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Chapter 1042 The Difficult Old Jianghu

Chapter 1042 The Difficult Old Jianghu

The dealer meeting has not yet started, and the meeting room, which is enough for 300 people, is almost full at this time.

Some of these people were carrying canvas bags, some were holding snakeskin bags, and the inside of each bag was bulging.

"Oh, there are quite a lot of people!" A middle-aged man in his 40s, holding a pack of cigarettes in his hand, said to a fat man in his 30s, "Brother, you also want to be Are you a distributor of Ice Dew Purified Water?"

"Yes." The fat white man saw that he was neatly dressed, but his cuffs were stained with oil, and when he smiled, he had two companions with big teeth, so he didn't like it very much.

But if he stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling person, and he offered to pass the cigarette, he couldn't help but pick it up. Maybe we would meet somewhere in the future.

"Oh, do you think the dealer of ice dew purified water can make money?" The middle-aged man in his 40s took out a cigarette and lit himself: "I'm Zhu Xingliu, hahaha, my family is Dong On the other side of Sichuan."

"How about you, man?"

"My surname is Wang, you can call me Old Wang." The fat man didn't want to say more, so when he introduced him, he said perfunctorily: "As for whether you can make money, you can tell."

"Look, there are so many people coming here for the Chinese New Year. If they didn't think this project could make money, who would come here with money."

Zhu Xingliu smiled and said, "Brother, what you said is true, so what do you think, this time the dealer meeting, Binglu's side, how do you plan to choose a dealer?"

The fat white man frowned and said, "I really don't know about this."

"However, I think that Binglu's boss is definitely a powerful person. I heard that the advertisement we saw at the party a few days ago was originally from Mishell Electronics."

"However, the ice dew pure water has a foot in it."

Speaking of this, the fat white man said with emotion: "If you don't have any skills, can this foot get in?"

Zhu Xingliu took a deep puff of the cigarette and said, "Brother, you are so right, you have no strength, and you really can't snatch food from Mi Ke's mouth."

"Shen Lin, the boss of Mi Ke, is a great boss. Hey, it's a pity, I haven't seen it before."

"After this dealer conference, I'm going to go to Dongzhou."

"Not to mention anything else, I want to ask Mr. Shen about our business and what to do next."

Go to Dongzhou and ask Shen Lin for advice.

The white and fat old Wang really didn't expect that this middle-aged man who looked like a farmer would have such an idea.

In fact, after hearing such thoughts, his heart was also shaken.

He felt that although he did not open roads every mountain and build bridges when encountering waters, he had been in the business field for so many years. The speed has slowed down a lot, and he also really wants to find someone to guide him.

While the two were chatting, some more people rushed in, and there were not even enough seats in the back row.

The staff in charge of the conference affairs brought over a dozen stools from somewhere, and made the latecomers sit down.

talking, smoking, coughing...

All kinds of sounds are intertwined, making the entire conference room feel chaotic.

Faced with such a scene, Liang Jialuo only felt that her scalp was a little numb, but she and Shen Lin had already said that this time she wanted to do it herself.

So after a little hesitation, Liang Jialuo strode towards the rostrum.

"Hello everyone, welcome to our Ice Dew Purified Water dealer conference. I am Liang Jialuo, the deputy general manager of Ice Dew Purified Water." As soon as Liang Jialuo came on stage, he directly said the lines he had been preparing for a long time. .

After finishing these lines, Liang Jialuo's heart suddenly became less nervous.

Looking at those eyes gathered in the center of the stage, she suddenly felt that these people were nothing more than that.

She, Liang Jialuo, has a master's degree in business management and has returned from studying abroad. In the mouth of Shen Lin, she is a sea turtle. Is he still afraid of these people?That's ridiculous!
"As everyone's quality of life is getting higher and higher, people are paying more and more attention to a healthy lifestyle."

"I think everyone can see this point just from the popularity of the health care product market."

"However, here, I don't comment on other people's business. What I want to say is the market for our ice dew and purified water."

"The ice dew pure water is purified by 27 layers. It can be said that all the impurities in the water are filtered, and the drinker is given a glass of pure water."

"According to our investigation, we..."

Liang Jialuo was prepared, so when he opened his mouth, he was eloquent.She not only talked about the prospects of the domestic market, but also used some foreign examples as a comparison.

It can be said that Liang Jialuo at this time has a taste of eloquence.

Shen Lin and Zhong Qing sat on the chairs below, watching Liang Jialuo's performance.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Liang Jialuo has prepared well this time. If she is trained properly, she will be a very good general manager."

Zhong Qing smiled and said, "You don't know, Liang Jialuo attaches great importance to this dealer conference."

"As far as I know, this little girl has prepared four or five versions of the manuscript for this speech, and has changed the manuscript several times."

Because of the noise all around, when Zhong Qing was talking to Shen Lin, she subconsciously tilted her head in Shen Lin's direction.

Although I don't know what kind of perfume Zhong Qing is using, but when I smell it in my nose, it is a faint fragrance, which is refreshing.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Then let's wish that Liang Jialuo's appearance this time will be a successful start."

At this moment, Liang Jialuo had already mentioned the dealer's deposit, and while she was talking, a man sitting in the front row who looked strong and strong said, "Mr. Liang, I have a question for you. .”

"Your pure water plant has just been put into operation, so let us put in a deposit of one million yuan. What guarantee do you have that we can make money?"

"That's right, Mr. Liang, how can you guarantee that our dealers won't lose money? After all, it's millions of dollars!"

"Millions of deposits, is this crazy about money?"

Liang Jialuo didn't panic when she heard this question. She smiled and said, "The boss's question is to the point, and it represents the common aspiration of everyone. Why does Binglu charge so much deposit? I think we have the following advantages ..."

"First, the brand of our ice dew has already been sold."

"I believe everyone came here because they saw our advertisement. Although we have just started production, I believe that as long as it is..."

Liang Jialuo said more than half of what he said, and the person who made the comment continued to ask: "Mr. Liang, since you are so confident, why do you have to make a deposit? Why don't you let us earn money and then pay the profits to the company?"

"Could it be that Binglu Company doesn't have much confidence in its own products?"

(End of this chapter)

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