Chapter 1060

Lu Xiaoshan read the report very seriously.

At this time, a thought had come into his mind, that is, at this moment, someone was deliberately targeting Mi Ke.

From that professor Oda to the current expert, they are like spider webs, attacking the rice shell.

Although it is only rice shell refrigerators that are being questioned now.

But in many cases, things like influence are all point-to-point.

In fact, when rice shell refrigerators are questioned, other products of rice shell electronics will also be greatly affected.

With thoughts surging in his mind, Lu Xiaoshan quickly thought of a way to break the situation.

"Boom boom boom!"

The violent knock on the door made Lu Xiaoshan, who was in a mess in his mind, frown. He opened the door, and saw a subordinate rushing in.

"Section Chief, there are people on TV who"

The subordinate didn't know if it was because he was too excited and stuttered a little.

"I see." Lu Xiaoshan waved his hand and said, "You discovered this matter in time, but it doesn't matter, the chairman and I will handle this matter well."

"You still have to do a good job at the trade fair."

"Our rice shell electronics, why haven't we seen such a big storm? Just such a small trick, but also want to knock us down? Isn't this wishful thinking!"

After saying the last word, Lu Xiaoshan suddenly felt a burst of confidence in his heart.

Yes, Mishell Electronics Factory has developed by leaps and bounds in recent years, and its current strength is beyond the reach of ordinary factories.

Even if someone slanders, Mi Ke is not without the power to fight back.

Do you deserve to be afraid?
"Okay section chief, I understand." The young subordinate, after hearing Lu Xiaoshan's words, had a flash of relief in his eyes, and responded in a deep voice.

Watching his subordinates leave, Lu Xiaoshan let out a long breath.

Although the panic he had just watched TV had disappeared, he still hadn't figured out a solution to the problem.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Xiaoshan walked towards Shen Lin's residence.

Although the brother-in-law said that he had prepared a solution, he was still a little worried when he didn't know what the solution was.

Just when Lu Xiaoshan knocked on the door of Shen Lin's room, Mi Yuan also read a report about the defect of the rice shell refrigerator in a newspaper.

With Mi Ke's opening at the fair, most of the pressure on Mi Yuan and the others disappeared in an instant.

It can be said that at this time, most of their work has been completed, and the rest of the time can be carried out step by step.

However, the news report in the newspaper today made Mi Yuan feel uneasy.

This is someone targeting Mishell Electronics!
Does Shen Lin know, and judging from the speeches of these experts, Mishell Electronics will be very troublesome this time.

Although it is aimed at rice shell refrigerators, will the quality of other products be doubted?

Mi Yuan's first thought was to find Shen Lin.

But after calming down for a while, she found that it was difficult for her to go to Shen Lin at this time to provide him with any help.

So she decided to tell Lu Daqing about this first.After all, the person in charge of this trade fair is Lu Daqing. If anything happens, Lu Daqing will have to find a way to solve it.

When Mi Yuan came to Lu Daqing and handed him the newspaper in her hand, she found that Lu Daqing still had several newspapers and materials in his hand.

Most of the above are discussing the quality of rice shell refrigerators.

One of them was a very sharp statement, rice shell refrigerator, the quality is problematic!
Such a situation is very unfavorable to both Shen Lin and Mi Ke.

"These people have no grounds and no basis, just based on the inference of Professor Oda, and they come out to deny Mi Ke so irresponsibly. Isn't it too hateful?"

Mi Yuan picked up the report that the experts deduced that there was a problem with the rice shell refrigerator, glanced at it, and said bitterly.

But Lu Daqing said helplessly: "Mi Yuan, I know everything you said."

"But the current situation is, how can we stop this unhealthy trend."

"After all, at a time like this, we have to come up with something strong to fight back."

Mi Yuan didn't know what to do, after all, she had never experienced it before, while Lu Daqing picked up the newspaper and said, "Okay, you don't have to worry too much."

"After all, it's just rice shell refrigerators. Chairman Shen's refrigerators didn't sell a few in this trade fair."

"I believe it shouldn't have much impact."

Having said that, he stepped forward and said, "I'll go meet Shen Dong and see what Mi Ke is going to do?"

"Although we have no choice, we can help Mi Ke together."

Mi Yuan really wanted to say, I will go with you too, but Lu Daqing had already said what she had said, so she was too embarrassed to follow.

"Lu Chu, you can deal with Mi Ke's affairs at ease, I have everything here."

In the past, Lu Daqing liked to be polite with others, but now, he didn't have this thought at all. After hearing Mi Yuan's words, he didn't say anything, just stuffed the newspaper in his hand, and left in a hurry.

Following Lu Daqing's departure, a trace of worry flashed in Mi Yuan's eyes.

She looked up at the sky and found that at some point, a dark cloud appeared in the sky.

Although the dark cloud was not too big and hadn't covered the sky yet, this kind and affectionate girl couldn't help but worry about Shen Lin.

The rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building!
When Lu Daqing arrived at Shen Lin's office, Shen Lin was reading the newspaper leisurely, and there was even a cup of tea on the table.

"Shen Lin, do you know about that Professor Oda?"

"Sit down on the road, I already know it, it's just some people's tricks to discredit us Mi Ke, don't worry."

While speaking, Shen Lin picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea for Lu Daqing, and said, "I found a good tea in the street today, but it was too expensive. I just bought a little. Please sit down on the road." Come down and try it out."

Lu Daqing is really dumbfounded, you said, according to your wealth, Chairman Shen, would you still despise the expensive tea?I am really convinced!
What's more, I'm scratching my head here, are you still in the mood to sit down and drink tea calmly?
Although I thought so in my heart, I didn't say it out of my mouth.Instead, he said patiently: "Brother Shen Lin, look at the current situation, should we also find some experts to make a fair evaluation? I also have some connections in this regard."

"In addition, Mi Ke is our key enterprise, and this kind of smearing behavior will absolutely not be tolerated."

Naturally, Shen Lin could hear the support in Lu Daqing's words, and he said to Lu Daqing, "It's not necessary now, we have already made preparations in this regard, and when the result comes out, these man-made rumors, Naturally, it is self-defeating."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin picked up a newspaper and said with a smile: "Some people have misbehaved themselves, and their buttocks are full of shit, and they are still talking nonsense here. They are really not afraid of retribution!"

Lu Daqing casually looked at the newspaper in Shen Lin's hand, and saw Professor Oda's resume printed on it.

(End of this chapter)

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