Chapter 1035 Make a show, baby
When Mi Yuan saw Shen Lin wearing a jacket and sneakers on stage, her first feeling was to laugh.

But at the same time as she wanted to laugh, she felt a rush of heartache.

This is the real him.

"Is this Shen Lin? This kid is really messing around. How could he be on stage wearing sneakers?"

Mi Yuan's father looked at Shen Lin who was wearing a pair of sneakers on the stage, and said with reproach in his words: "It's a bit inappropriate for such a solemn occasion!"

Mi Yuan wanted to defend Shen Lin, but didn't know what to say.But Xiaofen who was sitting next to him said: "Grandpa, who said you must be serious on stage."

"I think Chairman Shen is very good, kind, natural, and approachable."

Hearing that her niece used two idioms at once, and they were both good idioms, Mi Yuan felt joy in her heart, and decided to go out today to help her niece buy a nice dress.

Being refuted by his niece, Lao Mi had nothing to say. He pointed to the TV and said, "Watch TV."

At this moment, a staff member quickly delivered an exquisite square box to Shen Lin.

"The round sky and the earth have always been respected by us. Although Mishell Electronics wants to use technology to facilitate everyone's life, we also respect traditional culture."

"Guess, everyone, what is the first product I bring to you?"

Looking at the box held by Shen Lin like a gift box.Mi Yuan's head grew dizzy for a while, she really didn't know what was in it?
"Auntie, tell me what's in it, isn't it Big Brother?"

Xiaofen was very willing to communicate with her aunt Mi Yuan, and at this moment she asked Mi Yuan with curiosity on her face.

Big brother, children still know this.

Mi Yuan touched her niece's head and said, "Although Mi Ke Electronics is very powerful, I don't think they have produced a mobile phone yet."

While Mi Yuan was talking, Shen Lin had already opened the box, and Shen Lin took out a sky blue Walkman that looked very thin.

"This is what we are going to launch today, the third-generation Mishell Walkman, I like to call it the Mishell 3, this Walkman, we use a brushed panel, and there are..."

Shen Lin spoke out several new functions of the Walkman in one breath, and following Shen Lin's words, he saw various content introductions began to be projected on the screen behind him.

"Oh, auntie, it's so light!"

"Auntie, this brushed plane is really beautiful!"

"Super power saving, and can also be charged!"

Sitting beside Mi Yuan, Xiaofen's voice was full of surprise.

For little ones, they love pretty things.Walkmans are what they long for, not to mention that the Mishell 3 is so beautiful this time.

"It supports charging, so you don't need to buy batteries in the future?" Mi Yuan's mother asked in disbelief.

"Mom, I just don't need to buy batteries." Mi Yuan smiled and said, "I have dealt with Mi Ke, and I know that they have a laboratory dedicated to the research of rechargeable batteries."

"It has long been heard that they have achieved good results, and now it seems that this should be one of their research results."

"Having said so much, now let's test the sound effect of this Walkman. After all, most people buy Walkmans for listening to music."

While Shen Lin was speaking, he took a tape from the service staff, put it in the Walkman, and lightly pressed the start button...

"Sweetie, you live sweetly, like flowers blooming in the spring breeze..."

The beautiful melody was transmitted to everyone's ears through the TV.

"Auntie, I like this Walkman, you must buy one for me!" Xiaofen grabbed Mi Yuan's hand full of prayers.

"Okay, okay, I'll buy it for you." Mi Yuan doted on her niece's forehead and said with a smile. "I want this sky blue color. It's a beautiful color." Xiaofen said excitedly.

Mi Yuan didn't say a word, but looked at the screen quietly, holding the Walkman, looking like Shen Lin listening to the music leisurely.

Half a minute later, Shen Lin turned off the Walkman with a click.

"I believe everyone hasn't heard enough of this nice song, and neither have I, but it's our Mi Ke's spring product launch."

"If I take everyone to listen to the song, I really feel sorry for the staff of our Mi Ke who worked hard in research and production."

"So, let's get down to business and continue the topic we just talked about."

Shen Lin said casually: "We have designed a total of three models of the Mishell 3 Walkman to meet the needs of different users."

"Look at the big screen."

Following Shen Lin's words, Walkmans of three different colors appeared on the big screen.

Pink, Sky Blue and Pure Black.

"The one I'm holding in my hand is sky blue, and this pink Walkman is cherry blossom pink. As for this black Walkman, it's called Obsidian Black!"

Mi Yuan's home has a big color TV, so through the screen of the TV, you can see the difference between the three color Walkmans.

Xiaofen looked at the three different Walkmans, her face full of confusion.

"Auntie, I thought I liked sky blue, but now, I think I like cherry blossom pink better."

"I want this one."

Before Mi Yuan could speak, Mi Yuan, who was coming over to get an apple, stared and said, "I don't want to study hard, I just want to play every day."

"This Walkman is not cheap at first glance. You can earn money to buy it later."

While Sister Mi Yuan was speaking, Shen Lin was already holding the sky-blue Walkman and said: "I just introduced so much to you, I believe that audiences who like this Walkman are already moved."

"There must be audiences who want to say that such a technology-filled Walkman is definitely not cheap. What I want to tell you is that the goal of our Mishell is to use technology to make everyone's life more comfortable. "

"So, the price of our Walkman is..."

Having said that, Shen Lin paused and said, "After talking so much, I'm a little thirsty, so drink some water first."

While speaking, Shen Lin grabbed ice dew purified water and drank a couple of sips.

Drink water at the press conference, and still drink water in front of so many people.

Such scenes made Mi Yuan's family watching the press conference feel incredible.

"Isn't this Shen Lin a bit too flamboyant?" Mi Yuan's eldest brother-in-law helped her eyes and asked.

"I don't want to make a fuss. She is relaxed and confident." Mi Yuan's eldest sister looked at Shen Lin with admiration and said, "I think this is very good."

Faced with his wife's words, Mi Yuan's elder brother-in-law could only keep his mouth shut.

"I'm really anxious, hurry up and tell me the price!" Xiaofen, who felt that her Walkman was about to run away, complained.

Just as she was talking, she heard Shen Lin say: "The price of this Walkman is... show yourself, baby!"

As soon as the voice fell, a large number appeared on the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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