Chapter 1048

Shen Lin was placed in the middle of the table.

At the upper table, there were mainly Mi Ke people, so when Shen Lin arrived, they all got up immediately and greeted Shen Lin one after another.

Shen Lin knew all these people, so he spoke casually.

But as the banquet started, more and more people came to Shen Lin's side to pour wine.And the identities of these pourers have little to do with Mi Ke.

The family members of the rice shell electronics factory seldom pour wine for Shen Lin.

They all knew that Shen Lin didn't like drinking very much.

"Mr. Shen, I'm Li Yunshan from the bicycle factory. We had a drink together before. Do you remember me?" Li Yunshan was the first to pour the wine.

In fact, ever since Li Yunshan heard the news that Shen Lin would come over, Li Yunshan was in no mood to eat. He watched eagerly. After serving a few dishes, he saw the right time, held the wine bottle, and couldn't wait to come over to serve Shen Lin. Toast.

He knew in his heart that if he was one step later, then this precious opportunity to pour wine for Shen Lin might not be his turn!

So this opportunity, no matter what, he must seize it!

Shen Lin was not familiar with Li Yunshan, so he glanced at Li Yunshan and said, "Haha, it's Director Li, long time no see."

Although it looks very unfamiliar, Shen Lin still needs to cooperate with the face that should be given on this wine table.After all, there are many friends and many paths, and you may meet them at some point.

Li Yunshan said with a smile: "Chairman Shen, you are a busy person, I can't compare to you!"

"I originally wanted to visit you for the past two days. When I heard that you would come, I was so excited that I didn't sleep well."

While speaking, Li Yunshan raised his wine pot and said, "Mr. Shen, this time, on behalf of our entire factory, I would like to offer you a toast."

While speaking, Li Yunshan picked up Shen Lin's wine glass and poured it respectfully.

Seeing Li Yunshan pouring the wine, Shen Lin took it with a smile.Although he couldn't figure out what Li Yunshan's purpose was, since he came here and poured wine with a smile, Shen Lin should show him enough respect.

"Mr. Shen, there are four to five hundred workers in our bicycle factory, among which there are only senior workers..."

Taking advantage of the opportunity of pouring wine, Li Yunshan began to introduce the situation of his factory to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin is familiar with the current bicycle market. With the continuous development of the economy, bicycles, which were originally a commodity in short supply, have undergone considerable changes.

Especially with the arrival of bicycle companies from other places, it has put great pressure on the bicycle factory in Dongzhou.

Although Shen Lin has never heard of the operation of the bicycle factory, but from the situation of other factories, Shen Lin can draw inferences and imagine the current situation of this bicycle factory.

"Haha, Director Li, let's talk about work in the office when we have time." Shen Lin waited for Li Yunshan to introduce the matter almost, and said with a smile.

Li Yunshan didn't expect that, pouring a drink would solve his worries.His goal this time is to introduce the situation of their bicycle factory to Shen Lin.

As long as Shen Lin has a preliminary impression of the bicycle factory in his heart, the possibility of their factory being contracted by Mishell Electronics will greatly increase.

Although it is difficult for him to be the factory director after this contract, Li Yunshan can accept whether he stays in Mike or goes to other places.

Especially staying in Mi Ke, the treatment is really enviable.

"Mr. Shen, I will report to your office these two days." Li Yunshan put his palms together and thanked you repeatedly.

In Shen Lin's mind, however, the appearance of the electric bicycle flashed.

With the breakthrough in battery research of the University of Technology, Shen Lin felt that the distance between the electric car and himself was getting closer and closer.

The bottleneck in the development of electric vehicle technology is actually the battery.

With the guidance of Shen Lin, a traveler, and the continuous experiments of those technical experts at the University of Technology, Shen Lin felt that the manufacturing of batteries had reached the level of more than ten years later.

It seems that there is still a long way to go to build a car with a battery of this level, but there is not much difficulty in making an electric bicycle.Once the electric bicycle is manufactured, it will be a new development support point for Mihu.

He has been thinking for a year, whether he should find a bicycle factory to contract him out, but unexpectedly, Li Yunshan took the initiative to find him so soon.

"Okay, then I'll wait for Director Li, but after the fifteenth day, I'm going to attend a trade fair with Director Li, so it's best for Director Li to be there before the fifteenth day."

Shen Lin's reminder made Li Yunshan more hopeful.

Shen Lin is not a word of delay, he was overjoyed and said: "Oh Mr. Shen, you see that you are too thoughtful, and you are afraid that I will make a trip in vain. As long as you are not afraid of my interruption, I can't wait to ask you to report every day! In this way, we I will report to you tomorrow."

Speaking of this, he happily raised his wine glass, raised his neck and drank it down, and said sincerely: "Chairman Shen, I respect you, you can do whatever you want, I will do it first as a respect!"

On Li Yunshan's side, before he left, someone came in with a drink. Seeing the person who was about to pour the drink, Shen Lin was stunned for a moment.

He hurriedly stood up and said, "Uncle Chen, why are you here? Sit down quickly!"

The person Shen Lin called Uncle Chen was the director of Dongzhou Agricultural Machinery Factory. This identity was of no use to Shen Lin.

He also has another identity, that is, Shen Xingye's friend.

When Shen Lin was young, this person often chatted and drank at Shen Lin's house, so it can be said that he had an unusual relationship with the Shen family.

In Shen Lin's impression, this is his elder.

In the previous life, Shen Xingye had an accident and Shen Lin fell into despair. He even took care of the Shen family.

Therefore, Shen Lin still respects this person very much.

Factory Manager Chen looked at Shen Lin who was smiling all over his face, and sighed in his heart.

He also didn't expect that the kid who used to play in front of him has now become the famous big boss of Mi Ke.

"Shen Lin, your Uncle Chen came here today to tell my nephew about the situation of our agricultural machinery factory."

"Uncle, sit down and say, that Chengzi, help me add a chair." As soon as Shen Lin spoke, someone gave up the chair immediately.

Factory Manager Chen is over 50 years old, and by appearance, he is already weather-beaten.

He put down the wine bottle in his hand and said, "Shen Lin, I heard that Mishell Electronics is planning to expand its production capacity recently."

"What do you think of our factory?"

"Although the equipment in our agricultural machinery factory is a bit old, our workers are rare and skilled craftsmen."

"As long as you contract our agricultural machinery factory, you don't have to worry about other things, you just need to pay wages."

Seeing the agitated Director Chen, Shen Lin said solemnly: "Uncle, I will go back and think about the matter of the agricultural machinery factory."

"After all, this is not a small matter, and we, Mi Ke, have not yet decided whether to contract a new factory."

"Of course, if it is contracted, I will definitely give priority to your agricultural machinery factory."

Speaking of this, he pondered for a moment and said: "Uncle, if Brother Jiamin is willing to come to Mi Ke, you can find me at any time, and I will make arrangements."

The brother Jiamin mentioned by Shen Lin is the son of Director Chen, who is older than Shen Lin and has played together in the past.

Now I am a worker in a certain factory, and I heard that my life is very ordinary.

Director Chen was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Shen Lin would say such words suddenly.What does it mean?It's business, but private, I'll do my best to help your family.Is this the intention of Shen Lin?

He wanted to refuse, but opened his mouth and swallowed again.After all, such an opportunity is too rare!
"Shen Lin, you should think about it more."

(End of this chapter)

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