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Chapter 1054 Treatment of the Protagonist

Chapter 1054 Treatment of the Protagonist

Shen Lin brought the show car built by Mi Ke himself, and came here on the third day after Mi Yuan and the others arrived.

These days, Mi Yuan is quite busy.

Although they are familiar with the road, the coordination of various issues still makes Mi Yuan feel too busy to keep her feet on the ground.

The determination of the location, the layout of the booth, everything seems to need the help of Mi Yuan and the others...

Although each factory manager has his own subordinates, there are some things that they cannot handle.

When things go wrong, Mi Yuan and the others have to come forward to help solve some problems.

"Mr. Mi, thank you. If it weren't for your help, our booth would be in trouble!" A middle-aged man with balding hair said to Mi Yuan full of compliments.

For such compliments, Mi Yuan was very modest: "Director Du, you are too polite to say that, we are here to serve you well."

"What's more, even without me, Director Du, you can quickly coordinate this matter."

"It's just that you are not familiar with this place, so you need to spend more time."

Although Director Du knew very well that Mi Yuan's words were just to be humble with him, but he still felt very useful in his heart.

"Mi Yuan, the roadside wants you to go there. The exhibition car of Mishell Electronics has already arrived. The roadside wants you to follow." A colleague ran over from a distance and said loudly to Mi Yuan.

Mi Yuan didn't have much feeling for the exhibition car of Mishell Electronics that her colleagues mentioned. What she really cared about was the person in charge of Mishell Electronics.

Shen Lin, is he here too?

"Okay, I'll go right away." Mi Yuan put aside the distracting thoughts in her heart, and after agreeing, she said to Director Du: "Director Du, if you need anything, you can contact me again."

"I went first."

"Mike Chief, you are busy first, haha." Director Du waved his hand and said with a smile.

The subordinates who followed Director Du waited for Mi Yuan to go away, and said in an unfair tone: "Why do we have only one person in charge of several factories, and arrange a separate person for Mi Ke to be in charge."

"If you can reach the level of rice shells, they will arrange for you!" Having said that, Director Du pointed to the empty space in the middle: "See that over there? This is specially given by the organizing committee." The reserved position of the rice shell."

"You are not convinced, can you do it?"

Speaking of this, Director Du said to his speechless subordinates: "Okay, don't think about those useless things, let's pack up quickly and try to start as soon as possible."

"It's best to get off to a good start before the rice shell starts!"

The subordinate didn't say anything, but he looked at the middle position of the exhibition with envy in his eyes.

After all, that location is really great.

Not to mention the unique location in the center, the organizers seem to be afraid of exposing the exhibitors in that location, and carefully put up several layers of tarpaulins.

Not to mention, there is shade in every place.

When Shen Lin got off the car, the first thing he saw was Mi Yuan!

Although she stood in the crowd and was dressed in very ordinary clothes, this girl was naturally beautiful, just like the hibiscus that came out of the water, no matter how silent she was, she would still be like a cool lily, refreshing the heart.

"Mr. Shen, I've been looking forward to you for several days, haha, I miss us so much!" Lu Daqing grabbed Shen Lin's hand and shook it vigorously a few times: "I've already made an agreement with Lao Li, we won't be here today. Don't get drunk."

Li Qingbo was standing beside Lu Daqing, so this old Li was naturally him.

Faced with Lu Daqing's enthusiasm, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, let's have a couple of drinks today, but let's agree first that I must treat you today, otherwise, I will break the appointment!" "Haha, compared to you, the God of Wealth, we are really far behind. If you don't treat me, who will treat me?" Lu Daqing was not polite to Shen Lin and said very intimately.

While the two sides were talking, the staff from Mi Ke had already started unloading things.Looking at the cabinets that were taken down one by one, Li Qingbo said: "Mr. Shen, is there anything that catches our eyes this time?"

"I promise to make everyone's eyes bright." While speaking, Shen Lin looked around, and saw that many booths had already been set up in the home appliance area where they were.

However, compared with the past, there are more products of those companies on these booths.

There are only a few isolated products that imitate rice shells, and when it comes to quality, the low ones are not even a grade.

Obviously, at the last trade fair, Shen Lin taught these manufacturers a big lesson.

Shen Lin has a patent outside, so this patent seems to have nothing to do with them, but this patent can deter buyers from purchasing.

It took a lot of effort, but in the end my things were sold but they were returned, and they might be held accountable. Under such circumstances, naturally no one is willing to be taken advantage of.

Li Qingbo also followed Shen Lin's gaze to look at the exhibition areas of other factories. Although Shen Lin didn't say anything, he knew what Shen Lin was looking at.

"Mr. Shen, it's gone."

"Man, how could it be possible to fall into the same pit? After suffering a loss once, you won't make the same mistake again."

In Li Qingbo's words, there were three points of emotion, but the other seven points were gloating.

He was also the team leader last time. If Shen Lin hadn't tried his best to turn the tide, he might not be the leader this time.

Shen Lin looked at Li Qingbo who was deeply moved, smiled lightly and said: "This is also very good, it saves us a lot of trouble."

"By the way, is the lawyer Zhang you invited here?" Li Qingbo asked.

Shen Lin didn't expect that Li Qingbo still remembered Zhang Yuqing, and immediately said with a smile: "She has recently appeared in court, so she won't come."

"Hey, if she doesn't come..." Li Qingbo didn't continue, but the meaning was very clear.

I'm afraid that without a lawyer, I won't be able to control the scene.

But when he looked at the situation around Shen Lin, and saw several heads of various manufacturers rushing over to say hello to Shen Lin, his mind was completely relieved.

This year, it has been different.

Not only because of the patent, but also Mishell Electronics itself has a huge deterrent effect.

"Chairman Shen, we haven't seen each other for a while, you have been very good this year!" A burst of laughter came from behind everyone.

Along with the laughter, Walson in a white shirt came over.

Walsen, who hadn't seen him for a year, didn't seem to have changed much at first glance, but upon closer inspection, Shen Lin found that the manager of Kerry Fu, who was in charge of ordering, had more wrinkles than before.

"Haha, Mr. Walson, I was just saying that I will have a good chat with you when I settle down, but I didn't expect that we would meet so soon." Shen Lin and Walson shook hands and said with a smile.

Walson said: "After I arrived, I asked people to ask for news about you. When I heard that you were coming, I rushed over immediately."

"Tonight, Chairman Shen, how about having dinner with us two, I brought a few bottles of top-notch red wine."

Walson invited himself to dinner, Shen Lin was just about to decline, when Lu Daqing said: "Mr. Shen, Mr. Walson is so enthusiastic, it's inappropriate for you to decline!"

(End of this chapter)

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