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Chapter 1033 It Came in Anticipation

Chapter 1033 It Came in Anticipation

Editing, editing, final review...

Although after Liang Jialuo's arrival, many people from Mishell Electronics also came to Beijing, but Shen Lin still needed to coordinate many things in person.

When Shen Lin came to Beijing, he also had to meet some old friends, and even visit some old relationships. All of these added up to make Shen Lin's life extremely busy.

However, in the midst of this busy schedule, the sixth day of the Lunar New Year is coming soon.

Although Shen Lin already knew the content of the TV conference, but at this time Shen Linwo was watching TV at home, not paying attention.

Not only Shen Lin, Cheng Zi and Liang Jialuo also sat in the living room, turned on the color TV, and waited quietly.

Shen Lin is full of confidence in this TV conference, so although he wants to see the actual effect at this time to commemorate Mi Ke's first online conference, he is not nervous.

But Liang Jialuo and Cheng Zi were extremely nervous.

"Ding ding ding..."

The phone rang, Shen Lin picked up the phone, and the voice of Xiao Guoke came from inside: "I am Mi Ke, please let my father answer the phone."

Shen Lin's heart almost melted when he heard the sound of his baby son's milky voice, and he immediately smiled affectionately and said, "Oh baby, I'm daddy, do you miss daddy at home?"

"Think about it!" Xiaomi Ke shouted excitedly: "Dad, Dad, when are you going home?"

"Father is still a few days away. I'm going to go shopping at the mall tomorrow. What gift do you want, son?" Shen Lin asked dotingly.

"I...I want a car that whines when it runs!" Little Guoke said, "Two days ago, I saw a kid who had a car."

"Okay, okay, how about Dad buying you a big car?" Shen Lin asked patiently, "Baby, what are you doing now?"

"My mother, my grandparents, and I are watching TV." Xiao Guoke said clearly: "Mom said, Dad will be on TV today. I miss Dad! I'm sweating!"

Listening to his son's acting like a baby, Shen Lin felt warm in his heart. He smiled and said: "Today, the baby is watching Dad on TV. Watch TV, isn't Dad very brave?"

After chatting with his son for more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaorong answered the phone. Lu Xiaorong told Shen Lin that not only her, but all the residents of Mike Garden were waiting for the spring conference .

After all, the residents of the entire Rice Shell Garden are basically the high-level executives of the Rice Shell Electronics and Rice Shell Electric Mall.

Whether Mi Ke can develop rapidly is closely related to them. If Mi Ke develops well, their life will be better.

And once there is a problem with the rice shell, it will also affect them.

"It's okay, this press conference should be very successful." Shen Lin said to Lu Xiaorong with a smile.

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said: "Don't you see who my husband is, I am still very confident in my vision, so I am the least nervous in our family."

"Our dad has asked several times, why hasn't it started yet?"

After hanging up the phone, Shen Lin's mood improved a lot. He knew very well that there are really many people waiting for Mi Ke's spring conference.

In the Mishell flagship store in the East China Sea, not only the TV area, but also a set of TVs have been tuned in, and there is a TV on each floor, waiting to broadcast the start of Mishell's spring product launch.

The waiter, the person in charge of the floor, and the manager are all waiting silently.

This spring conference is very important to Mi Ke, so their hearts are full of anticipation and apprehension.

What kind of new products can Mishell Electronics produce?
Not only those who work at MiKe are watching TV, but in fact many people in Dongzhou who are related to Shen Lin are also waiting for MiKe's spring press conference.For example, Li Qingbo, those cooperative manufacturers, such as Fang Boyuan...

At Mi Yuan's home, a TV series is playing, and the family members are talking and watching TV, it can be said that they are having a good time.

When it comes to TV, Mi Yuan usually doesn’t try to grab it. Most of the time, she chooses what other people watch, and she just takes a few glances.

But this time, she looked at the time and said to her parents: "Dad, Mom, there is a very good product launch event today, I want to see it."

"That's half an hour. After half an hour, I'll return the TV to you right away."

Looking at Mi Yuan who was full of anticipation, Mi Yuan's father smiled and said, "Okay, let's see, what product launches are there on TV?"

Mi Yuan smiled and said, "Because it's the first time, I'm going to take a look."

"Auntie, are you talking about the spring conference of Miko Electronics? I also want to see it, but I am afraid that my grandpa and grandma will not agree, so I didn't say it."

The ten-year-old niece said very well-behaved: "I heard that Mr. Shen, Mi Ke's director, will appear in person to introduce his new products."

"I just don't know what Chairman Shen looks like, handsome or not."

Looking at her niece, Mi Yuan smiled and said, "Xiaofen, do you know about Mi Ke?"

"Why don't you know? My biggest dream is to have a Mi Ke Walkman. What's more, we have a lot of Mi Ke products at home."

Speaking of which, she pointed to the water dispenser and said, "Grandpa, the water dispenser you use is from Mi Ke, and the range hood at home is also produced by Mi Ke Electronics."

"Also, the lights at home seem to be LED energy-saving lamps."

Mi Yuan's father didn't expect that so many of the electrical appliances in his home were made of rice shells. He looked at the logo of rice shells and said, "Oh, I thought your aunt bought them from big foreign brands. !"

"Grandpa, you don't care about the things at home." Xiaofen said up to this point, took Mi Yuan's hand and said, "Auntie, if Mi Ke has a new Walkman, can you buy me one?"

Mi Yuan patted her niece on the head and said, "Okay, this time there is a new product, I will definitely get one for you."

"I'm busy talking, it's about to start, auntie, change the channel!" Xiaofen glanced at the wall clock and said loudly.

Mi Yuan immediately picked up the remote control of the color TV, and quickly switched to a set of programs on the TV.

Sitting on the sofa, Mi Yuan's eyes were full of anticipation.

Although she knew that this was a recording, her heart was still pounding.

Director Xie was also watching the spring conference, although he knew very well that once Mi Ke's spring conference was successful, it would have a big impact on Shangxue Electronics Factory.

After all, both sides are now working hard on the refrigerator.

"In the spring conference, Shen Lin's focus should be on the refrigerator, but it's a bit too complacent to develop a conference with only one refrigerator!"

Just as Director Xie was thinking about what other products Mishell Electronics had, the TV screen suddenly changed.

A huge rice shell logo instantly appeared on the TV screen.

And at this moment, a voice full of mellow and affectionate voice also sounded on the TV: "Mi Ke, use technology to change life!"

(End of this chapter)

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