don't make an exception. .”

"After all, as the chairman, you still need to handle these matters independently in the future."

The two chatted a few words, Shen Lin's eyes fell on the watch and said: "Sister, if you are not busy, you can take a rest at my house."

"I still have to go to Beijing. Although the spring conference is not a live broadcast, after it is recorded, it still needs to be changed at any time."

When Shen Lin spoke, he stood up.

Zhong Qing looked at the busy Shen Lin, and couldn't help saying: "You, you can't just be busy making money, you should also pay attention to your body!"

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Okay, it's still my sister who loves me, I will remember."

"How did you get there? Have you bought your train ticket?" Zhong Qing asked casually.

"Already bought, sleeper, leave at night, arrive early tomorrow morning."

Zhong Qing pondered for a while and said, "Then I'll go back too."

(End of this chapter)

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