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Chapter 1061 Let the bullets fly for a while

Chapter 1061 Let the bullets fly for a while

The name of Mishell Electronics has skyrocketed with the spring launch of Mishell.

However, the doubts of Professor Oda and a group of experts pushed Mishell Electronics Factory to the forefront again.

In particular, rice shell refrigerators have experienced returns.

Originally, with the launch of Miko's spring conference, Miko refrigerators have been trusted by many families.

After all, it has good looks, large storage space, and cheap price.

The convergence of these three has become synonymous with super ability.

What's more, this product is also supported by Mishell Electronics.

It can be said that everything should have made this new product soar, but now, this general trend seems to be cut off directly by someone.

In the rice shell electrical store, the waiter Xiaowen looked at the customer in front of him and asked in disbelief, "Are you sure you want to return the product?"

"Yes, I watched TV, and even the experts said that the refrigerators produced by your rice shell electronics are likely to have major defects."

"This kind of defect makes the refrigerator we buy not only consume electricity, but also very likely not to cool down."

"I have saved money for several years to buy a refrigerator. I don't want to buy a defective product."

Xiaowen looked at the serious-looking customer, and said in a deep voice: "Sir, the products produced by our Mishell Electronics are no longer one or two."

"Not to mention that quality problems rarely occur, even if there are quality problems, we will guarantee them, and within the specified time, we only replace them without repairing them."

"Don't listen to what some people say, why don't you choose to trust Mi Ke again?"

What Xiaowen said was well-founded. The middle-aged man who came to return the product hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Little girl, I believe in the quality of Mishell Electronics' products."

"But, this refrigerator is really important!"

"Think about it, I have saved money for a few years just to enjoy the convenience of a refrigerator. It would be very uncomfortable to buy a refrigerator that is likely to break down."

"You'd better do me a favor, refund me, I'll buy another brand."

Looking at the client with a resolute look, although Xiaowen was unwilling in her heart, her professionalism still made her say calmly: "Okay, then please come with me."

"Would you like to buy another refrigerator?"

"Of course, I will choose again to see if there is any refrigerator suitable for us."

While the customer was talking, he looked at the refrigerators around him.

But after looking around, he felt extremely entangled.

The rice shell refrigerator is not only large in space, but also high in appearance.After looking at Mi Ke's refrigerator and looking at these green old-fashioned refrigerators, he really couldn't make up his mind.

However, the rice shell's refrigerator seems to have a quality problem, which is what experts say.

In the end, the customer gritted his teeth and said, "Little girl, is there really no problem with your rice shell electronics refrigerator?"

"Of course, since Mishell Electronics can launch this refrigerator strongly, it must have passed the quality inspection."

"I believe that the company will clarify some doubts."

The customer hesitated for a while and said: "Well, I'll wait for you for a few days, and if you can clarify the doubts of those experts within a few days, I will not refund."

"If you, MiKe Electronics, can't tell you clearly, I still have to replace what I should." Xiaowen said very happily: "Thank you, sir, for your trust in our MiKe. I believe that our head office will definitely replace it in the shortest possible time." respond.”

The incident that Xiaowen encountered was carried out in almost every sales point of rice shell refrigerators. The rice shell refrigerators that were originally in short supply were suddenly left out.

Even some small products of Mi Ke were affected.

"Dad, let's buy rice shells for this kettle. The rice shells are beautiful."

"Hey, Mi Ke's products seem to be flawed, let's buy this one, the experts have said it."

"Dad, what are you thinking? People say that Mike's refrigerator has changed the production line, but the others are pretty good."

"Moreover, the electric kettle was first launched by Mi Ke, and the technology is the most mature. Even if there is a problem, it should not be Mi Ke, but other manufacturers."

These conversations were going on in many places, and the waiters of the Mike Electric Store who listened to these conversations were full of helplessness.

Although the rice shell, which was originally a hot product, was not abandoned, the popularity suddenly dropped.

It was as if the spring press conference was opened for nothing.

On this day, Lu Xiaoshan, as the chief of the sales department, received a call from his subordinates from the Dongzhou headquarters, telling him that the product sales had fluctuated.

Of course, this kind of fluctuation mainly comes from rice shell refrigerators.

As for Shen Lin, he received a lot of calls.

Among them, not only Qiangzi, Cheng Zhenyuan and others, but also the phone number from the University of Technology.The University of Technology, which jointly built a scientific research park with Mi Ke, has been closely linked with Mi Ke at this time.

The research and innovation of rice shell refrigerators is a product jointly launched by several professors under the guidance of Shen Lin.

Therefore, the University of Technology's attitude is very firm, and they will firmly stand by Mi Ke's side for this kind of slander.

Shen Lin expressed his gratitude for all these concerns and supports, and told everyone that Mi Ke has already started to act on these rumors, and there will be results soon.

Of course, Liang Jialuo's phone call was also indispensable. She asked Boss Shen if he was a little flustered and if he should let her go back to help.

For Liang Jialuo's request, Shen Lin flatly refused. As for the reason, there is only one reason, do your job well and don't worry about it.

Of course, among them, there are also calls from some partners.

For example, Walson called with great concern.

In the phone call, Walson, in addition to greeting Shen Lin, also said that in their Kerry Fu store, they believe in the quality of most of the products produced by Mishell Electronics, and there will never be any problems such as returns. .

But in the end, Walson expressed very implicitly that if it is difficult for Mishell's refrigerator to prove its innocence, it is better not to insist, so as not to affect the sales of Mishell Electronics' other products.

For Walson's kind reminder, apart from expressing his gratitude, Shen Lin threw it aside without any surprise.

However, in addition to these calls, Shen Lin also received a call, that is, the inspection team he had been waiting for for a long time, not only arrived at the location, but also started the application for the rice shell refrigerator and started the inspection.

However, the time for this inspection has been increased from the previously determined 24 hours to 48 hours.

The reason for increasing the test time is also because of the suggestion of Professor Koizumi.

However, Shen Lin was not angry about this, on the contrary he welcomed it.

48 hours, he can still afford to wait!

(End of this chapter)

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