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Chapter 1057 We Don't Worry About Sales

Chapter 1057 We Don't Worry About Sales

The soothing music was replaced by the piano piece "Dream Wedding", and Mi Yuan's whole body seemed to be hit. Even though the music was sometimes warm like wind and sometimes soft like a rainbow, Mi Yuan still had an indescribable sadness in her heart.

Shen Lin and Walson basically didn't talk about their work. The most they talked about was their experiences in the past year.

Of course, the central topic is still the friendship between each other.

Mi Yuan was a little distracted. She was immersed in the artistic conception of this piano piece, thinking of Shen Lin who was sitting beside her at the moment; and that Ms. Da Lucy was obviously a very good listener. Peaceful, always taking care of the left and right.

After drinking most of the bottle of red wine, Walson said with a smile: "My friend, I came to you this time, in addition to reminiscing with you, I also want to give you a big gift."

"As long as last year's price is used, I'm willing to order [-]% more of your products than last year's."

Last year's price, [-]% more orders than last year!

Mi Yuan did not expect that things would go so smoothly.

She felt that if the person next to Shen Lin was Lu Daqing or Li Qingbo at this time, the two of them might jump for joy.

But at this time, the person sitting next to Shen Lin was Mi Yuan.

Shen Lin played with the wine glass in his hand, pondered for a while and said: "Wolson, my old friend, you can't get the goods at last year's price."

"It's not that I deliberately increased the price, but our cost has increased."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin didn't say much, because he knew very well that Walson knew what he said.

Walson didn't make a sound, but Daluxi, who was sitting next to him, had already said, "Mr. Shen, we also know something about your Mi Ke's situation."

"We feel that even if the cost rises, for Mi Ke, as long as you are willing, everything is still not a problem."

"After all, you still have a lot of profit margins."

Shen Lin looked at Da Lucy, didn't say anything, just smiled without saying a word.

Mi Yuan actually wanted to help Shen Lin at this time, but she found that she didn't seem to be able to offer any advice on this kind of business matter.

After all, he is not too familiar with this matter.

Just when Mi Yuan was hesitating, as if she didn't want to see her subordinates embarrassed, Watson said: "Director Shen, what Miss Dalusi said is not unreasonable."

"Haha, Mr. Walson, I told you earlier that I have been to Dongmen Electric, but I forgot to tell you that I have a cooperation with an information company."

"Basically, we have a very clear understanding of the product sales of Mishell Electronics every month."

After Shen Lin said this, he stopped talking.

Da Lucy opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.Because Shen Lin's words left her speechless.

She really did not expect that Chairman Shen would be so advanced.

In other words, Shen Lin couldn't hide how much profit Mi Ke's products made in their Jialifu supermarket chain.

"Hahaha, Mr. Shen, I knew you were a genius in business." Walsen raised his glass with a smile and said, "Mr. Shen, let's have a toast."

Shen Lin didn't ask why the toast, he raised his glass and clinked it with Walson with a smile.

As the wine glasses were put down by both parties, Walson said: "The price has been agreed to increase by [-]%. I can't decide if it is higher!"

Shen Lin looked at Walson and said, "Does what you mentioned include the refrigerator?"

"Dear Shen, the appearance of your refrigerator is indeed good, but the real competitiveness of the refrigerator lies in its core technology: cooling and energy saving."

“Our shopping mall cooperates with many refrigerator brands.” “So, I don’t think Mihu Refrigerator has any unique competitive advantages.”

"What's more, the Dongmen Electric production line they use is no worse than yours."

After Watson finished speaking, he changed the topic again: "Of course, we are already old friends. If you are willing to make some appropriate concessions in other aspects, it is not impossible for me to order another batch of refrigerators."

Looking at the smiling Walson, Shen Lin smiled. He already sensed that Walson seemed to regard the refrigerator as his weakness.

In this way, it allows itself to reduce the profits of other products, such as Walkmans and water heaters, so that the export of refrigerators can enter Kerry Fu.

"Then don't worry about it, our refrigerators are not worrying about selling at present."

Mi Yuan has not said much, but her head is running fast.

She also understands that once Mi Ke's refrigerator enters Jialifu's hypermarket, it will also be a publicity stunt for Mi Ke.

According to Shen Lin's temper in the past, he probably would not refuse this proposal.

But now, Shen Lin refused, which surprised Mi Yuan.

But at the same time as she was surprised, she could hear the confidence in Shen Lin's words.

When Shen Lin said that was the case, Walson gently put down his wine glass and said, "Dear Shen, we are old friends, so I have something to say, I think I still have to persuade you."

"Your refrigerators really don't have a unique competitive advantage. After all, refrigerators are the strengths of companies such as Dongmen Electric."

"If your rice shell refrigerator can enter our store, it will have self-evident benefits for its next word-of-mouth improvement."

"So, as an old friend, I hope you can think clearly."

Shen Lin looked at the solemn Walson, and said calmly and firmly: "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Walson, but unfortunately, I cannot accept it."

"I know exactly what level my refrigerator is."

"So, it is the flagship product of Mishell Electronics, not a product to be launched at a reduced price."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Let's talk about the refrigerator thing later, what do you think?"

Walson looked at Shen Lin, and all kinds of thoughts surged in his mind. Although he was not optimistic about Mi Ke's refrigerator, Shen Lin's self-confidence surprised him a little.

He glanced at Da Lucy, which was ordinary, but it made Mi Yuan feel strange.

She felt that Walson's glance seemed to be asking for instructions.

Just when Mi Yuan was surprised, Da Lucy shook her head slightly.

This movement was very small, but it was noticed by Mi Yuan who was observing carefully.

"Okay, since Mr. Shen said so, let's sign the order contract for other products first, as for the refrigerator, we will talk about it later." Walson shook the wine glass in his hand and said solemnly.

Shen Lin raised the wine glass in his hand and said, "It's a deal."

With the words of two people, a big deal has already been finalized.

The next four people no longer talked about business matters, but turned into a casual conversation among friends.

During this conversation, Mi Yuan discovered that the relationship between Walson and her assistant Da Lucy seemed not so familiar and tacit.

She even felt that there was still some strangeness between the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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