Chapter 1066
Walson is wearing his own suit at this time!
Normally, he doesn't like to dress up in suits and ties. He likes to walk around in jackets and jeans.

But today, for Mi Ke's thank you reception, he had to dress more formally.

And just as he was putting on the bow tie, his secretary Da Lucy had already walked over. Da Lucy, who was wearing a white gauze dress, gave people a bright feeling.

"Miss Da Lucy, you must be the brightest star in this banquet today." There was a trace of compliment in Walson's words.

But Da Lucy didn't care about his compliment.

She gently tugged at the hem of her skirt, and then said in a calm tone, "Mr. Walson, this is just a suit of clothes."

"What I want to hear more is that you praise me for being the most favored person at this banquet."

Seeing Da Lucy's appearance, Walson waved his hands and said, "Miss Da Lucy, although I really want to follow your wish, but you know, it's impossible."

"Because of today's appreciation meeting, the protagonist has already been decided, and that is Shen Lin."

"After all, this is someone else's banquet, what's more, Shen Lin himself is not an ordinary person."

Looking at the smiling Walson, Da Lucy said calmly: "You are right, Shen Lin himself has the strength to become the center of the crowd, not to mention, this thank-you meeting was carefully prepared by him."

Speaking of this, Da Lucy said: "Why do you think Shen Lin held this thank-you meeting?"

"Did he really just want to thank us for supporting Mi Ke?"

Walsen pondered for a moment and said, "Thanks to us should be part of his plan."

"As for my guess, what he wants to do more is probably to clarify the negative effects of rice shell refrigerators."

"After all, this will reduce the sales of his rice shell refrigerators a lot."

In the past few days, Da Lucy has basically been researching the development of Rice Shell Electronics, so he attaches great importance to Shen Lin, the soul of Rice Shell Electronics, from the bottom of his heart.

"Mr. Walson, do you think Shen Lin's clarification this time will be useful?"

Walson hesitated for a moment and said, "Dear Miss Da Lucy, I really don't know how to answer your question."

"Although my rationality tells me that the possibility of Shen Lin turning around this time is not too great, but based on my own experience in dealing with Shen Lin, I think this is not too rare for him."

A strange color flashed across Da Lucy's eyes.

She did not expect that under such circumstances, Walson still had such confidence in Shen Lin.

"Okay, don't worry about Mr. Walson, let's get in the car, I believe, we will be able to see the answer soon."

Walsen, who had already put on his suit, smiled at Da Lucy and said, "I think it's the same."

While the two of them were talking, they got into the car that had been parked below, and quickly headed towards Mi Ke's appreciation reception.

When Walson came to the location of the appreciation reception, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He knew that there would definitely be a lot of people coming to this appreciation reception of Mishell Electronics, but the turbulent crowd in front of him made him feel that he still underestimated the scale of this appreciation reception.

"It seems that the appreciation meeting of Mishell Electronics this time really attracted the attention of many people." Da Lucy said with a smile: "It seems that among them, people who want to watch the show like us don't Less!"

Walson smiled and got out of the car with Da Lucy.

"Haha, Walson, my old friend, I never expected to meet you here." Tejin squeezed in with a smile on his face.

Seeing Tejin, Walson's smile brightened as well.

He took Tai Jin's hand and said, "My old friend, I never thought I would meet you here." "But when I met you, I understood why Shen Lin was so confident in holding a thank you reception. "

"You Dongmen Electric, do you want to clarify this matter?"

Tekin shook his head and said, "Wolson, I really hope your guess is correct, but unfortunately, he is wrong."

"We have not received any entrustment from Shen Lin regarding the rice shell refrigerator."

Walson took a careful look at Teijin, and found that Teijin's expression was very calm at this time, and he did not appear to be lying at all.

Standing beside Walson, Da Lucy said softly, "Could it be that Shen Lin is going to give up this time?"

"It shouldn't be possible." Taijin shook his head.

When the three of them were talking, they saw Shen Lin standing at the door talking to someone.

At this time, Shen Lin was wearing casual clothes, although he seemed a bit out of place with all the people present who were wearing formal clothes.

But standing there, Shen Lin didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

He kept talking to the guests, and invited them into the hotel. He looked like a hospitable host.

"Haha, Mr. Walson, Mr. Taijin, Miss Dalusi." Shen Lin saw Walson and others coming side by side. He smiled and stretched out his palm and said, "I can see you old friends. Really happy."

Walsen was the first to extend his hand, and after shaking Shen Lin's hand firmly, he said with a smile, "Mr. Shen, how could I not come to your thank you reception."

"Mi Ke is one of the most important partners of our Kerry Fu Shopping Center."

"In the future, do we have more things to cooperate with?"

Speaking of 7 here, Walson said softly: "Chairman Shen, is there anything I can help you with this time?"

Looking at Walsen who looked like himself, Shen Lin smiled and said: "No, we are all ready."

"Three please enter the venue, our staff will..."

While Shen Lin was speaking, he saw that the crowded crowd was suddenly separated from the middle.

As the crowd parted, a group of people were seen striding over.

The person walking in the front is not too tall, wears glasses, and has a smile on his face, giving people a harmless feeling.

Seeing this person, Walson was stunned for a moment, Taijin was also stunned, and even Da Lucy was stunned.

None of them thought that this person who was impossible to come, or should not come, actually came.

Professor Oda!

The professor Oda who made the rice shell refrigerator a complete failure came unexpectedly.

The three of them, including Walsen, looked at Professor Oda and his party with curious eyes.

At this moment, none of them went in. They wanted to see what kind of collision would happen between Shen Lin and Professor Xiaotian, the pair of enemies, in front of this gate.

Was it Mars hitting the Earth, or the collision of two glaciers, or...

Under everyone's gaze, Professor Oda came to Shen Lin first, he looked at Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, you will not welcome me at this thank you reception, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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