Chapter 1065 Uninvited people
Like the stars holding the moon, Shen Lin left the meeting room amidst the constant greetings.

The people around him gradually decreased, and finally only Li Qingbo and Lu Daqing were left standing by his side.

These two people and Shen Lin have been friends for many years, so when everyone talks, they are very casual.

"Mr. Shen, the old Xie looked at you in the wrong way just now, isn't this guy full of bad water again?" Li Qingbo looked around and said to Shen Lin in a low voice.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Director Li, don't worry, you'll be fine."

"He's just a grasshopper after autumn, and he won't be able to jump for a few days."

Looking at the confident Shen Lin, Li Qingbo didn't say anything. He knew Shen Lin well, and knew that once Shen Lin said that, he was basically sure.

As for the things that Shen Lin was sure of, he never had to make things difficult for him.

Lu Daqing said: "Shen Lin, although the orders for Mishell Electronics are very hot this time, you have to find a way to solve the refrigerator."

"I heard that there are already quite a few people returning the goods."

"Two days ago, I also received calls from two relatives. Do you know what they are going to do? They think that we two have a good relationship. Let me help them see if they can ask you to return the goods."

There was a trace of anger in Lu Daqing's voice: "I scolded these two guys."

"But Shen Lin, you must pay enough attention to this matter. After all, the domestic market is equally important to Mi Ke."

Shen Lin looked at the solemn Lu Daqing, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Lu, Mi Ke's appreciation reception tomorrow is to solve this problem."

"Although this problem is a bit tricky, it's not a big obstacle for us, Mi Ke."

"As long as we want to solve it, we can solve this problem immediately."

Shen Lin, who is full of confidence, seems to be in high spirits in Lu Daqing's eyes. He thinks that Shen Lin should be able to solve this matter.

At this moment, Lu Daqing looked across the corridor and landed on the room where Director Xie lived not far away.

I hope Lao Xie, this guy, don't make any more fools!
Otherwise, on my side...

Just as various thoughts were surging in Lu Daqing's mind, Director Xie had already picked up the phone.

He doesn't have the contact information of Professor Oda, so this call can only be made to Ichiro Takeda.

"You said that Mi Ke is going to hold a thank you reception? Hahaha, this is a great opportunity!"

Ichiro Takeda laughed and said, "I will definitely invite Professor Oda to come over, and I will go there myself."

Speaking of this, Takeda Ichiro said: "We must seize this opportunity and bring Shen Lin an unexpected joy."

"But Mi Ke's order is really..."

Takeda Ichiro's teeth also hurt a little.

Although they dealt with Mi Ke's refrigerator, Mi Ke's other products made him feel powerless.

The rice shell has become stronger, and it is no longer the rice shell of the past!

Director Xie seemed to sense what Takeda Ichiro was thinking, and he said in a deep voice: "The reason why Mi Ke has developed so fast is because they have always been smooth sailing."

"We haven't soaked in the bloody water for a few times yet. We have to block them once. As long as the blockade is successful, the development of rice shells will come to a halt." Ichiro Takeda listened to Director Xie's analysis, his face The smile on his face seemed to be a little brighter.

"Xie Sang, you are our true friend, hahaha, in the future, we will not treat Xie Sang badly."

After saying this, Takeda Ichiro paused and said, "After this event is a great success, I have a special gift for Xie Sang."

Although the factory manager Xie was full of refusals, he was very happy in his heart, and he was looking forward to Mi Ke's reception.

Time passed quickly, and it was the morning of the next day in a blink of an eye.

For this thank you reception, Mi Ke contracted the third-floor lobby of a newly built hotel. As the general manager of this reception, Lu Xiaoshan was too busy to keep his feet on the ground.

Fortunately, Lu Daqing sent him a lot of helpers, such as Mi Yuan and Sister Dan. They are also proficient in this area, but they helped Lu Xiaoshan a lot.

"Chief Lu, the drinks are ready, where do you think they should be placed?" Mi Yuan came to Lu Xiaoshan's side and asked softly.

Lu Xiaoshan looked at Mi Yuan standing beside him with a smile, and felt strange in his heart.

From Lu Xiaoshan's point of view, this woman is extraordinary. Although the relationship between her and her brother-in-law has always been normal, but based on intuition, Lu Xiaoshan has always kept Mi Yuan at a respectful distance.

If it's just a purely working relationship, is it possible for this seemingly untouchable woman to come here to do this kind of physical work diligently?Unless she is willing!In order to let her brother-in-law fight forward without any scruples, she is willing to make these small contributions to him within her capacity.

"Chief Mi Ke, let them put it here, you don't have to do it yourself!"

"It's just to help prepare some things. If you say it's hard work, you are the hardest!" Mi Yuan is also very clear about Lu Xiaoshan's identity. Seeing that Lu Xiaoshan has always been neither humble nor overbearing towards her, she seems to be a bit prejudiced, and she can't explain the reason in her heart, but she behaved Yes, but it is generous.

While the two were talking, a staff member ran over and said, "Master Lu, a few people came and said they were from a program group. You... no, it should be you, Mi Ke, who also invited a set of programs." program group?"

What the staff said made Mi Yuan's heart tremble suddenly. She didn't expect that Mi Ke would hire a program crew.

"We invited them here, let them come in." After Lu Xiaoshan finished speaking, he suddenly realized: "Where are they, I will go to pick them up."

Seeing Lu Xiaoshan striding past, Mi Yuan also followed with a trace of curiosity. She also wanted to see what this program group was for.

Soon Mi Yuan saw a set of people from the program group, these people were holding various shooting equipment, and there was even a host that Mi Yuan often saw on TV.

At this time, Lu Xiaoshan was talking to these people, both of them seemed very familiar, and there was laughter from time to time.

"Shen Lin has a big plan this time!" Sister Dan and Mi Yuan are very close friends, and they have come here quite a few times, standing beside Mi Yuan, watching the program crew.

Mi Yuan said in a low voice: "After Mi Ke's slander by that Professor Oda, the sales of refrigerators are already struggling. This time, Chairman Shen should fight back."

Sister Dan was stunned for a moment, and she said softly: "Mi Yuan, shouldn't Shen Lin prove his innocence at this time? How could it be a counterattack?"

"According to what I know about Shen Lin, it is unlikely that he will prove his innocence. It is his character to fight back." After Mi Yuan said this, she suddenly regretted it.

Although there was an inexplicable affection between her and Shen Lin, but she was very clear that both she and he were suppressing this feeling.

Mi Yuan felt that this gleaming man was like a seed of love in her dusty heart. Once this seed was nourished by water, it would swell, germinate, and rush out of the sad heart. Dirt, blooming gorgeous flowers.Why should I show this beauty hidden deep in my heart to others?
Fortunately, Sister Dan didn't think too much, but pondered: "I also hope that Mi Ke can fight back. After all, he was slandered a lot. If it were me, I would fight back too."

"But, how do you think Mi Ke can fight back? Ask someone to tell me, is Professor Oda spreading rumors?"

"It's not very useful!"

(End of this chapter)

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