Chapter 1046: Someone else’s second child
Chengzi's brother's child is as big as a fruit shell, and now he is expecting a second child.

This made Shen Lin's heart suddenly shake.

The second child, thinking of the little fruit shell that grew up happily, Shen Lin also had another thought in his heart.

But right now, it's not a good time to think about it.

He pondered for a moment, then turned to Chengzi and said, "Chengzi, as long as you are busy, I basically won't go to work tomorrow."

"You tell your brother, I will definitely give him a big gift later."

Shen Lin's words warmed Cheng Zi's heart. He smiled and said, "Thank you Brother Shen, I will definitely take your words to my brother."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "There's nothing to be thankful for. I remember when I was young, your brother and I used to play mud together."

The car sent Shen Lin home first, and after Shen Lin entered the house, Xiao Guoke rushed over quickly.

He hugged Shen Lin tightly, his eyes filled with excitement.

"Dad! Dad! I saw you on TV."

Hearing his son's acting like a baby, Shen Lin felt a little hot in his heart. He smiled and said, "How about it, isn't Dad very handsome on TV?"

"Yes, my father is the most handsome!" While talking, Xiao Guoke glanced at Lu Xiaorong and said, "Mom said the same thing, right?"

Shen Lin hugged his son and said to Lu Xiaorong, "Your mother is becoming more and more honest, and she loves to tell the truth more and more."

Lu Xiaorong knew that Shen Lin was making fun of him, so he couldn't help but said, "Don't talk nonsense in front of children."

"What nonsense is this, I'm telling the truth." While speaking, Shen Lin kissed Xiao Guoke's forehead and said, "Son, is what Dad said right?"

"Yes, Dad, you are so right!"

The family of three walked into the house happily, and after chatting with Shen Lin for a few words, Xiao Guoke happily went to play with the toys that Shen Lin bought for him.

Shen Lin sat on the sofa, talking to Lu Xiaorong with a smile.

"Do you remember Chengzi's brother?" Shen Lin asked Lu Xiaorong with a smile after talking about his work in Beijing.

Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment and said, "I remember, what's wrong?"

"Today, Chengzi told me that his brother will have a full moon wine tomorrow, and he has a second child." Shen Lin said softly.

Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment and said, "They both have a second child?"

"Yeah, I remember her daughter is as old as our son." Shen Lin smiled meaningfully.

Looking at Shen Lin with a smirk on his face, Lu Xiaorong's heart suddenly became clear.She looked at her son who was busy with the toys, and she felt a little expectation in her heart.

"By the way, I received several calls at home today, all asking you to meet." Lu Xiaorong picked up a notebook and handed it to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin looked at the name on the notebook, and gently rubbed his forehead.

Each of these names is well-known in Dongzhou, and Shen Lin also understands the meaning of these people calling him.

With the success of Mi Ke's spring conference, many people have already felt the momentum of Mi Ke's strong development.

In this case, expanding production capacity seems to be a path that Mishell Electronics must take.

"Let's talk about it the day after tomorrow. I'm not going to work tomorrow. How about our family going out to play for a day? I heard that there is a temple fair in the west of the city."

Shen Lin casually put the notebook aside and asked Lu Xiaorong.

go shopping!

Before Lu Xiaorong made a sound, he jumped up and said, "Okay, okay, I heard Qiqi say that there are a lot of fun things at the temple fair, I'm going, I'm going !"

After listening to his son's words, Shen Lin quickly smiled and said, "Okay, then dad will take the baby and mom for a walk at the temple fair!" "What kind of work, let's talk about it later."

The next morning, Shen Lin, who had breakfast, did what he said, and drove Lu Xiaorong and Xiao Guoke to the temple fair by himself.

However, during the process of going to the temple fair, Shen Lin specially put on a pair of sunglasses for himself.

Although Lu Xiaorong is also a celebrity, not many people know her.But Mi Ke's spring press conference has just been held, and it is still being broadcast on various TV stations.

While waiting, Shen Lin was even more famous than a celebrity, not to mention his photo was published in Dongzhou newspapers.

Fortunately, there were quite a few young people wearing sunglasses, so Shen Lin's presence in the crowd did not appear to be anything special.

At first glance, he and Lu Xiaorong were no different from ordinary people who brought their children out to play with rice shells.

The temple fair is very lively, selling all kinds of things and juggling, it can be said that there is everything that one expects to find.

Shen Lin dragged Lu Xiaorong and Xiao Guoke to walk among the crowd, his heart was filled with a sense of satisfaction.

"Dad, I want this."

"Dad, look at this is fun!"


This time, Xiao Guoke also had enough fun, not only bought a lot of toys, but also played with a lot of fun toys.

Just when the family was enjoying themselves, a loud horn suddenly sounded from a distance: "Come and take a look, one yuan can buy a motorcycle..."

Following the shout, many people at the temple fair looked over there.

Looking at the surging crowd, Lu Xiaorong asked involuntarily, "Can I get a bicycle for one dollar?"

"Hey, look, someone will draw it later." Shen Lin has seen this kind of deceiving tricks before, so he said indifferently: "Don't say that there are many lottery draws, they arrange it themselves." People got it."

"Actually, even if the grand prize is really taken away by outsiders, they still make money."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin waved his hands and said, "Forget it, let's stop talking about this kind of thing, it's getting late. Let's go and find a place to eat."

"Where are we going to eat?" Lu Xiaorong was a little tired after shopping around for a long time.

Shen Lin looked around and found that he was really not very interested in the food around.

What's more, there are small fruit shells, which will be troublesome if you eat them badly.

"Cheng Zi and his brother held a banquet, and I also paid a gift, why don't we go and eat?"

Speaking of this, Shen Lin wrapped up the small fruit shell and said, "Son, how about Dad taking you to see the little doll?"

Xiao Guoke froze for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, I want to see the little doll."

While the father and son were talking, Lu Xiaorong said: "That's fine, let's go and eat this meal."

The place where Chengzi's family entertained guests was at the Second Sister Restaurant.

As the Second Sister Restaurant grew bigger and bigger, more and more people held wedding banquets here. The three members of Chengzi's family worked in Mike, so they were not short of money. Naturally, they entertained guests at the high-end Second Sister Restaurant.

Chengzi's father, an old worker in the hardware machinery factory, stood at the door with a cigarette and his son to welcome the guests. Seeing the congratulatory crowd, his heart blossomed with joy.

Although more guests came, more money was spent, but he was still very happy. After all, this meant that his family's popularity was good.

Who doesn't want to make their home look better?

It's a pity that Chairman Shen didn't come!
(End of this chapter)

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