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Chapter 1058 Shen Lin's Blind Confidence

Chapter 1058 Shen Lin's Blind Confidence

At 09:30 in the evening, Shen Lin and Mi Yuan, who were full of wine and food, had finished talking and left.

As a hospitable host, Walson and Da Lucy have been sending Shen Lin and Mi Yuan to the car.

Watching the slowly passing car, the smiles on the faces of Walson and Da Lucy slowly dissipated.

"This guy is really difficult to deal with!" It was Da Lucy who spoke, and she said with a hint of emotion in her words: "He actually had a foresight and knew how to use a research company to make our prepared remarks useless. "

Walson said calmly: "Miss Da Lucy, I have always believed that we should not underestimate any self-made man."

"Shen Lin is young and can achieve his current achievements in just a few years. When we face him, we must not take it lightly. Otherwise, we will definitely be the ones who suffer!"

Looking at Walson with a serious expression, Da Lucy nodded and said, "Mr. Walson, you are right."

"In the future, please give me more advice."

Having said that, Da Lucy said to Walson: "I think Shen Lin seems to be very confident about his refrigerator."

"Do you think his refrigerator really has potential?"

"Miss Daluxi, successful people often have a kind of blind self-confidence. For example, Chairman Shen, I think he is a little bit drifting now!"

Speaking of this, Walson said: "He imports the production line of refrigerators from Dongmen Electric."

"Do you think the quality of his products can compare with Dongmen Electric?"

"What's more, do our customers trust the reputable Dongmen Electric, or the new Mishell Electronics?"

"Perhaps, when it comes to gadgets like electric kettles and water dispensers, everyone trusts Mi Ke, but when it comes to big appliances, consumers still trust Dongmen Electric."

"What do you say?"

Da Lucy nodded and said: "Mr. Walson hit the nail on the head, so we really don't need to cooperate with Shen Lin in terms of refrigerators."

While the two were talking, Mi Yuan, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, was telling Shen Lin about her discovery.

"Mr. Shen, I think that Da Lucy is not just an assistant to Walson. I don't think the two of them are very familiar with each other."

"As an assistant, I should be very familiar with the manager, but these two people don't seem to have much contact with each other."

Although Shen Lin only drank a little red wine, his face was still flushed. He smiled and said, "Not only is Da Lucy not Walson's assistant, but he is probably the one who makes the final decision."

"However, whatever the relationship between them is, it has nothing to do with us."

"Just take the order down."

Looking at Shen Lin who looked calm, Mi Yuan hesitated for a moment and said: "I think it would be good if we can give up some profits and let them buy rice shells and some refrigerators."

"After all, this will make Mi Ke's refrigerator famous."

"For future sales, there are great benefits."

Shen Lin looked at the solemn Mi Yuan, smiled and said, "Thank you for your reminder, but I have already made arrangements for this matter."

"Actually, in many aspects, even if we don't make concessions, we can still achieve good results."

"What's more, I have other plans for the refrigerator."

"Just wait and see. It won't be long before Walson wants to treat us to a meal and talk about buying our refrigerator."

Shen Lin hired us, which made Mi Yuan feel a warm current in her heart.

Although she knew in her heart that Shen Lin had no other meaning when he said this, she still couldn't help but feel a little excited.Lu Daqing and others didn't rest. When they saw Shen Lin and Mi Yuan coming back, they gathered in Shen Lin's office.

"Mr. Shen, what's the matter?"

Shen Lin took a sip of water from his teacup and said, "The purchase volume over there has increased by [-]%, and the price has risen by [-]%."

"I haven't calculated the exact amount, but it should be 5000 to [-] million U.S. dollars."

The goods worth 5000 million US dollars were ordered at once, and the exhibition hall of Mi Ke hadn't been set up yet. Such a situation made Lu Daqing smile on his face.

"Mr. Shen, I knew that when Mr. Shen stepped in, one would beat two, and everything would go smoothly, hahaha!"

Speaking of this, Lu Daqing walked back and forth in Shen Lin's house for a few steps and said, "Mr. Shen, why don't we go out for supper?"

"Lu Chu, you should find someone else. I ate a lot today and I can't eat any more."

What Shen Lin said was extremely resolute. He just ate his fill, and if he ate another meal, it would be pure torture!
Lu Daqing didn't force it either. For him, the current Shen Lin is the god who needs to be offered. After all, this trade fair has not officially started yet, and he can win the envy of other brother units. Order.

This is the only one.

In the past, completing this job was basically completing the task.

But it can't do it now, the previous achievements of Mishell Electronics have pushed this task too high.

"Okay, okay, Chairman Shen, take a good rest, let's go out and have a drink to celebrate." Lu Daqing said excitedly with his heart completely relieved.

Li Qingbo was also very happy at this time, but he didn't show it too much.

With the finalization of Jialifu's order, Shen Lin met several old friends just after the exhibition started the next day, and also finalized several orders.

In just half a day, Mi Ke has already received more orders than last year.

This breakthrough not only made Lu Daqing very happy, but also made the organizing committee of the trade fair very excited while being shocked.

After all, this is a very good start.

And just as Shen Lin signed the contract with others, several figures came outside Mi Ke's exhibition hall.

Mi Ke's exhibition hall still adopts the layout of last year's villa home.However, this year's villa layout is wider and more refined.

Outside the exhibition hall, an endless stream of exhibitors are queuing up to see the new products of Mike.

"There are a lot of people. His grandma's made something new to attract people's attention!" Director Xie, who was standing in the crowd until his eyes were red with jealousy, said sourly.

Although the refrigerators of their Shangxue Electronics Factory adopted Shangmatsu's technology, no one cared about them, not even a single order.

Although Shen Lin didn't seem to have any orders for rice shell refrigerators, his other orders had already made a lot of money, which made him far behind.

Takeda Ichiro, who was standing with Director Xie, looked at his watch and said, "Don't worry, they should be here soon."

Amidst these voices, more than a dozen people were seen coming from a distance.Among these dozens of people, surrounded by a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 50s, with gray hair and a thin face.

Although the man was wearing a suit, he gave off a refined and refined look.

"Look, it's Professor Oda coming!"

"Do you know? Professor Oda is a famous home appliance expert, and he also visited Mishell Electronics."

"Follow me quickly to see what Professor Oda has to say about Mi Ke's products."

(End of this chapter)

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