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Chapter 1055 Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng

Chapter 1055 Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng
After Walsen made an appointment, he said goodbye to Shen Lin with a smile on his face.

After all, Shen Lin just came here, and there are still some things to arrange, he can't delay Shen Lin too much here.

After Walson left, Shen Lin looked at Lu Daqing who had agreed to the invitation for him.

Lu Daqing rubbed the smile on his face and said, "Chairman Shen, Walsen invited you to dinner, so he must be talking about the order."

"The few of us can arrange when to eat at any time. For us now, the order is the most important."

"Although we have achieved some achievements, we have not yet reached the point where we can get off to a good start."

Speaking of this, Lu Daqing glanced at Li Qingbo and said, "We all hope that, Mr. Shen, you can put another big satellite. Then, wouldn't our faces be more radiant?"

Seeing Lu Daqing's expression, Li Qingbo knew that Lu Daqing was asking for help.

Although Shen Lin is a member of their exhibition group, Shen Lin's current status is not suitable for Lu Daqing to help him decide things.

Realizing this, Lu Daqing is trying to make up for it.

After hesitating for a while, Li Qingbo smiled and said: "Chairman Shen, what Lao Lu said is right, we are all on our own, and we can eat whenever we want."

"I think we'll punish him for the dinner this time."

Lu Daqing didn't have the slightest pressure on the matter of treating guests, so he glanced at Li Qingbo with a grateful look.

Shen Lin naturally understood the meaning of the two people's words. He smiled at Lu Daqing and said, "Then next time we eat, we will have to let Lu Chu spend the money."

"What's so expensive about it? It's not what it should be." Lu Daqing looked at Shen Lin, whose smile didn't change, and felt relieved a lot.

What he is most worried about now is that Shen Lin is not happy that he agreed to Walson's invitation privately.Now that Shen Lin's expression remains unchanged, let him relax.

And when Shen Lin arranged for someone to build the booth, the news of Shen Lin's arrival had spread rapidly.

In a high-end hotel, Takeda Ichiro is drinking tea with Director Xie.With the deepening of the cooperation between the two parties, the relationship between the two has become very harmonious.

Ichiro Takeda took a sip of tea and said, "Shen Lin is aggressive this time, do you think he can sell his products this time?"

"Looking at his spring conference, I think it shouldn't be a problem for him to sell some things."

After pondering for a while, Director Xie said with affirmation: "After all, he has patents in his hands for things like air fryers."

Hearing the word patent, Takeda Ichiro couldn't help feeling a toothache.

That's right, Shen Lin has patents on these things that make him jealous, and this alone makes him helpless.

"It seems that the only thing we can snipe at is his refrigerator." Takeda Ichiro tapped his finger on the table lightly and said, "Well, what's your arrangement?"

"It has been arranged." Director Xie said solemnly: "We have invited several experts. If we believe their words, consumers will be suspicious of rice shell refrigerators."

Speaking of this, Director Xie said to Ichiro Takeda: "Mr. Takeda, we are all ready, and we are waiting for your east wind."

"Haha, we have invited Professor Oda, our electrical expert, to come over, and he will definitely present a big gift to Shen Lin when the time comes."

Having said that, Takeda Ichiro waved his hand and said, "I am in a very bad mood this time when I come to the trade fair!"

"We don't seem to have changed much, but Mihu has given us too many surprises." Although Takeda Ichiro said he was surprised, there was no joy on his face.

Factory Manager Xie didn't say a word, but he felt exactly the same feeling in his heart.

The current rice shell made him feel depressed from the bottom of his heart, an extremely uncomfortable depression.

"Tonight, if you don't have any plans, let's meet a few people." Takeda Ichiro coughed and said, "A few people who will be of great help to our future."

Although Director Xie didn't know who he was meeting with, the existence of Shangxue Electronics Factory had bound him to Shangsong Electric.

So on some matters, he still had to listen to Takeda Ichiro's opinion.

"Okay, then I will definitely be ready to participate."

Takeda Ichiro seemed to sense Director Xie's hesitation, so after pondering for a while, he smiled and said, "When the time comes, the people you meet will definitely not let you down."

The news that Walson, the big patron of the order, took the initiative to invite Shen Lin to dinner, spread quickly.

After hearing this incident, many people felt shocked at first, but after being shocked, they felt normal again.

After all, Shen Lin is the big boss of Mi Ke, and Kerry Fu sells a lot of Mi Ke's products every year, so it seems normal for him to invite Shen Lin to dinner.

Of course, for those factories desperately trying to get orders, it would be a lie to say that they are not jealous of Shen Lin's treatment.

For such things as Walsen inviting Shen Lin to dinner, Mi Yuan felt a little proud in her heart.But she really didn't expect that this meal would have something to do with herself.

"Lu Chu, do you mean to let Chairman Shen and I go over to have dinner together?" Mi Yuan stared at Lu Daqing closely.

Lu Daqing said: "Mi Yuan, just now Walson's assistant called and said that Mr. Walson will bring his secretary to attend."

"You also know that in such a situation, it seems inappropriate to just let Chairman Shen go by himself, so I think it's better for you to follow Shen Lin and go there together."

"In this way, you can help Mr. Shen clear the door when he is negotiating the order. Also, your spoken English is very good. You can communicate more with Walson's secretary during the meal."

"Look at us, if there are other opportunities." Lu Daqing said very flatly: "Originally, Liang Jialuo of Mi Ke would be quite suitable, but she is not here at all."

Mi Yuan originally wanted to refuse, but when she heard Liang Jialuo, she didn't know what to do, and a kind of obsession suddenly arose in her heart.For an outstanding person like Shen Lin, I'm afraid I'm not the only one who misses him?

She pondered for a while and said, "Since it's for work, I'll take part in it."

"But you must make an agreement with Shen Lin, I don't drink."

Lu Daqing smiled and said, "Don't worry about this. It's said to be a dinner together, but in fact it's more about the order negotiation between Mi Ke and Jialifu."

"I hope that this negotiation can have a result that we are very much looking forward to."

"In this case, we will live up to our trust!"

Mi Yuan looked at the solemn Lu Daqing, and could only nod her head and said, "Lu Chu, I can play very little role. Whether this matter will be successful or not depends on Shen Lin."

"Oh, Gu Gu talked to you. I haven't told Chairman Shen about this yet." Lu Daqing slapped his head and said, "I'm leaving first, you should prepare well."

(End of this chapter)

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