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Chapter 1064 Big brother is still big brother

Chapter 1064 Big brother is still big brother

Shen Lin looked at the cigarettes that were handed to him attentively, and at the smiling and concerned Director Xie, he was really speechless.

He knew very well in his heart that Lao Xie was just a duck swimming in the river. He looked motionless on the surface, but in fact, his legs were swaying happily in private.

However, in such a large crowd, if someone handed over cigarettes so politely, if he didn't respond, it would appear that he was too unstructured.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Thank you, director, thank you, but I have never smoked much, so let's persevere now."

After Shen Lin shied away, Director Xie laughed and said: "Mr. Shen, you are different from us big bastards. As for us, we all have wine today and are drunk today. Worry about tomorrow and worry about tomorrow, or do you think long-term? where!"

"Speaking of which, Mr. Shen, I also really look down on that guy called Xiao Tian, ​​damn it."

"If it's possible, I'd like to give him a few mouthfuls. What kind of bullshit expert is clearly a brick!"

"In my opinion, that grandson did it on purpose!"

Director Xie said with a look of righteous indignation: "He is purely nitpicking, I don't think you can just let it go so easily."

"Don't you know Xiangjiang's lawyer? Do you want to sue him?"

Factory Manager Xie looked concerned, and a sneer flashed in Shen Lin's eyes.

Lao Xie's righteous speech sounded as if he was thinking of him.But in fact, Lao Xie is just playing fire.

And in front of so many people, he put eye drops on himself in a grand manner.

Because in the eyes of these people, no matter how capable they are, they may not be able to do anything to this Professor Oda.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you, the factory manager, we really can't sue him for some criticism and suspicion."

"However, no one is perfect. Many people are misbehaving now, and even academics can be falsified."

What Shen Lin said was covered by clouds and fog. What does this mean?

Lao Xie felt that he was a little dizzy by Shen Lin's two words.

What is misconduct, what is academic fraud!
Just when Director Xie was a little confused, he heard footsteps, and Lu Daqing, Li Qingbo and others walked in.

Lu Daqing nodded towards Shen Lin, and then said solemnly: "Everyone, the main purpose of calling everyone here this time is to discuss the order."

"We have been here for two days, and the pressure is very high!"

"In the current situation, we can all empathize. After all, all brothers and units are thinking about exporting and earning foreign exchange. This requires us not to relax no matter what!"

Speaking of this, a trace of solemnity flashed in Lu Daqing's eyes: "Now I will inform you about our current order status."

Speaking of this, there was an extra piece of paper in Lu Daqing's hand.

He glanced at it and said: "The orders obtained by Rice Shell Electronics have now exceeded hundreds of millions of dollars. This achievement has already surpassed the total performance of Rice Shell Electronics last year."

"Let us applaud Mishell Electronics with warm applause."

Lu Daqing's words stunned everyone present.

Following the remarks of that professor Oda, many people felt that the life of Mishell Electronics should be very difficult.

At the very least, the orders of Mishell Electronics should be affected to some extent.

But now, it seems that Mishell Electronics is still strong, as if nothing happened.

After all, where is the order placed here, this...

"Director Shen, I received a call. The boss was originally planning to give you an exclusive interview now, but since you have already broadcast news twice during this time slot, we are planning to do a special report after this time is over." Lu Da Qing looked at Shen Lin and said with a smile: "You and Mi Ke must prepare carefully."

Hearing these words, Director Xie felt as if ten thousand muddy horses were galloping past his heart. What's going on!

He originally thought that Shen Lin was doomed this time, but he didn't expect that he was not affected in the slightest, and the momentum seemed to be stronger than last year!
Shen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you Lu Chu, Mi Ke will definitely prepare well."

Lu Daqing nodded and said: "Everyone, I know that the competition seems to be getting more and more fierce now, but we can't stand still because of the competition."

"Our task is still very serious, which requires us to devote more enthusiasm to..."

Lu Daqing analyzed the situation, explained the problem, opened and closed his mouth, and talked continuously for half an hour. Director Xie had a mechanical smile on his face, but his mind had already gone far away!

He originally thought that the order of Mishell Electronics would definitely be hit hard this time, but instead of not doing so, they surpassed themselves unharmed!

Where can I find reasoning for this?

"Mr. Shen, I knew Mi Ke was not so easy to defeat."

"Haha, what are you talking about? In this world, how can someone defeat Mi Ke? If you want me to tell you, Chairman Shen wants a treat!"

"Mr. Shen, when you accept an exclusive interview, do you need a brother unit to speak? Let me tell you, I am not good at anything else, but if I speak a few words on a formal occasion, that aura, that spirit, that is really Say I am second, no one dares to rank first!"

Listening to the left and right sides, everyone surrounded Shen Lin and said something flattering, and Director Xie walked out with his nose crooked.

There was no one around him, so when he walked out, Lao Xie felt that someone was watching him, and he was still looking at him with unfriendly eyes.

These guys are all happy to flatter Shen Lin, but will the money Shen Lin earns be handed over to you?You guys flatter him so much, you wish you could hold Shen Lin's stinky feet and gnaw them in your mouth, don't you blush for yourself?I'm really out of my mind!

And Shen Lin, although you are good, but no matter how good you are, your refrigerator will be finished.

Your rice shell refrigerator will never be able to compete with our Shangxue Electronics Factory.

Just when Lao Xie was filled with resentment, Shen Lin suddenly smiled and said, "Everyone, tomorrow we at Mishell Electronics will hold a thank-you party."

"If you have nothing to do, you must help us at noon tomorrow and give us a place."

"Hahaha, please!"

What the hell is Shen Lin going to do at the thank-you meeting for Rice Shell Electronics?

Director Xie stopped in his tracks, various thoughts spinning rapidly in his mind.

Soon, he thought of something, the rice shell clearly wanted to powder his face.

To eliminate bad influences, find some key research effects!

But is it useful?Can you really turn over what Professor Oda said?

With this in mind, an idea appeared in Director Xie's mind.

If at this thank-you reception, Shen Lin was eloquently clearing up the injustice of their rice-shell refrigerator, but over there, Professor Oda came here.

Such a situation should make people feel happy!
The moment this idea appeared, Director Xie felt that his feet were full of strength.

He turned his head and glanced at Shen Lin, looking at the handsome face full of vitality.While jealous, he also showed a smile.

Shen Lin, after all, you're still young, I'm not finished with you yet!
I will definitely give you a big surprise!

(End of this chapter)

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