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Chapter 1034 Every station is a rice shell

Chapter 1034 Every station is a rice shell
Some people watch Mi Ke's spring conference specifically, but there are also people who don't like to watch Mi Ke's spring conference.

Like Shen Debao!
With the news that Mishell Electronics was going to be moved out, Shen Debao and others almost became rats crossing the street in the village.

Although Shen Lin said that he moved away from Mi Ke just because he adjusted the production layout, most people knew the reason in their hearts.

When the Mishell Electronics Branch Factory was in place, it gave them too much convenience. When the Mishell Electronics Factory left, these conveniences disappeared.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.This kind of change is unacceptable.

In the past, during the Chinese New Year, many people would invite friends and friends, and call Shen Debao for a drink.

But now, no one is willing to talk to him anymore, even those who used to have a good relationship no longer associate with him.

Even on the first day of the Lunar New Year, he made several hard dishes at home, and wanted to have a drink with some friends to have a good holiday, but he was rejected by various reasons!

This kind of refusal made Shen Debao very helpless.

Rice shell spring conference!
Looking at the content on the TV screen, Shen Debao's first reaction was to spit at the TV!
What's interesting about Mi Ke, I don't watch it, grandma's, I was forced to stay at home and watch TV, this grandson Mi Ke is still fucking haunted, it makes me angry!Why should I watch Mi Ke's press conference?
It's all rice shells that hurt me!
Shen Debao, who was full of resentment, quickly pressed the player in his hand, wanting to change the channel.

But when he tuned to the city TV station he was familiar with, he found that the content was also Mi Ke's spring press conference.

Along with the sound of technology changing life, he even saw a huge rice shell logo.

Change channel!Change channel!
This time, the TV screen showed a TV series that had been watched several times.

In the past, he would have disdained to watch such programs, but now, since he couldn't find other programs, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and watch.

Just when Shen Debao finally calmed down, the TV screen turned, and amidst bursts of applause, a man in a jacket and sneakers walked onto the stage.

Shen Debao's TV is black and white.

But even so, Shen Debao still recognized Shen Lin.

He didn't say anything to Shen Lin, but he also saw Shen Lin from a distance when he returned to his hometown.

When he saw Shen Lin getting out of the car, he actually had a thought in his heart that a man should be like this.

However, this idea is ultimately just an idea.

"Dear viewers, fans who support Mi Ke, I am Shen Lin, thank you for your continued support for Mi Ke."

Shen Lin didn't hold a microphone in his hand. He was wearing earphones, and he walked up at this moment, looking extremely relaxed.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

There was thunderous applause from the audience.Although the TV is black and white, the faces of the audience can still be seen clearly.

Shen Debao felt that the applause of these people was really sincere.

But that was precisely what he disliked the most.

To applaud Shen Lin sincerely is really hateful!

Change channel, I want to change channel!


The rotary knob of the TV made Shen Debao rotate it twice, but the four or five TV stations that he could receive at home were all broadcasting Mi Ke's spring conference.

Such a situation made Shen Debao feel crazy.

"Debao, what are you doing? Don't talk about looking for a show to watch, just dial the channel there?" Shen Debao's father walked in and asked Shen Debao angrily.

Although Shen Debao's father is not like his own son, he is like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats him.

But Father Shen's life was also difficult.Apart from anything else, after the Chinese New Year in rural areas, a new son-in-law will basically come to recognize the bride. Whether it is a man or a woman, they will find some highly respected people from the village to help them recognize the bride.

In the past, Debao's father was the object that people rushed to find, but now, basically no one came to find Shen Debao's father.

These things of being neglected are well known to each other, so although Shen Debao's father is full of anger in his heart, he can't vent it.

In front of outsiders, he could not speak, but in front of his own son, he would not hide anything.

To Shen Debao, this passage didn't give him a good face!
"Dad, there's no good programs. They're all Mi Ke's spring product launches. I'm so annoying." Shen Debao knew that his father didn't want to see him, so he hurriedly said honestly.

Shen Debao's father was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then you can watch it on another channel!"

"Stupid or not, there are so many TV stations, do you have to watch Mi Ke?"

"No, it's every channel. It's all about the rice shell spring product launch conference, and it's all about Shen Lin." Shen Debao was a little aggrieved: "Do you think I'm willing to mess with this TV? In fact, it's the same on every channel... ..."

Shen Debao's father glared at Shen Debao and said, "It's all Mi Ke's programs, so why don't you turn off the TV, you're wasting electricity here!"


Under the threat of his father, and because he really didn't want to watch it, Shen Debao directly turned off the TV.

Although Shen Debao was forced to stop watching TV, there were still a lot of people watching Mi Ke's spring conference.

For example in Shen's house.

Shen Xingye and his family gathered in the living room. Although the living room was big enough, it was a bit crowded.

"Dad, look at Shen Lin, he didn't know how to be serious, he came on stage wearing a jacket, and he was wearing sneakers, tsk tsk, he didn't know how to get a pair of leather shoes!"

Shen Hong, who was eating melon seeds, was watching Shen Lin on TV with great interest, while muttering to Shen Xingye.

Shen Xingye was looking forward to his son's appearance on TV, but Shen Lin's appearance made him frown.

Why not wear a suit?If it doesn't work, it's okay to wear a Chinese tunic suit.

This dress is too casual...

Lu Xiaorong was also eating melon seeds. Hearing Shen Hong's words, he smiled and said, "Sister, Shen Lin told me that the reason why he dressed like this was to..."

"For the persona he has positioned himself for."

In terms of personality, Shen Hong is a teacher, and she is very clear about the meaning of these two words, but she feels extremely strange when the two words are applied to her younger brother.

Shen Lin's character design.

Chu Feng was also eating melon seeds, but he was more chatting with Xu Bingyi, looking at Shen Lin who was on the stage, he smiled and said to Xu Bingyi: "I think Shen Lin is quite pleasing to the eye. "

Xu Bingyi smiled and said, "I think it's not bad."

While the two of them were talking, Shen Lin had already said, "The purpose of our Mi Ke is to use technology to change life."

"Use the development of science and technology to make everyone's life more colorful."

"I was very nervous about coming out to host this spring conference, but after I saw the products to be released that my colleagues provided me, I felt confident."

"Because I am full of confidence in our Mishell products."

"Now, I am proud to introduce the first product of this spring conference!"

(End of this chapter)

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