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Chapter 1056 For the reunion after a long absence

Chapter 1056 For the reunion after a long absence

Let Mi Yuan go to Walson's dinner with herself!

Shen Lin looked at Lu Daqing, and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

During this time, Shen Lin has been avoiding Mi Yuan intentionally or unintentionally. He can't tell what he is thinking, but there is one thing that makes him not want to look directly.It should be straightforward not to love, but why do I feel a little uneasy in the face of Mi Yuan's quietly passing eyes?
This Lu Daqing actually added such a mess to himself.

"Shen Lin, the key is that Mr. Walson said that he would bring his girlfriend to participate. I think that if you go alone, you will suffer a bit during the negotiation."

Seeing that Shen Lin didn't speak, Lu Daqing carefully explained.

"I've already told Mi Yuan that Mi Yuan understands this action very well. After all, eating this meal is also for work."

"Then do as you say." Shen Lin knew very well in his heart that if he refused at this time, it would be Mi Yuan who would lose face.

After all, Mi Yuan has already agreed, and if she resolutely refuses, it will hurt Mi Yuan even if people gossip behind her back!Shen Lin couldn't bear to see this.

Anyway, if you go to eat, you might as well go there openly.

"Okay, Mr. Shen, do you need to bring any presents? I read the international etiquette introduced in the magazine, and when I go to an appointment, it would be more gentlemanly to bring some souvenirs."

Before Lu Daqing finished his idea, Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "No, Mr. Walson and I are old friends."

"What's more, this time, the initiative is mine."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin turned to Lu Daqing and said, "Don't worry, Jialifu's order cannot be escaped."

"Haha, Mr. Shen, it's good if you can't run away. You know that our foreign exchange earnings have always been among the best in the past two years, and we've been doing well all the way."

"Of course, Mr. Shen, you know better than me why you are ranked first. If you fail to rank, then..."

Lu Daqing rubbed his hands, looking helpless.

Shen Lin didn't tell Lu Daqing that he still had a lot of things to do. Now that he has made a decision, he won't waste any more time.

At six o'clock in the evening, Shen Lin came out wearing casual clothes.When he saw Mi Yuan, who was wearing a goose yellow dress and looked radiant even though she wasn't wearing any accessories, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

In the previous life, Shen Lin had seen too many pictures of female stars.But the moment he saw Mi Yuan, he couldn't help but feel his eyes light up.

Under Shen Lin's gaze, Mi Yuan felt a little cramped, but in her heart, there was a hint of sweet joy indistinctly.

It seems that in his eyes, he is not nothing.

"Mi Yuan, this time around, you just treat it as a work meal and don't worry about anything else. You can eat what you usually eat with your friends, and you can eat what you want now."

Shen Lin calmed down and said to Mi Yuan with a smile.

Mi Yuan nodded, but said nothing.

During this meal, Mi Yuan had already been instructed several times by Lu Daqing. Of course, the most important of these instructions was to let Mi Yuan live up to her trust and urge Shen Lin to take down the order.

"Okay, Director Shen."

Shen Lin's words made Mi Yuan feel a little depressed, why am I just eating, am I just an accessory that you bring to decorate your appearance?
Although she thought so in her heart, Mi Yuan couldn't say it out. After all, her relationship with Shen Lin at this time hadn't reached that level yet.

Cheng Zi's car was already waiting below. After Shen Lin and Mi Yuan got into the car, everyone left.

Lu Xiaoshan frowned subconsciously as he looked at Mi Yuan who was attending the banquet with Shen Lin.

For a long time, Lu Xiaoshan didn't like this beautiful woman very much in his heart, although she has always behaved very well-behaved, very understanding, and always spoke and acted so appropriately.

It is precisely based on this that Lu Xiaoshan always feels that there is a feeling in his heart that this woman with outstanding temperament and ice-snow intelligence is very likely to pose a certain threat to her sister's marriage!

Although this was just a ceremonial entertainment, Lu Xiaoshan still felt faintly uneasy.

Lu Daqing, who regards political achievements as his life, what kind of idea is he coming up with!However, he finally suppressed his dissatisfaction. After all, it was not the right time to talk about this.

The car arrived at the restaurant where Walson invited to dinner quickly and smoothly. When Shen Lin and Mi Yuan walked into the private room, Walson and a blond woman were already waiting there.

The blond woman looks like she is in her 20s, with exquisite makeup and a suit, she has the demeanor of a business beauty.

And when Walson and this woman are together, it gives people a sense of sight of Beauty and the Beast.

"Hahaha, dear Shen, let me introduce you. This is my assistant Miss Daluxi. She is a top student who graduated from Tansford!"

As soon as Walsen met, he smiled and introduced to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin looked at Da Lucy with a smile, and then said: "Miss Da Lucy knows that she is very capable at work."

"I'm Shen Lin, and this is my friend Mi Yuan."

Mi Yuan felt a little sweet when she heard Shen Lin say that she was a friend, not an assistant.

In fact, she was already prepared in her heart to be introduced as an assistant by Shen Lin. After all, this was also a business negotiation.

Da Lucy smiled at Shen Lin, and then said in a bit blunt Mandarin: "Mr. Shen, I have heard about you for a long time."

"Before coming here, Mr. Walson, he mentioned you a lot, saying that you are the business prodigy he has seen."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Walson praised me as a flower, mainly because we are friends, that's why he gave me such a high evaluation."

After a few gossips, the two sides sat down in their seats.

Sirloin steak, French baked snails, pizza... This is a very emotional dinner.The dishes are exquisite, the grapes are delicious, the lighting is just right, the background music is soothing, flowing like water, and there is a warm atmosphere everywhere.

"Mr. Shen, this is Lafite from [-]. It has the best taste in recent years. I bought it specially to meet your old friend this time."

Walsen pulled a bottle of Lafite over and introduced it to Shen Lin with a smile.

Shen Lin looked at the Lafite bottle in Walson's hand, and said with a smile: "I know this wine. Last time I went to Dongmen Electric to order equipment, I thought this wine was good, so I bought some."

"Uh, I don't know how much Mr. Shen said?" Da Lucy asked Shen Lin with a light smile.

Shen Lin pondered for a while and said: "It seems to be several hundred bottles, but I can't remember exactly how much."

Listening to this answer, Da Lucy didn't know what to say for a while.

She knew in her heart that a boss like Shen Lin would basically not joke about such insignificant matters.

The number Shen Lin said should be certain.

"Haha, Mr. Shen is really generous. If I had known this, I would have waited for you to drink." Walson took the topic.

"However, the two of us chose this wine at the same time, which shows that there is still a very tacit understanding between us."

"Yes, I think so too." Shen Lin picked up the glass of red wine and said with a smile: "Come on, let's have a drink for this reunion."

Shen Lin's words made Walson laugh too.

He raised his glass and said, "Cheers, Chen, for this long-lost reunion!"

Mi Yuan gently raised her wine glass, her mood was a little more turbulent at this moment.

For this reunion, for this proposal, her heart is full of joy.

Although this reunion was not just the two of them, this reunion still satisfied her.

(End of this chapter)

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