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Chapter 1047 Shen Lin's Gift

Chapter 1047 Shen Lin's Gift

"Cheng Zi, if you are serving as a driver for Chairman Shen, no one here will look at me highly, but today is such an important event for our family, why don't you tell Chairman Shen?"

After seeing the decrease in customers, Cheng Zi's father complained to Cheng Zi in a low voice.

Faced with his father's complaints, Cheng Zi said helplessly, "Dad, Mr. Shen is already busy enough these days. I think it's better not to bother him about our family's affairs."

"You don't know, Chairman Shen is in Beijing, busy with things non-stop, many things need to be coordinated by him personally."

Seeing his son's appearance, Cheng Zi's father felt helpless for a while, he knew very well that what his son said was true, but Chairman Shen couldn't come over such a big matter, and he still felt something was missing in his heart.

"Haha, Dad Chengzi, congratulations. In the blink of an eye, you not only have a granddaughter, but also a grandson. It's really enviable!"

Hearing the congratulations, Father Chengzi was stunned for a moment, because he was a bit unfamiliar with the person coming.

But no matter whether he recognized the person's identity or not, as long as he came, he was a guest, not to mention from this person's tone, he felt that he was an acquaintance.

So he smiled and said: "Thank you, please, haha, smoke inside."

The man seemed to see Father Cheng's hesitation, and said with a smile, "Brother, you don't know me anymore. When we were in the soy sauce factory, we were in the same workshop."

"You forgot, I am Lao Li, Li Yunshan!"

Hearing the name Li Yunshan, Cheng Zi's father suddenly remembered that he was a worker in the same workshop as this Li Yunshan soy sauce factory before he was in the hardware machinery factory.

But later, the soy sauce factory merged, he came to the hardware machinery factory, and this Li Yunshan entered a better bicycle factory.

I heard that now, he seems to be the director of the factory.

"Oh, why are you here, Director Li?" Cheng Zi's father had no friendship with Li Yunshan in the past, and now he is a passerby.

My family celebrated the full moon for their child this time, but they didn't even notify others.

When they came over, Cheng Zi's father was very surprised.

"Brother, I see what you said. We are old friends. There is something good in your family. How can I not come?"

Having said that, he grabbed Cheng Zi's father's hand and said, "Brother, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are in good health."

"Haha, seeing that you are still so strong, brother, I feel relieved."

Cheng Zi's father exchanged a few words with Li Yunshan, and then introduced Cheng Zi. When Cheng Zi greeted Li Yunshan, he clearly felt Li Yunshan's enthusiasm.

"Haha, this is Chengzi, young and promising!"

"It's a huge burden for you to drive for Chairman Shen. On our side, now, how many people are counting on Mi Ke for food?"

"Is Chairman Shen here? I have something, I want to report to Chairman Shen."

Hearing these words, Cheng Zi and his father looked at each other, and understood that the reason this man came here was entirely because of Shen Lin.

If Shen Lin wasn't here, I'm afraid they wouldn't come.

"Uncle Li, Mr. Shen has something to do today and can't come." Although Cheng Zi knew it in his heart, he still said enthusiastically.

Looking at the smiling Cheng Zi, a trace of disappointment flashed across Li Yunshan's face.

This time, he heard that Cheng Zi was Shen Lin's driver, and that Cheng Zi's family had a full moon banquet for the child, so he came here in a hurry, with the purpose of discussing things with Shen Lin.

But he didn't expect that Shen Lin didn't come, which made him feel a little disappointed.

But since the person is already here, not to mention that Chengzi is Shen Lin's driver, he still smiled and said; "Haha, then I will only see Director Shen next time." "Chengzi, when Director Shen is free, Tell your uncle, I have something I want to report to Director Shen."

While speaking, Li Yunshan entered the restaurant.

Cheng Zi's father snorted softly and said, "It's better to ignore this man's affairs. He had this kind of temper when he was at work."

Cheng Zi nodded and said, "Dad, I understand."

Because the time was close to twelve o'clock, the people who were supposed to come were basically seated.Just when Chengzi and his son were about to enter the yard, they suddenly saw a car driving over from a distance.

Cheng Zi was taken aback when he saw that car, because usually he was the one who drove this car.

Now that this car is coming, could it be that Brother Shen sent someone to bring a gift.

Just when a thought flashed in Cheng Zi's mind, the car stopped silently, and Shen Lin walked out from the car door.

At the same time, Lu Xiaorong walked out from the rear door with a smile.

"Uncle, congratulations!" While speaking, Shen Lin pulled the little fruit shell to Cheng Zi's father and said, "You have grandchildren, you should have a good drink today!"

Seeing Shen Lin approaching, the smile on Cheng Zi's father's face became extremely bright.

Now the three of them work in Mi Ke. It can be said that their salary income is much better than that of ordinary people.

Now Chengzi's father is the envy of others no matter where he is.

Shen Lin's arrival made him extremely happy.Then he glared at Chengzi and said, "Mr. Shen, you are so busy, and you still have to make a trip. It's really..."

"Uncle, we are here to find food. If you don't let us come, we will have no place to eat."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin patted the little Guoke standing beside him and said, "Guoke, don't you want to see the little doll? Follow your mother to see it."

Shen Lin was talking here, but the news of his arrival spread throughout the Second Sister Restaurant.

Not only the busy lady boss came over, but even the relatives who came to work and rest followed suit.

"Hello Chairman Shen!" A young worker greeted Shen Lin.

"Shen Lin, you performed really well when you were on TV." This is an old worker from the hardware machinery factory.

They and Shen Xingye belonged to the same generation, so at this moment, they were very close to Shen Lin in their hearts, and their words were a bit straightforward.

"Brother Shen, you've been busy for so long during the New Year's Eve, I'll definitely toast you when I turn around." Those who spoke were those companions who used to play with Qiangzi and the others.

Shen Lin greeted with a smile, and the lively full moon banquet suddenly became more lively.

The little baby who had passed the full moon was carried out, and Shen Lin was asked to take a look.

Although Shen Lin was not very old, none of the people present felt that there was something wrong with doing so.

Shen Lin looked at the delicate and tender child wrapped in the small quilt, said a few words about how cute the child was, and motioned for Lu Xiaorong to take a look.

Looking at the chubby child, Lu Xiaorong naturally understood what Shen Lin wanted to convey, but she just smiled, but didn't say anything.

Cheng Zi followed behind Shen Lin, looked at the lively scene, and thought to himself, could this be the generous gift that Brother Shen wanted to give me?
Yes, it is actually a rare and generous gift for Brother Shen to be able to come. Most people spend the full moon, but Brother Shen doesn't have time to come.

(End of this chapter)

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