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Chapter 1037 Shen Lin who can still tell jokes

Chapter 1037 Shen Lin who can still tell jokes
There are a lot of people watching Mi Ke's spring new product launch conference!

But among those who watched the most seriously, there was definitely Director Xie.

Director Xie is actually a rare talent who can single-handedly support Shangxue Electronics Factory and make the factory realize rapid transformation.

Director Xie has always attached great importance to Mishell Electronics, a strong rival.In this spring conference, he did not dare to relax even for a minute.

Even before the press conference started, he knew that the new product launched by Mi Ke this time must be a refrigerator.

But from the start of the press conference, he was in shock.

He also has an urge to buy a good-looking Walkman.

Although he is past the age of using the Walkman, he also likes to listen to music, not to mention that the Walkman also has the function of a radio.

Also, the seven-brightness reading light is what he needs now.Among other things, as the person in charge of a factory, he has a lot of documents to read every day.

A particularly suitable reading light is quite practical.

One, two, three...

After watching the half-time press conference, Director Xie slowly calmed down.But his heart felt chills one after another.

He felt that although most of the things Shen Lin made were available in the market, they were not at the same level as Mi Ke.

Although the price of rice shells is a bit more expensive, as Shen Lin said, comparing the two, the price of rice shells is quite high.

Even if he is asked to buy it himself, he will choose products such as rice shells that are more powerful and more convenient.

As long as there is one kind of these products in ordinary factories, they can basically develop very happily.

But now, one factory, Mi Ke, has so many products.

When the rice shell refrigerator was rolled out, Director Xie's eyes were fixed on the TV, fearing that if he didn't pay attention, the key information would be lost.

Director Xie has seen the appearance of tall refrigerators in advertisements, and Director Xie is very uncomfortable with this shape.

He knew that even if the refrigerator produced by Mi Ke had the same function as theirs, they would not be able to sell Mi Ke because the difference in appearance was too great.

What's more, Mi Ke has three doors.

"Everyone, this is the first-generation rice-hull refrigerator produced by my rice shell." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Although this refrigerator is from the production line of Dongmen Electric, what I want to say is that this refrigerator One-fourth of the technologies used are developed by our Mi Ke itself."

A quarter of the technology of refrigerators comes from rice shells!

Shen Lin's words seemed a bit far-fetched to laymen, but to those who really knew what to do, it was quite a shock.

After all, many production lines introduced now basically use foreign technology.

Now that Mi Ke produces this refrigerator, a quarter of it is Mi Ke's own technology, which is already quite terrifying.

"We all know that any product, if you don't master the core technology, will eventually be choked by someone."

"We, Mi Ke, dare not relax for a moment in the research of technology."

"Our LED energy-saving lamps have received nearly [-] million US dollars in patent fees abroad this year. We believe that scientific research can not only bring us the latest products, but also bring us stronger productivity."

Shen Lin's words drew another burst of applause.

Director Xie didn't say a word, but he very much agreed with Shen Lin's point of view.

Although Shangmatsu Electric is very supportive of their Shangxue Electronics Factory, Director Xie understands that this support mainly comes from both sides, who share a common enemy.

"Now, let me introduce to you our three-door refrigerator." "I once heard a saying that the three-door refrigerator has three doors. The first door is for refrigeration, the second door is for freezing, and the third door is for freezing. Its function is to dig out the ashes."

Shen Lin's words immediately caused a burst of good-natured laughter.

Listening to these laughter, Director Xie was powerless to complain, this Shen Lin, on such a serious occasion, actually made a joke, it is really...

"Of course, our three-door doors are not for picking up ashes."

"For our three-door door, the first floor is also refrigerated, but our refrigerated has a five-level adjustment function."

"These five adjustments are the five modes we set for you..."

While Shen Lin was speaking, he opened the refrigerator, and saw the spacious refrigerator, which was designed with a hanging space and a stainless steel glass layer that could be removed by the designer.

"Everyone will definitely ask, what are these things for?"

"What I want to tell you is that these are all to make your life more comfortable..."

"This place, the groove we designed is for everyone to put eggs, and here, we are for..."

The first-generation rice shell refrigerator designed by Shen Lin was completely designed according to the most popular models in later generations.

Therefore, when Shen Lin introduced the layout clearly one by one, it immediately resonated strongly with many people.

Factory Manager Xie felt his forehead sweat when he heard the layout of the first row.

He found that although the refrigerator produced by his family used the technology of Uematsu Electric, in many respects, there was no way to compare with the design of Mi Ke.

Both are refrigerators, but in terms of their functions, the gap is not so big.

"What do you think?" Factory Manager Xie asked a deputy factory manager who was in charge of sales.

The deputy factory director who was in charge of sales was sweating on his face at this time, he stammered and said: "We still have a glimmer of hope. Mi Ke's refrigerator is fully functional, and the price must be a little higher."

"Fortunately, the level of consumption is different. They focus on high-end products and don't conflict with us. Otherwise, it will be a fierce battle! We will be in big trouble."

Although the deputy factory director in charge of sales didn't say what the trouble was, but factory director Xie could imagine it.

He didn't say a word, and continued to look at the second floor opened by Shen Lin.

Here are two drawers. Shen Lin pointed to the two drawers and said, "Some of our food needs to be refrigerated at low temperature, while some don't need such a low temperature."

"For example, in our current location, we use zero-degree refrigeration."

While Shen Lin was speaking, he made several demonstrations in a row, which made people look at them with a very high-end feeling.

Regarding the performance of the refrigerator, Shen Lin introduced it for 5 minutes. After all, this refrigerator is the next main product of Mike.

Many people gave warm applause to those new functions of rice shell refrigerators.

As for Director Xie and the others, the more they listened, the colder their hearts became. They had already felt the tremendous pressure, and they were rushing towards their faces.

"Everyone, I've said so much. What everyone wants to know most is the price of this refrigerator. After all, some people will say that the price of Mike's refrigerator is so well-made, it must not be cheap."

"What I want to tell you is that you can guess the price."

"The price of our rice shell refrigerator is [-] yuan!"

Shen Lin's last words were like a heavy hammer, making Director Xie's head buzzing, because this price is only more than 100 yuan more expensive than their products.

(End of this chapter)

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