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Chapter 1041 Advantages Are Also Disadvantages

Chapter 1041 Advantages Are Also Disadvantages

"Old Xie, I thought you had some great tricks, so it turned out to be like this!" A colleague who was not quite right with Director Xie sneered and said unceremoniously.

"Your first path, I believe everyone here has already thought about it."

Director Xie was not angry about such ridicule, he smiled and said to Director Bai: "I know, everyone has thought about this matter."

"But I think this is the most suitable path."

The skinny factory manager Chen said: "Okay, thank you, factory manager, please hurry up and talk about your other road, this road is too time-consuming."

"Okay, then I'll talk about my other idea." Director Xie didn't feel embarrassed when his speech was interrupted, and said with a smile: "My other way, and this first way, are actually Complement each other."

"What did you see about the refrigerators produced by the Rice Shell Electronics Factory this time?"

Director Xie's words caused several directors present to ponder for a moment.

They are all practitioners in the refrigerator industry, and they all know very well about refrigerators.At this time, Director Xie's words made them feel that Director Xie would never say this for no reason.

There must be some mystery here.

"Mr. Xie, Mi Ke's refrigerator is designed to be big enough to hold enough things."

Bai Jiayou pinched his chin and said, "This function alone already makes it difficult for us to deal with them!"

"Yeah, who wouldn't want to buy the most affordable one when buying things now? The refrigerator of Mike Electronics can store more things than ours. The most important thing is that this guy has reduced the price to the limit. In terms of comparison, it is much higher than us. After all, it will be a fierce battle after all!"

The person who ridiculed Director Xie didn't have the heart to tangle with Director Xie at this time, and told the truth.

Director Xie said: "This is the advantage of rice shells, but it can also become a disadvantage."

Speaking of this, he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, you don't know that the bigger the refrigerator, the more energy it will generate, right?"

As soon as these words were uttered, the eyes of Director Bai and the others immediately lit up.

They stared at Director Xie one by one, as if Director Xie in front of them had become a favorite.

"Director Xie, have you tried it?" Director Bai asked tentatively in his words.

"That's not true." Director Xie waved his hand and said, "We haven't ordered a new rice-shell refrigerator yet."

The director, who was at odds with director Xie, couldn't help but sneered at this moment: "Then how do you know that the rice shell's refrigerator consumes a lot of energy?"

Director Xie did not say a word, but looked at the other directors with his eyes.

Director Bai smiled and said, "I already understand what Xie is thinking. I think we should find someone to spread the knowledge about refrigerators."

Speaking of this, he said in a deep voice: "But this cannot be done by us, but there should be experts in this field."

"After all, the words of experts are more convincing."

Director Xie glanced at Director Bai, feeling a little more apprehensive in his heart.

Didn't this old man already have a plan in his heart?But he just didn't say anything, just waiting for himself to speak.

After all, there is no way to verify this idea. If it is confirmed, it’s okay to say; if it’s just wishful thinking, it’s probably very embarrassing!

Director Bai is a guy with deep plans.Thinking of this, Director Xie couldn't help showing a little more disgust towards Director Bai.

Up to now, everyone is a grasshopper tied to a rope. You are so over-the-top and only consider your own interests. Why do you let me fight tigers alone and everyone eat meat?Too shady, too selfish!

The skinny factory manager Chen also said at this time: "The production line of refrigerators has been verified many times."

"Changing the production style of the production line without permission, many times, does not have much benefit to electronic products, especially refrigerators with relatively high requirements."

"I think these should also be explained by experts." The smile on Director Xie's face suddenly brightened, and he said with a smile: "I know that one person can calculate the shortcomings, and two people can calculate the shortcomings."

"Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang."

"Look, this is a very difficult and troublesome problem. Everyone gathered here to find a solution. Did you quickly discuss a solution?"

"Hahaha, I think this matter is very feasible."

Director Bai and the others also laughed at this time.The director Bai said: "I think that once in a while, Mi Ke's menacing press conference will be cracked by us."

"Everyone can sit back and relax again."

"Thank you, factory manager, this time, I must offer you a toast."

When Director Bai spoke, some people booed and said, "Yes, Director Xie came up with such a good idea. It's really hard work. We should also give our thanks to the director."

"Hahaha, everyone, when you come to our factory, we will contract all the food, drink and play. Don't worry, I will let everyone eat and drink well."

Amid Director Xie's laughter, a promise has been silently reached.

Shen Lin didn't know about these things, he was still methodical, carrying out his own affairs in Beijing according to his own arrangement.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was time to hold the Ice Dew Pure Water Dealer Conference.

Although the preparations for this conference were a bit hasty, the close cooperation of Zhong Qing and Liang Jialuo still made the preparations for this conference impressive.

Not to mention anything else, but just talking about the venue where the meeting was held, it was magnificent and very classy.In fact, it was a meeting room of a large company, and it was lent by Zhong Qing through some unknown means.

The dealer meeting started at 09:30 in the morning, and Shen Lin arrived outside the meeting room on time just after nine o'clock.

When he came, Liang Jialuo and Zhong Qing had already arrived.

Liang Jialuo was wearing a tight-fitting small suit, which looked crisp and sharp, giving off a shrewd and capable feeling.

Shen Lin felt that Liang Jialuo's attire, if placed in later generations, would be a proper female white-collar worker in an office building.

When he saw Shen Lin coming slowly, Liang Jialuo couldn't help but said: "Mr. Shen, don't you know that today's day is very important?"

"Don't you know that you came a little earlier? You came here so slowly, and some dealers came earlier than you."

"Now, quite a few dealers have entered the venue."

Looking at Liang Jialuo who was firing at him as soon as he came in, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Liang Jialuo, are you a little too nervous?"

"I came here just to see your performance. Today's protagonists are you and Sister Zhong."

"How about it, do you think you're okay, don't you feel nervous."

Liang Jialuo glared at Shen Lin fiercely. Although she wanted to say that she was not nervous at all, in fact, her palms were already sweating.

After all, it was the first time for her to preside over a meeting of this scale.

Moreover, this dealer conference is a milestone for the development of Binglu and is very important.

Looking at the smiling Shen Lin, Liang Jialuo gritted his teeth. This guy did it on purpose, he made himself nervous on purpose.

"Nervous? Why am I nervous? Those dealers are all native bosses. You think I'm afraid of them."

Liang Jialuo gritted his teeth and said loudly: "What's more, the initiative is in our hands, and they can turn the world upside down!"

Looking at the menacing Liang Jialuo, Shen Lin turned to Zhong Qing and said, "Since Mr. Liang is so confident, then I will wait for the good news!"

(End of this chapter)

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