Chapter 1050 New growth point

After the Lantern Festival, all factories began to get busy.

The production of the Mishell Electronics Factory has always been operating at full capacity, but even so, the queue for the trucks to pull the goods is still long.

Rice shell Walkman, rice shell eye protection lamp, etc. These trendy products are in short supply. In some places, the order has even been three months later.

Cheng Zhenyuan was sitting in Shen Lin's office, looking at Shen Lin seriously.

"Mr. Shen, we now have to contract one more factory to be able to supply the needs of all parties."

"Our current orders are still increasing exponentially. Especially in some remote markets, there are now dealers who want to get agency rights."

As the general manager of Mishell Electronics who focuses on production, Cheng Zhenyuan really felt the pressure of Mishell's production under the surge of orders.

Now he is facing a situation where he is asking for goods everywhere.But under such circumstances, Chairman Shen has not yet come up with a contracting plan.

He is confident that as long as the factory is contracted, within a week, he can organize the whole factory and put it into production quickly.

After listening to Cheng Zhenyuan's words, Shen Lin said, "Mr. Cheng, I know everything you said."

"But increasing factories is not an easy task."

"We not only need to consider increasing the production capacity of the factory, but also consider the follow-up issues."

When Shen Lin said this, he took a sip of water from his teacup and said, "What we need to consider is whether we still need so much of the same production capacity when there are more similar products in the future."

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at Shen Lin with a solemn expression, and said softly: "Mr. Shen, don't we have any more contracts?"

"Of course it needs to be contracted." Shen Lin stood up from his seat and said, "Just let's make sure first how much production capacity can be used. We can't expand too much, and we can't expand too little. Enough is enough!"

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: "If the requirements from above are too tight, you should contract the bicycle factory!"

Bicycle factory?

This time it was Cheng Zhenyuan's turn to be surprised. He originally thought that if Shen Lin wanted to contract, it should be a few factories similar to mechanical processing.

These factories can get started quickly, but what about the bicycle factory?
Regarding Shen Lin's decision, although Cheng Zhenyuan implemented it to the letter most of the time, but sometimes, he still had to ask clearly about the doubts in his heart.

"Mr. Shen, I have also inspected this bicycle factory. The products produced by the bicycle factory do not have much market now."

"Besides, their types of work are relatively monotonous. It is not very suitable for them to use our current machines."

Speaking of this, Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Compared with several factories such as bearing processing factories and steel rolling factories, the bicycle factory does not have many advantages."

Shen Lin looked at Cheng Zhenyuan with a serious face, and felt very relieved.

As a helmsman, Shen Lin doesn't need everyone to nod to him, he needs to have a voice of doubt.What does this mean?It shows that everyone is considering the interests of the factory manager, not just to please.

Shen Lin smiled and said to Cheng Zhenyuan: "Mr. Cheng, I didn't say to let the bicycle factory invest in our current production."

"What the bicycle factory has to do is to produce new products that we plan to launch next."

Cheng Zhenyuan was taken aback. At the rice shell spring product launch conference, in Cheng Zhenyuan's view, all the new products that should appear had already been released.

At this time, what new products need to be produced by the bicycle factory?
"Mr. Shen, what's the new product?"

Shen Lin looked at Cheng Zhenyuan, smiled and said, "Mr. Cheng, how long has it been since you rode a bicycle?"

"It's been several months." Cheng Zhenyuan was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why Shen Lin had a sudden idea and asked such a question.After hesitating for a moment, he said honestly.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Cheng, don't you think this bike is a bit too tiring if you don't ride a bike?"

Cheng Zhenyuan opened his mouth, wanting to say no, but after thinking about it carefully, what Shen Lin said made some sense.

"Really." Cheng Zhenyuan said suddenly: "Mr. Shen, you want to produce bicycles, don't you?"

"Yes, our next new product is bicycles, but what we want to produce is electric bicycles." While speaking, Shen Lin picked up the rice shell Walkman on the table and said; "Our Walkman has now reached the The effect of charging."

"This technology can also be applied to bicycles."

Combining the battery with the bicycle, the bicycle is driven by electricity.Cheng Zhenyuan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Shen, I think the idea you proposed is quite good."

"But there are motorcycles. Our electric bicycles don't seem to have many advantages. After all, electric bicycles and motorcycles overlap somewhat."

Shen Lin looked at the serious Cheng Zhenyuan, waved his hands lightly and said, "They are very different."

"It's a bit too troublesome to ride a motorcycle, and our electric bicycle has no other operating points except the electric switch."

"The most important thing is that its speed is at most 30 kilometers per hour, which is suitable for customers of all ages."

In one breath, Shen Lin spoke out the benefits of electric vehicles in his later life.

Hearing the usefulness of the electric bicycle, Cheng Zhenyuan's eyes lit up.He feels that this electric bicycle has a strong competitiveness.

More importantly, electric bicycles seem to have a huge market just like bicycles, and correspondingly, there are currently no other competitors in this market.

"Then I'll go talk to the bicycle factory."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Mr. Cheng, the bicycle factory must be taken down. As for other situations, you still have to worry about it."

"I'm going to the trade fair recently, and I'll leave the family affairs to you."

To be honest, Cheng Zhenyuan really doesn't want Shen Lin to leave, after all, there are too many things going on in the factory now.

"Mr. Shen, although the trade fair is very important, I think it's enough to let Xiaoshan pass by. You should sit here in Dongzhou."

"After all, we have a lot of things to do now."

"I am now, first, because I promised Director Li, it would not be good not to go; in addition, this year's trade fair is also very important to us."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin pondered for a while and said: "Some time ago, I asked Liang Jialuo to arrange a matter, and I also need to keep an eye on it."

"This is very important to open the way for our refrigerators to be exported."

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at the solemn Shen Lin, knowing that it was useless to persuade him, he pondered for a while and said: "Mr. Shen, let's think about the matter of expanding production capacity."

"If you get any big orders for export, then our production will be even more stretched."

Shen Lin nodded and said, "Okay, I will consider this matter."

"I think the key thing we need to consider is those companies in the rice shell supply chain. Let's see if they can think of more ways."

"As for our own factory, although we need to expand, we must be cautious and think twice before proceeding."

(End of this chapter)

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