Chapter 1045

Liang Jialuo looked at Shen Lin with a serious expression, and his heart twitched suddenly.

It just happened, how could she forget it.

I thought I could hold back the situation, so I agreed to Shen Lin's condition, but in the end, Shen Lin was still required to play.

But from her heart, she didn't want to go to the ice dew by herself.

Although Binglu is very good, and Zhong Qing is very familiar with her, working at Binglu's side, she will soon be able to show her talents.

But these add up, still not very attractive.

She, Liang Jialuo, still hopes to stay in Mi Ke, in her current position.

There is an inappropriate boss who wants to be a secretary, Liang Jialuo, is your head flooded?

Liang Jialuo muttered to herself so much in her heart, but on the surface, she still argued: "I think my performance this time is pretty good."

"I should have over completed the task."

Looking at Liang Jialuo who looked like I was the winner, Shen Lin waved his hands and said, "Okay, don't waste my time here."

"From today onwards, you are Binglu's deputy general manager. As for your other opinions, you can talk to Sister Zhong later."

While Shen Lin was speaking, his eyes fell on Zhong Qing's face and said: "Sister Zhong, Liang Jialuo will leave it to you in the future."

"In the future, if she is disobedient, just come to me."

Zhong Qing giggled and said, "With Jia Luo helping me, I will be much more relaxed in the future."

"To be honest, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to handle it. The ice dew and pure water stall is too big."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Bigness has its benefits. At least, our current funds are still sufficient."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said to Liang Jialuo: "Liang Jialuo, you have to be a good vice president of Binglu, and you have to be a bright spot."

"One is the quality of the product, and the other is the image of the product."

"In the pure water business, in this regard, you must not make mistakes, let alone those low-level mistakes."

Being kicked out by Shen Lin like this, Liang Jialuo was still very wronged in his heart.

This man is really ruthless.

I've been his secretary for so many days, I've been conscientious and conscientious, and I kicked myself out just because of a few words, it's really abominable.

Liang Jialuo thought so in his heart, and his words became more and more cold: "Got it, Chairman Shen."

Shen Lin smiled, for Liang Jialuo's performance, Shen Lin didn't take it seriously at all.

"By the way, Mr. Shen, after I leave, who are you going to use as your secretary? Let me tell you, it's hard to find a secretary like me!" Seeing that Shen Lin didn't respond, Liang Jialuo couldn't help but look at him. Shen Lin said.

Shen Lin glanced at Liang Jialuo, feeling a little bit in his heart.

Although Liang Jialuo has a lot of problems, but there is one thing she said is indeed right.

Liang Jialuo is a good secretary, and it will not be easy for him to find such a secretary in the future.

After all, there are not too many people who can study business management abroad and are willing to be secretaries for others.

"Let me see, just find someone to follow me for the time being."

While speaking, Shen Lin glanced at his watch, and then said with a smile: "Sister Zhong, you can discuss the next thing."

"I won't participate, just ask someone to give me a copy of the minutes of the meeting."

Zhong Qing nodded and said, "Okay, Jia Luo and I will discuss with them according to the dealer system we discussed earlier."

"If anything changes, I will ask Jia Luo to contact you as soon as possible." Shen Lin nodded and said, "Okay, Sister Zhong, there is no surprise. I will return to Dongzhou tomorrow."

"Most half of this year has passed, but I still have to go home on the fifteenth day."

While speaking, Shen Lin walked out of the room.

Zhong Qing looked at Shen Lin who was leaving, and shook her head lightly.When Shen Lin closed the door, Zhong Qing patted Liang Jialuo and said, "Jialuo, do you feel that leaving him makes you feel bad?"

"Sister, why am I feeling bad? This damn guy will soon understand how miserable his life would be without my talented and beautiful secretary."

While Liang Jialuo was speaking, he swung his fist heavily, looking as if Shen Lin would definitely regret it.

Seeing Liang Jialuo's appearance, Zhong Qing couldn't help but said: "Jia Luo, no one likes to throw a secretary like you aside."

"The reason why Shen Lin doesn't use you, I think, is for your own good."

Speaking of this, Zhong Qing said with a smile: "Tell me, if you continue to be a secretary, there is not much you can learn from Shen Lin."

"It's not like now, when you become Binglu's vice president, you can make the whole factory run according to your will with one order."

"What's more, it's not a long-term solution for a girl to be someone's secretary!"

Liang Jialuo pursed his lips and did not speak.

In her heart, she really felt aggrieved. Although Shen Lin never said anything outrageous to her, in her heart, she always regarded Shen Lin as someone close to her.

But it was this guy who was close to him in his heart, but kicked his close subordinate directly away.

Damn, it's so ruthless!
"Sister Zhong, I will definitely do a good job in our factory. I want to show that guy that my ability is better than his."

Speaking of this, Liang Jialuo gritted his teeth.

Zhong Qing looked at the unconvinced Liang Jialuo, although she was relieved, she couldn't help but smile secretly.

Shen Lin is also the major shareholder of Binglu Purified Water Plant.

Isn't Liang Jialuo making money for Shen Lin by making this factory bigger?
It's just that she doesn't want to expose this kind of matter. It's better for the two of them to solve the matter by themselves.

After Shen Lin kicked Liang Jialuo, the secretary, he sat on the sleeper sent to Dongzhou the next day.

Although there are still some unresolved matters in Beijing, in his heart, the most important thing is still to go home.

The family has Lu Xiaorong, a precious son, and...

Shen Lin sat in a sleeper berth, and soon returned to Dongzhou with Cheng Zi.Although the year has passed, the flavor of the year in Dongzhou is still very strong.

Because before returning, Shen Lin had someone call the factory, so when Shen Lin and Cheng Zi got off the train, there was a car waiting for them in the factory.

"Brother Shen, where are we going?" Cheng Zi sat in the co-pilot's seat and asked Shen Lin.

"Go home first. I've been busy for so many days. I don't see my child for some days. I miss him a lot." Shen Lin smiled and said, "Let's go."

Cheng Zi looked at Shen Lin who was full of smiles, hesitated and said, "Brother, I want to ask for a leave tomorrow."

"My brother's child is full moon, and we will have a full moon wine tomorrow."

Looking at Cheng Zi who was hesitating, Shen Lin smiled and said, "It's a bit of a loss for you to ask for leave. I originally wanted to let you rest for two days."

"You ask for leave, the rest you should have, it becomes a vacation."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin suddenly said: "I remember your brother's daughter, isn't it the same size as our rice shell?"

"Brother Shen, my brother who is full moon is the second child."

Hearing Cheng Zi's answer, Shen Lin was stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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