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Chapter 1032 Going to work makes me happy

Chapter 1032 Going to work makes me happy
A deposit of 100 million on behalf of the province!

Zhong Tianyang was taken aback, this is a heavy 100 million, not 100 yuan.

Although the wages of workers have been increasing, 100 million is still a frightening number for many people.

And more than 30 provincial representatives, basically more than 3000 million!

The product has not been sold yet, and 3000 million funds are withdrawn directly, which is a bit too crazy.

Although Zhong Qing had discussed this issue with Shen Lin, when it came to the 100 million deposit, she was a little uncertain.

"Shen Lin, do you think people will be willing to pay this money?"

After hearing Zhong Qing's question, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Sister, don't worry, Binglu's name has already been issued."

"Do you know why there are so many people calling you? That is because they have already sensed a business opportunity and realized that this is a business that can make a lot of money."

"You, just keep your heart in your stomach and wait for someone to send money."

"Of course, if someone says, I won't waste this money, then you don't have to be angry with him, just let him go."

Listening to Shen Lin's eloquent talk, Chen Juan said: "Shen Lin, I also think that this industry can make money."

"But, is anyone really willing to spend so much money as an agent now?"

"Sister, there are more rich people than we imagined. As for the 100 million as a deposit for the provincial representative, this price is the bottom limit and cannot be lowered."

"If it is lower, I will be a little sorry for the provincial signboard."

Shen Lin said with a smile, "What's more, they have their own way to go!"

Speaking of the way, Shen Lin smiled even more.

After pondering for a moment, Zhong Tianyang understood what the path Shen Lin was talking about, and said with a smile: "Yes, they can also be divided into regions."

"It's just that in this way, the sales of ice dew will be subject to agents in some respects."

Shen Lin nodded and said, "It is essential for Binglu to open up the market as quickly as possible."

"After all, we are too slow to lay out sales channels by ourselves."

"When the effect of our advertising passes, or when other manufacturers appear, then we will fall into a new bitter battle."

Zhong Qing looked at Shen Lin who was talking eloquently, a strangeness flashed in her eyes.She felt that Shen Lin's words gave her great confidence.

She even felt that with Shen Lin around, she could fight forward without any scruples in whatever she was asked to do.

Just when Zhong Qing's mind was a little wandering, Shen Lin said: "There is no way to deal with these."

"We can win the sales rights in Jingli, Donghai, and our province by ourselves."

"In this way, even if there are problems in some provinces in the future, we can still have our own sales base."

"As long as this basic disk exists, those provinces will not be able to change the sky."

Zhong Tianyang pondered for a moment, then his eyes fell on Chen Juan and said: "This is a good way."

"Yes, I also think it makes sense." Chen Juan agreed.

Because everyone has something to do, Shen Lin and Zhong Tianyang just had a few drinks. When Shen Lin was about to leave, Chen Juan said with a smile: "Shen Lin, Liang Jialuo asked me to tell you that she is going here Hurry up."

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment and said, "Didn't I say, let her go to work after the fifteenth day?"

"This secretary is very dedicated. She feels that you, a big boss, have made such a big noise, and she doesn't feel at ease if she doesn't come over."

There was a hint of ridicule in Chen Juan's words.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "Let her go. After this period, I am going to let her go to Sister Zhong to help." "She has learned well, and it is time to put what she has learned to use."

Zhong Tianyang looked at Shen Lin's firm expression, and subconsciously nodded.In fact, he had already sensed that Liang Jialuo's mood was a bit wrong, but he didn't want to expose this kind of thing.

Unexpectedly, Shen Lin was so determined.

For a moment, in his heart, he felt a little more admiration for Shen Lin.

Chen Juan said: "This is just right, Zhong Qing's busy feet don't touch the ground, and she really needs a capable family member to help."

Zhong Qing didn't speak, but in her heart, she welcomed Liang Jialuo's arrival very much.

After all, Liang Jialuo was capable, and she didn't want Liang Jialuo to be a secretary by Shen Lin's side all the time.

After finalizing everything, Shen Lin returned to his courtyard.

Although he basically doesn't live in this yard, because someone will clean it regularly, the whole yard still looks very tidy.

Shen Lin's courtyard house has been remodeled, not only retaining the charm of the past, but also the water, electricity and heating have been re-laid, so it is very comfortable to live in.

It's a pity that Shen Lin only brought Cheng Zi here this time, so the huge courtyard seemed a little cold.

Fortunately, on the second day after entering Beijing, the filming of the press conference officially started.

Before the arrival, all the work was prepared in advance, and what Shen Lin had to do was to go on stage and shoot.

Because it's not a TV series, let alone a program, Shen Lin's shooting is basically a one-shot.

Of course, in this, some shots were also cropped.

All in all, it only took an hour.

As soon as the sample filming was finished, Shen Lin saw Liang Jialuo who had come here in a hurry.

"Didn't I ask Zhong Qing to call you and say that you don't need to come over?" Shen Lin looked at Liang Jialuo and asked immediately.

Liang Jialuo said: "Staying at home is also boring. Apart from eating, I just watch TV. I'm so bored. I might as well go to work with you. Going to work makes me happy."

Having said that, Liang Jialuo looked at the casual Shen Lin and asked, "When will the filming start, and what do I need to do?"

Let me be honest, Liang Jialuo himself is a very good assistant besides his temper.No matter how big or small, he can take care of Shen Lin properly.

If it wasn't for Shen Lin who felt that it was not suitable for two people to work together, he would be really reluctant to release an assistant like Liang Jialuo.

"The filming is over, all you have to do is to find a place to take a good rest." Shen Lin said here: "Brother Zhong has a lot of rooms at home, I think you should join him today."

"Sister Zhong is here, you two can have a good discussion about the dealership when you are together."

Liang Jialuo was dumbfounded, she looked at Shen Lin in a daze and said, "It's over? Didn't we just start filming today?"

"Yeah, I'm holding a new product launch event, and I'm not doing other things. I'm shooting for a day today, mainly to make up shots." Shen Lin smiled and spread his hands and said: "As for the content of the press conference, it has been discussed and passed the review a long time ago. Yes, do you think it is necessary to waste time?"

Looking at the smiling Shen Lin, Liang Jialuo didn't know what to say.

She felt that when she came here this time, she must be busy non-stop, helping Shen Lin with various chores and communication.

But I didn't expect that things were so simple.

Come yourself, and then the work is done.

The shocked Liang Jialuo didn't expect that Shen Lin was shooting in his current casual clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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