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Chapter 1063 Who gave the courage

Chapter 1063 Who gave the courage

Factory Manager Xie lived a very leisurely life.

This time he came to the trade fair, his goal was very clear, that is to see the layout of himself and Ichiro Takeda.

As for whether he can sell the goods and get orders, this is not his concern.

After having a meal with Ichiro Takeda, the two of them discussed what to do next, and then Director Xie left the hotel.

Mi Ke's refrigerator business must be beaten to death!

This time, not only will Mi Ke's refrigerator business be wiped out, but it will also affect Mi Ke's other businesses.

Of course, this is also the ultimate goal that he and Ichiro Takeda are looking forward to. As for other goals, although he has thoughts in his heart, he knows that he can't achieve them.

After all, Mishell Electronics is already a behemoth.

Not to mention him thanking the factory director, even Takeda Ichiro knew he couldn't eat it.

But not being able to eat rice shell electronics doesn't mean that he can't make trouble for rice shell electronics.

As long as you start the refrigerator business yourself, you may be able to develop other businesses by yourself.

At that time, maybe who will win in the end!
I am a joint venture factory!

Factory Manager Xie, who was full of fighting spirit, walked back to the hotel with unrestrained steps, and when he entered the lobby, he saw Mi Yuan and a young woman waiting at the door.

These two people are from the superior department, so Director Xie is usually very polite to them.

"Oh, two beauties, who are you waiting for here?" Seeing Mi Yuan's beautiful figure, Director Xie couldn't help joking.

Mi Yuan smiled and said, "Thank you, director, let me inform you that a meeting will be held in half an hour."

"I was just saying that there is no way to inform you. It just so happens that you are back."

"Hahaha, what kind of meeting is going to be held on the road?" Director Xie asked casually.

"It's the order situation in the past few days. Let everyone discuss it and see if we can do anything else, and then make breakthroughs in other areas."

Mi Yuan said with a smile.

Factory Manager Xie and Lu Daqing don't have any personal grievances, but they just can't understand this man's swollen lower eyelids, and he's just a snobbish person!
You said, Shen Lin achieved today's results, is it because you, Lu Daqing, are working hard?You try your best to claim credit for yourself in the work summary, no one can see it, but every time you come to the trade fair, you hug Shen Lin in front of you, and the corners of your mouth almost reach your ears , this is appropriate!

"Okay, I'll be there in a while." Although he wasn't very interested in Lu Daqing, Director Xie would not object to this formal notification.

Back in his room, Director Xie asked the secretary who followed him to make him a cup of tea, and asked while drinking, "Xiao Li, what is the purpose of this meeting?"

"Factory Manager, it's just about the progress of the research, I don't know anything else."

Xiao Li hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "You said, is it related to Mi Ke's matter?"

"It's about the same, hehe, Shen Lin won't be reduced to the point where he needs Lu Daqing to come forward to help him clarify. If that's the case, it will be fun!"

Having said that, Xie Changzi laughed loudly while playing with the teacup in his hand.

Xiao Li saw that his factory manager was very interested, and his eyes sparkled with excitement: "Factory Manager, I chatted with some other factory personnel who came to the trade fair today, do you know what he said?"

"What did you say?" Director Xie asked with interest.

"Factory, people say that every trade fair is almost the highlight of Mishell Electronics, but this time, they are disheartened."

"Besides, this disheveled face is still yellow mud falling into the crotch, no matter how you wash it, it will be shit!"

"Then no matter how powerful Chairman Shen is, no matter how much he turns his hand into clouds and his hands into rain, this time, nothing will change the result."

Listening to Xiao Li's words, Director Xie's laughter became even more hearty. He patted Xiao Li and said, "You, in the future, communicate more with people who come here from various factories."

"Don't look at the present, these people came with us old guys."

"But after a while, when we old guys retire, the future will be yours!"

"At that time, these people will be your network resources!"

What Lao Xie said cheered up Xiao Li for a while. He seemed to see that one day in the future, he could also stand in the position of Factory Director Xie and command thousands of troops.

At least now, if Director Xie can say this, it means that he regards himself as a key training target.His future suddenly became extremely bright.

Just when the young Xiao Li was full of fighting spirit, he heard someone say in a deep voice: "Thank you, director, go to the meeting."

As the door opened, a chubby figure appeared.

Director Xie knew the person very well, so he was not polite. He waved his hand and said, "Drink some more water, there is no rush now."

"Go to the conference room and drink again. I heard that Lu Chu is not in a good mood right now, so let's not lose our eyes and take the initiative to hit the muzzle of the gun!"

Hearing the ridicule from his companion, Director Xie chuckled and said, "Okay, we're not afraid of his old ways, but to give him face."

"Otherwise, it's up to us, how can he win us in his old way!"

The complacent Factory Director Xie made the visitor's eyes flash with helplessness. He knew what Lao Xie was proud of, but he also knew that he couldn't say it.After all, whether you see through or not, you are still good friends.

Isn't it just that Mi Ke is in trouble now, you see you thank the factory director for his heart!It's just fair competition, why bother to see people joke?
Although he was contemptuous in his heart, he still smiled and said: "The momentum of the old road is very good, and it may be a step further in a short time."

"As for us, there is really no need to have trouble with him."

"I also know, brother, if you say so, let's go there." Director Xie touched his head and said: "It seems that Mike Electronics is in big trouble."

"Otherwise, the old road will not let us have a meeting."

The chubby figure glanced at Director Xie, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

I want to stay away from this friend, what he said is a bit dangerous.

Mi Ke encountered the current situation, wouldn't he, Director Xie Da, also participate in it?

As soon as this thought appeared, the visitor touched his head and said: "Old Xie, I forgot to take the teacup, go back and get it first."

While speaking, the visitor hurriedly left Factory Manager Xie's room.

Looking at his departing companion, Lao Xie didn't know what had happened. He smiled and said to himself that this guy always loses everything.

Five minutes later, Director Xie, who did not wait for his companion, came to the meeting room with a teacup.

This meeting room belongs to the hotel, and it is now being lent to Lu Daqing and the others.

In the conference room, quite a few people were already puffing up clouds of smoke. Although the windows were open, the smoke still suffocated the eyes.

"Haha, everyone is here, Lao Song, here's one." Factory Manager Xie threw the cigarette in his hand towards several familiar people while speaking.

"Hey, old Xie is amazing, he's already drawn three fives."

"Haha, how about I try this smoke too?"

"Thank you, give me one!"

Hearing the words of his familiar companion, Director Xie's eyes narrowed immediately.

"How about your order?"

"Hey, the competition among the peers is too fierce. Although we have orders now, do you know? If our profits make us cry, it will be like a torrential river, endless!"

"That's it, someone lowered the price!"

Those who come to participate in the trade fair, gather together, and naturally talk about the trade fair.

And when it comes to speaking, everyone is full of complaints.

Factory Manager Xie listened leisurely to the conversation of these people. Although he was also jealous that others could earn foreign exchange through export, he knew that he did not have this level.

At this moment, a figure walked in surrounded by several people.

Seeing this person, Director Xie's expression suddenly became serious.

He hesitated for a while, then took out a cigarette and handed it over, "Mr. Shen, smoke one. Although this cigarette can't solve the problem, it can relieve fatigue!"

(End of this chapter)

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