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Chapter 1036 The price of true fragrance

Chapter 1036 The price of true fragrance

On the huge TV screen, a crimson number suddenly appeared!
Looking at the number, Xiaofen couldn't help screaming.

She was a little desperate to buy this beautiful Walkman, because her mother repeatedly emphasized that she would not buy it if it was too expensive.

Not even if her aunt paid for it.

But the current number is really a bargain, and, most importantly, the appearance and color are good-looking, and it is worth the money at first glance.

Compared with the TV and washing machine at home, it seems to be much cheaper!

"Auntie, it's 190 yuan, it's a bargain!"

Mi Yuan's arm was about to be broken by this coquettish niece, but at this moment, she also had a smile on her face.

190, it's really not too expensive.

With her recent salary plus bonus, she can get about 200 yuan a month, that is to say, this beautiful Walkman is her monthly salary.

"It's not too expensive, I bought it for you!"

Mi Yuan patted her niece's little face, signaling her not to get too excited, which made her mother unhappy.

Mi Yuan's elder sister looked at her excited daughter and said helplessly, "Yuanyuan, you can't spoil her all the time!"

On the TV, there was a burst of applause, and a viewer even stood up and said, "Mr. Shen, I thought it would cost at least five hundred yuan, but I didn't expect it to be so cheap."

"I must buy one."

Shen Lin looked at the audience and said with a smile: "As I said just now, the purpose of our Mi Ke is to bring you a better life experience."

"So, our goal is to strive to achieve products with low prices, high quality, and high cost performance."

"Now the Walkman we recently produced is ten yuan more expensive than the second-generation Mishell Walkman, mainly for our scientific researchers."

"In order to improve the sound quality of this Walkman, our researchers have worked tirelessly to select the best accessories from various materials..."

"Just a few days ago, I went to our Mike Science and Technology Park to check the progress of the project, and saw a researcher who was once in his prime suddenly put on a hat."

"I asked him what was the matter, and he said it was too troublesome to comb and wash his hair every day, so he simply shaved his hair."

When Shen Lin said this, he said in a low mood: "It was only later that I realized that the reason why he shaved his head was because he was doing research, and his hair kept falling out..."

"But please rest assured that after his hair is shaved, he seems to be more handsome and stronger!"

"Our rice shell, in the next time, will devote more resources to research and development, so that our products will be richer and more convenient for our lives!"

Shen Lin's words aroused another burst of applause.

Xiaofen took Mi Yuan's hand and said, "Auntie, is what Chairman Shen said true?"

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "It should be true, but this guy has learned to be sensational."

Mi Yuan's father said with emotion: "It's good to be able to invest more funds in scientific research. I'll buy a Walkman later."

"If you want to listen to the opera, the radio at home is enough!" Mi Yuan's mother unceremoniously interrupted the old man's dream.

At this moment, Shen Lin clapped his hands and said: "Next, we will introduce the second product of our Mi Ke..."

With Shen Lin's clapping, a sky-blue object that looked like a long strip was brought up and handed to Shen Lin.

This long strip looks like a stick, but the audience present understands that it is not a stick. "Everyone, you must be curious, what am I holding? Then I can tell you now, what I am holding is a desk lamp!"

While speaking, Shen Lin spread the stick-like strip, and suddenly a desk lamp appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Not to mention the exquisite workmanship of the desk lamp, and when the desk lamp is set up, it can also be placed in various shapes.

"We can't do without desk lamps in our daily life, but many people are a little distressed about the brightness of desk lamps."

"After all, sometimes we need the desk lamp to be brighter, and sometimes we need the desk lamp to be darker."

"Now, the desk lamp we are going to launch is the latest LED energy-saving desk lamp produced by MiKe. It has seven brightness levels."

While Shen Lin was speaking, he switched on the power for the lamp, and then said to the staff, "Now, I need a little darkness around me..."

There was no surprise in the display of the desk lamp, that is, within 3 minutes, Shen Lin showed the seven brightness levels of the desk lamp.

These seven brightness levels are well suited to various needs in people's lives.

Xiaofen didn't pay much attention to this beautiful table lamp. Her attention was still on the Walkman that my aunt promised to buy her.

I have that cherry blossom pink Walkman, I believe many students will be envious.

Just when the little girl was dreaming, her mother suddenly said: "This lamp is good, I think I can buy one for Xiaofen."

"In this way, when she is studying, she won't hurt her eyesight!"

"Oh, 49 yuan, you can buy one, but it's a little expensive." Speaking of this, she said to her daughter: "Why don't you buy your Walkman, just buy this desk lamp."

Of course Xiaofen is unwilling, she has been looking forward to the Walkman for a long time.

Just when she pouted and expressed her dissatisfaction with her mother, Mi Yuan smiled and said, "Sister, I will buy the Walkman, and you can buy her the desk lamp yourself."

While speaking, he blinked at Xiaofen.

Xiaofen snorted, and her eyes fell on the TV screen again, on the desk lamp that Shen Lin was holding.

The table lamp, which I thought was particularly beautiful just now, suddenly became less fragrant.

Of course, Chairman Shen holding a desk lamp on the TV screen is still so handsome.

One, two, three...

Within half an hour, Shen Lin introduced nine new products of Mi Ke one after another, almost each of which resonated with many people.

For example, Mi Yuan's sister was not interested in the press conference at the beginning, but gradually, she took it more seriously than everyone else.

"Dad, Mi Ke's razor is good, I'll buy you one, it's so convenient."

"Also, the rice cooker of the third generation of rice shell can cook soup. I think our family can buy one."

Xiaofen listened to her mother's words, she was worried that if her mother liked too many things, her Walkman would be ruined!

"Thank you for your company for half an hour. This spring conference is coming to an end. Here, let us grandly present our finale product of this conference."

On the TV screen, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Our rice shell's refrigerator."

Accompanied by Shen Lin's words, a clean white refrigerator was gently pushed up.

(End of this chapter)

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