Chapter 1043

In Liang Jialuo's imagination, for this press conference, he should be able to shock the sky as soon as he opened his mouth, and make these people scramble for it, and come up to pay for it.

After all, she has seen too many successful cases of Shen Lin in the past.

But now, the topic of these people suddenly made her feel at a loss.

But Liang Jialuo is Liang Jialuo after all, and she is still mentally prepared for the current problem.

Therefore, at this time, she still said calmly: "Sir, what you said seems to make sense, but the ones we Binglu want to cooperate with are all powerful distributors."

"If you can't even come up with a deposit of 100 million, why should we choose you to be our dealer?"

"We could have had more options."

Having said that, Liang Jialuo glanced at Shen Lin with a hint of confidence in his expression.

The meaningful eyes seemed to tell Shen Lin that I, Liang Jialuo, can also solve such difficult questions.

Shen Lin just nodded his head to Liang Jialuo's small gesture, but didn't say a word.

At this moment, the dealer who was pissed off by Liang Jialuo continued to ask, neither humble nor overbearing: "Mr. Liang, what you said seems to make sense."

"However, as far as I know, the technology of pure water is not that difficult to master."

"We have this 100 million, we can completely build our own brand, why must we sell your ice dew?"

Having said that, he turned around and said, "Do you think so?"

"If everyone thinks it makes sense, then we can all work together to create a brand!"

"Yes, what Lao Wang said is too right, I think it's totally okay."

"A deposit of 100 million is too much, they are not worth it at all to let us pay a deposit of 100 million."

"If you don't cooperate with Binglu, maybe we will do better and earn more. Why not try other opportunities?"

Looking at the messy scene, Liang Jialuo suddenly became a little unsteady. She felt that she had a lot to say at this moment, but at the same time, she felt that what she said at this time seemed to be meaningless.

"Everyone, be quiet first." Liang Jialuo's final rationality made Liang Jialuo hold back the tears that wanted to spin in his eyes.

She knew that at this moment, the most important thing for her was to control the scene, as long as the scene was under control, everything would be fine.

And if the scene can't be controlled, then the venue this time will really collapse.

But Liang Jialuo thought very well in his heart, but some things cannot be realized just by thinking about them.

For example, in the current situation, the more Liang Jialuo asked everyone to be quiet, the more people booed around him.

After all, the purpose of these people is to be able to obtain agency rights without paying a deposit.

After all, a deposit of 100 million is not a small amount.

Shen Lin looked at Liang Jialuo at a loss, walked out of his seat, and strode to the stage.

If in the past, there were not many people who knew Shen Lin, then after the Mishell Electronics spring product launch conference, most of the people present knew who this casually dressed young man was.

So the people who were booing were quiet for a while.

"Everyone who is celebrating the Chinese New Year gathered here because they sincerely want to cooperate with Binglu, not to embarrass me, the secretary." Shen Lin took a microphone and said with a faint smile: "Any cooperation is It's on a voluntary basis. If anyone feels that our conditions are a bit harsh, then what I want to say is that the door is always open, you can just go and don't waste time here."

Shen Lin's voice was not high, but it was loud, and there was a sense of proportion, but it had weight. At this moment, the venue suddenly became silent.

The man who made Liang Jia feel so angry that he was about to cry was also a little at a loss at this time, he felt so embarrassed that he didn't know how to deal with it.

If the person who said this sentence was Liang Jialuo, he would definitely hate him, but the person who said this sentence was Shen Lin, and he couldn't help feeling a little guilty in his heart.

Although those who can be dealers are basically rich, their wealth is also relative.

Compared with Shen Lin, there is still a huge gap between them.

After all, what they are facing now is the chairman of Mi Ke, who can already be called a big boss.

Liang Jialuo looked at Shen Lin who suppressed the scene with a few words, and suddenly understood what Shen Lin meant by saying that you are not good enough.

She reluctantly smiled at Shen Lin, and hid aside wisely.

"What Mr. Liang said just now represents the opinions of our Binglu Company." Seeing that no one was talking around, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Everyone can take it for granted, she represents what I mean."

"Ice Dew Pure Water is now famous, as long as the channels are laid, it can be sold immediately."

"I would like to ask those who want to become provincial distributors without a deposit, what can you do to let me choose you instead of others?"

The faces of those who made a fuss flushed red.

Although they felt that they were a character after all, what Shen Lin said also made it difficult for them to refute.

How can you have someone give you a money-making project for nothing?
"As for you to develop new products yourself, we still welcome such a situation."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "The market for purified water is huge, and it is most normal for someone to join in."

"Our ice dew purified water is not afraid of competition, and we welcome all kinds of new brands to join this competition."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said with a smile: "But please also realize that it also requires a lot of investment to start a brand."

"Okay, I've already said what I need to say. If you want to leave, no one will stop you; if you want to watch the excitement, we also have no objection."

"However, if you want to raise a different opinion, I'm very sorry, we don't have time now, you can make an appointment with our staff alone."

After Shen Lin finished speaking, no one said anything.

Because Shen Lin has already made it very clear that he does not accept the suggestion, if you want to leave, just go.

"Old Wang, aren't you not going to participate? Let's go." A man sitting next to Lao Wang softly said to Lao Wang who took the lead in booing.

The old dynasty glanced at the person who was regarded as a companion, but did not speak, but looked directly at Shen Lin, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Looking at the silence around, Shen Linjiang handed the microphone to Liang Jialuo and said, "You continue to host."

While speaking, Shen Lin stepped off the stage.

Liang Jialuo felt her hands trembling when she took the microphone handed over by Shen Lin. She glanced around and said in a solemn voice: "Everyone, let's introduce our rules now."

"The minimum deposit for our ice dew pure water is 100 million. If there are no competitors, the deposit is 100 million. If two people want to become distributors in the same region, the one with the highest bid will win."

(End of this chapter)

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