Chapter 1049
After two rounds of toasting, Cheng Zi started to stop at the door and refused to let him continue. If he fell down like this, Shen Lin would definitely fall down if he hadn't eaten the food.

The high-level people from Mi Ke's side are mainly little brothers like Qiangzi.

Because Guangzi has something to do, he is now sitting in the provincial capital, so he can't come, but he also asks his daughter-in-law to bring the child.

After the old director Chen left, Qiangzi saw Shen Lin's frown, and said softly: "Brother, there are too many people who want to work in our rice shell now."

"If it wasn't for the restrictions on fixed positions that you said, brother, I think Mi Ke would expand more than half of the positions, and there would be absolutely no shortage of people."

"Especially this time, after our spring presentation."

"Because of the hot sales of rice shell products, there are often shortages, so many people are rumoring that our rice shells are going to expand production capacity."

"Right now, there are many factories that are ready to move, waiting for Mi Ke to rent them out!"

Shen Lin took a sip from his wine glass and said, "Our production capacity should be increased a bit."

"But blind expansion does not do us much good."

"My plan in this area is to contract two more, or one factory."

"After all, too much is a burden for us!"

Looking at Shen Lin with a serious expression, Qiang Zi didn't say much. Although he is the general manager of Mi Ke Shopping Mall, he never questioned Shen Lin's business strategy.

Because Cheng Zi was in the way, the number of people pouring wine gradually decreased. Shen Lin, Qiang Zi and others drank a few glasses of wine before leaving.

Just when Shen Lin dragged Lu Xiaorong to attend Cheng Zi's family's second-child wedding banquet, Mi Yuan, who was already at work, was sorting out materials for the trade fair.

The trade fair every year is the busiest time for Mi Yuan and her colleagues.

After all, the results of the trade fair are often related to their achievements for a year.

"This year's trade fair should be very easy. At the spring conference of Mishell Electronics, many new products were launched."

"I think there are quite a few here that are suitable for exporting and earning foreign exchange. As long as our Chairman Shen sends people over to win a few big orders, I think we will be more than enough to complete the task!"

Hearing these words, a faint smile appeared on Mi Yuan's face.

Although what the colleague said is a bit wishful thinking, there is one fact that is beyond doubt, what the colleague said is very reasonable.

After all, the level of the rice shell is there.

"Mi Yuan, it's actually a good opportunity to go this time. It's a pity that you can't go." The colleague who had just spoken, after seeing Mi Yuan, sighed full of regret for her.

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "I have something to do at home recently, so I won't go there. When you come back, you must bring me some local specialties! I'm eagerly waiting for you!"

Mi Yuan has a high EQ and IQ, and she jokes like this, but in fact, she is not a girl who likes to take advantage of small things.Usually, whenever she encounters help from her colleagues, even if it is a small gesture, she will quietly return the favor in an appropriate way.

"Oh, Mi Yuan, so you are waiting to kill us!"

Just when several colleagues were laughing and joking, they saw Lu Daqing striding in.

The people who were talking loudly suddenly became quiet.

Lu Daqing's status has been greatly improved. It can be said that he is already one of the persons in charge here.

He glanced at the surrounding offices twice, then his eyes fell on Mi Yuan, wondering: "Mi Yuan, you didn't sign up for the trade fair this time?"

"Lu Chu, I didn't sign up because I had something to do with my family." Because of Li Qingbo, Mi Yuan was no stranger to Lu Daqing in the past, and because of Li Qingbo, Lu Daqing was also with Mi Yuan. Very well cared for.

Lu Daqing frowned and said, "There is something at home, can you overcome it?"

Mi Yuan pondered for a while and said: "Lu Chu, if it's not necessary, I'd better be at home."

Looking at Mi Yuan, who looked calm but with a hint of determination, Lu Daqing shook his head and said, "Okay, then you can stay at the unit." Lu Daqing said a few words about the work arrangements, then left.

Seeing Lu Daqing leaving, Mi Yuan felt an indescribable pain in her heart. She knew that this time, she completely lost her last chance to go to the trade fair.

But she doesn't regret her choice.

Although she had a strong idea in her heart, she wanted to go to the trade fair, but her reason reminded her more than once: since she has left Dongzhou, then, stick to this distance.

Once the entanglement is too deep and the obsession is too deep, it will not be good for yourself or him.

At the same time, Mi Yuan could also sense that that person was also gradually alienating her. This feeling made Mi Yuan feel so painful that she couldn't let go of it for a long time.

Familiar people are suddenly unfamiliar, and those who miss you must learn to alienate. Such a contrast will knock people out of the dark.But he is a husband and a father after all, Mi Yuan, what else can you do?

Stay away from him silently, and appreciate everything about him silently.

This is what Mi Yuan thinks in her mind when she is awake, and it is also what Mi Yuan is going to do.

In this trade fair, Mi Ke can also shine.

Thinking of Mi Ke's spring product launch, Mi Yuan's eyes fell on the Mi Ke [-] Walkman in her drawer.

This is her new Walkman, but she didn't buy cherry blossom powder, but sky blue.

She likes the blue sky, the sunshine is quiet, and the sky is clear. When she is upset, she can give herself a peaceful and peaceful force.

A day's work was completed in a busy schedule. Just when Mi Yuan was about to pack up, a young man wearing glasses came to Mi Yuan's office.

This young man is well-mannered, and working in a compound not far away, he can be said to have a bright future.

After seeing Mi Yuan, he started a crazy pursuit.Although Mi Yuan had clearly expressed his refusal, he still appeared in front of Mi Yuan.

"Secretary Lu, you came a little early today?" The eldest sister in the office greeted the young man with a smile on her face.

"Haha, Sister Chen, the leader has no plans for today, so he gave me a vacation." While speaking, Secretary Lu turned to Mi Yuan and said, "Mi Yuan, how about having dinner together today?"

"A hotpot restaurant opened next to the Mike Electric Mall on Qianjie Street. The business is pretty good. Let's try it together?"

Hearing this, Mi Yuan frowned slightly and said, "Thank you, Secretary Lu, I have already made an appointment with someone today."

Seeing Mi Yuan's calm and polite expression, a trace of helplessness flashed in Secretary Lu's eyes.

Although he came again and again, he hit a wall again and again, which made him a little frustrated.

At work, many people introduced him to someone, but ever since he met Mi Yuan by chance, he couldn't let go of this silent girl anymore!

Only then did they come again and again, and were rejected again and again.

"Okay, it seems that I'm still a step late, then I'll come back next time." Secretary Lu said here, as if he suddenly thought of something: "Do you know the person you are dating? It would be great if that was the case Yes, maybe I can follow you to have a meal."

Mi Yuan shook her head and said, "It's a private date."

Speaking of this, Mi Yuan said to Secretary Nalu: "I'll go first, goodbye."

Just when Mi Yuan was about to leave, someone rushed in. She glanced at Mi Yuan and said, "Mi Yuan, don't leave yet."

"What's the matter, Sister Zhao?" Mi Yuan smiled when she saw the person coming.

"Mi Yuan, my grandfather has fallen, and there is no one to take care of me at home. This time, you can go to the trade fair for me." Sister Zhao hurriedly came to Mi Yuan and said.

(End of this chapter)

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