Chapter 1040 Headache Rice Shell

Shen Lin basically didn't need to worry about the preparations for the Ice Dew Dealer Conference.

After all, the person in charge of this ice dew is Zhong Qing.

Although Zhong Qing still has flaws in some aspects, it is undeniable that Zhong Qing's own abilities are still very good.

What's more, Liang Jialuo, who was in a state of excitement because he became the host, had already participated in it with a duty.

There were two people tossing about, and Shen Lin felt that he only needed to show his face in this dealer meeting.

It's just that, for Liang Jialuo to host this dealer meeting, he still feels somewhat unfavorable.

It's not because Liang Jialuo is not capable, but Liang Jialuo is still at the stage of talking on paper and has no actual combat experience.

These few days, Shen Lin has lost the leisure he had before. Apart from the many phone calls he receives every day, there are still many things that need to be handled by him personally.

For example, the shipment of rice shells, the preparation of a new factory for rice shells, and which factory Mishell wants to contract...

Although Cheng Zhenyuan and others were watching over these issues, most of the time, he, the person in charge, was the one to decide.

Besides these, he still wanted to pay a visit to some former acquaintances.Of course, Shen Lin also received many unsolicited invitations.

Among these invitations, the most are those who invite interviews!

Regarding the interviews, Shen Lin's attitude was basically procrastinating as long as he could.

However, among these invitations, there are some interviews that Shen Lin is very tempted, such as going to a famous university to give a speech.

And while Shen Lin was busy waiting for the dealer meeting to start, at Shangxue Electronics Factory, Director Xie was entertaining a few low-key guests.

These few guests, at most, brought an entourage, and came to Shangxue Electronics Factory with ease.

If you don't look carefully, there is no difference from ordinary manufacturers who come to Shangxue Electronics Factory to discuss business.

However, anyone who has been in the business field for many years will find that they are all in charge of the refrigerator factory in the surrounding area.

"Everyone, I have already told you the purpose of inviting you this time, so I won't say more."

As a landlord, Factory Manager Xie was the first to speak. Although the current Factory Manager Xie had carefully dressed up beforehand, he couldn't hide his dark circles at all.

Obviously, Director Xie is very busy these days.

Those factory directors who were invited by him also felt deeply about the situation of Director Xie. In fact, they also didn't sleep well these days.

Because they also feel deeply threatened.

"I just want to ask everyone, what do we do now?"

As soon as Director Xie finished speaking, his eyes fell on a fat man in his 40s beside him, and he said in a deep voice, "Director Bai, don't you have something to say to everyone?"

The one called Director Bai by Director Xie was the director of a refrigerator factory thousands of miles away from Shangxue Electronics Factory.

Although the main sales area of ​​their factory's products is not in Dongzhou, they also feel deeply threatened.

Bai Jiayou stood up and said, "I asked someone to do a market survey."

"It's mainly refrigerators. After the spring product launch conference of Mishell Electronics Factory, our sales volume dropped rapidly. Although it didn't fall in a straight line, the trend was very obvious."

"Especially on the second day of Mishell's spring product launch, our shipments dropped by 50.00% year-on-year."

"Everyone, do you understand what this number represents?"

"Also, although we don't have a rice shell appliance store there, dealers do, but it's not too conspicuous."

"But now, there are people queuing up every day at dealers' stores." "As far as I know, on the second day after MiKe launched the reservation system, there were thousands of people who reserved refrigerators."

As soon as Factory Manager Bai uttered this number, the expressions of all the people present were extremely gloomy.

Although Director Xie knew the news before, but at this moment, his expression was still not very good-looking.

After all, such news really makes people feel like singing and dancing.

"If this continues, our products will not have any competitiveness!"

A man with a withered face and wrinkled forehead sighed repeatedly.

No one responded to him, because his worries were likely to become reality.

"Director Xie, what do you think we should do?" Director Bai looked at Director Xie when he saw that everyone was silent.

After all, Director Xie is the convener of this time.

If Factory Manager Xie has no countermeasures and calls everyone over, it will be meaningless.

"Everyone, I have seen the release of the new refrigerator of Mishell Electric Electronics from beginning to end. To be honest, our technology is no match for Mishell!"

Director Xie coughed and said, "Whether it's the Walkman, their LED energy-saving lamps, or their other products, they are basically all eye-catching."

"I believe that many of their products will have a strong impact on their peers."

"And their spring conference has had a very far-reaching impact."

"It is very difficult for us to eliminate this influence."

Director Xie's words aroused the dissatisfaction of the skinny factory manager: "Old Xie, stop talking nonsense here."

"We have traveled thousands of miles, and the year is not over, so we rushed here in a hurry, not to hear what you said."

"If you don't have an idea, I think we'd better break up and go home."

Director Xie was not angry at such a rude interruption, he smiled and said, "Director Chen, don't worry, I'm just telling some facts first."

"Actually, I have also thought about it a lot, the most important of which are the two paths."

Hearing Director Xie say two ways, Director Bai and the others all became serious.

For them, they didn't think of one way now, but the factory manager Xie actually thought of two ways, which rekindled the light of hope in their ashen-hearted eyes.

"Xie the factory manager, what is the road, don't hide it, everyone here is my family, tell me and listen."

"As long as it is something we think can work, we will definitely support you, old Xie."

Hearing this, Director Xie smiled and said, "They're all from my own family, and I won't be fooling around anymore. I think our first and most normal way is to follow Mi Ke's design."

"Although the improvement of rice shells on refrigerators is not small, we buy one, disassemble it, and then our own technicians, according to the specific conditions of each factory, can still make a refrigerator similar in appearance to rice shells."

When Director Xie said this, he coughed and said, "In this way, we have the ability to compete with Mi Ke."

"It won't be like it is now, without any power to fight back."

Director Xie's words caused everyone present to ponder for a while.

In the end, it was the director Bai who said, "Director Xie, I have also thought about your method, but it also means that we will never be able to compete with rice shells."

(End of this chapter)

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