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Chapter 1068 Shen Lin, His Effort Was Wasted

Chapter 1068 Shen Lin, His Effort Was Wasted

Mi Yuan and Sister Dan have been standing at the door.

It's just that their identities determine that they are just spectators at this time.

Shen Lin's sharp attitude refreshed the two people's feelings towards Shen Lin.

Especially Sister Dan, her eyes are a little bright.

"Mi Yuan, it's so relieved, I just like to see Chairman Shen domineering!"

"Grandma, do you know that Professor Oda looks aggressive, which makes me very upset."

"Hmph, that spittle flying around, as if he really thinks he is a great person!"

"Shen Dong should treat him like this, you bastard, you are picky, and you have to be praised for your pick? It's too much!"

"In the future, if someone talks to me in a weird way, I will know how to get back!"

"They're all thousand-year-old foxes, why are you playing Liaozhai for me, haha, it's really enjoyable!"

Mi Yuan remained silent, she felt sorry for him.

When Professor Oda came over, he made rude remarks as soon as he opened his mouth. Mi Yuan was really worried for Shen Lin.

After all, if this happened, it would be no small matter.

But Shen Lin not only didn't get angry with Professor Oda's provocation, but counterattacked calmly.

Let that Professor Oda lose all face, and beat him hard.

"This sentence, what Chairman Shen said is not ordinary and playful, and I don't know where he learned such words."

Mi Yuan sighed with a smile.

Looking at Mi Yuan with shining eyes, Sister Dan secretly sighed.

This girl is ice and snow smart, but she is intoxicated in an unattainable emotional vortex, unable to extricate herself.

Sister Dan is someone who has experienced it, and she has noticed Mi Yuan's thoughts.Fortunately, this girl concealed it very well, which made her even more at a loss, so it was difficult to expose Mi Yuan and then persuade her.

With such an excellent man in front of her, it is really difficult for Mi Yuan to give up and find another mediocre man.

Life is like this. It is a pity that the right person is not met at the right time.

Just as Sister Dan sighed secretly, other guests had already started to enter the banquet hall one after another.

And this time the appreciation meeting will officially begin.

"Shen Dong's words are really sharp." A factory director who has cooperated with Mishell Electronics sighed to his friends.

"What's the use of being sharp? Shen Lin's words are not as effective as Professor Xiaotian's words. In my opinion, Chairman Shen can only use his tongue for a while to take advantage of it."

"But in fact, he can't help this Professor Oda at all."

What the friend said made the factory manager sigh.Although he didn't like to hear these words, he also knew that this seemed to be an unavoidable fact.

Both Mi Yuan and Sister Dan heard the conversation between the two, and they looked at each other without saying a word.

But the exhilaration just now seemed to be blocked by something, and it disappeared completely at once.

The banquet hall was already full of guests.

Professor Oda, who was ridiculed so shamelessly, was drinking a cup of tea with a gloomy expression.

Today he came here, although he was entrusted by others, but he also thought arrogantly in his heart that when facing himself, this Shen Lin would definitely bow his head and give in.

However, he never expected that the scene he had envisioned did not happen, Shen Lin was even more aggressive towards him and showed no mercy.

In front of Shen Lin, he felt that his disguise had been stripped away, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable. "Professor Oda, don't be angry." Ichiro Takeda, holding a glass of wine, came to Professor Oda with a smile.

While talking, he even handed over a glass of wine and said, "Have a glass. Although it's not Lafite, it tastes good."

Professor Oda snorted and said, "Mr. Takeda, I don't like drinking."

"Professor Oda, you should think this way. Your few words caused that proud young man to lose a lot of money and things he worked hard for."

"At a time like this, it's not a big deal for you to ask someone to rob you."

"After all, what he lost was real money, and in front of you, the person who made him lose, he has nothing to do."

Takeda Ichiro's words made Professor Oda's expression gradually look a lot better.

He took the wine glass, took a sip and said, "This time, I must give him a good look!"

"Even if he asks people from Dongmen Electric to help him stand, I still have to stick to my point of view."

"Hmph, he will definitely regret what he just said."

At the end of Professor Oda's speech, his expression was tinged with ferocity.

At this moment, Factory Manager Xie also strolled over.Although he didn't want to have any contact with Takeda Ichiro at this time, but he himself has a joint venture with Uematsu Electric, so it wouldn't look good just to say hello.

So after hesitating again and again, he still walked over.

"Professor Oda, as far as I know, Shen Lin is going to wash their refrigerator white at this appreciation meeting."

Director Xie whispered: "And he seems very confident."

Takeda Ichiro did not say anything, but looked at Professor Oda.

Professor Oda said flatly: "It's useless, I'm an expert, and my doubts are not unreasonable."

"So, their cleansing is pale and powerless."

"Just don't worry about it."

Director Xie smiled and said, "I think so too, haha, then we will look forward to the performance that Shen Lin will bring us."

While the three of them were talking, they heard a burst of soothing music. Accompanied by the music, Shen Lin walked to the center of the stage holding a microphone.

He smiled and said: "Everyone, thank you very much for coming. Mishell Electronics has been going all the way these years, and we cannot do without your support. Therefore, here, on behalf of all the employees of Mishell Electronics, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you all. Thanks."

Shen Lin's words were cadenced and resounding, and there was a burst of warm applause from all around.

"Everyone, the purpose of our Mishell has always been to use technology to change life, and the key point of technology, I have always considered innovation. Innovation is the soul of an enterprise's progress!"

Shen Lin said with a smile: "I don't know if everyone agrees with this point."

No one responded. As for the theory of technological innovation, almost everyone thinks that this is an undoubted truth.

"I agree." Someone said loudly to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Thank you very much for your support. As the helm of Mishell Electronics, I firmly believe that if Mishell Electronics wants to develop, it must continue to innovate on the existing basis and continue to step out of our own. Mi Ke's own path."

"It's not like some people who are stubborn and stubborn."

After Shen Lin finished speaking, he paused on purpose, and then looked at Professor Oda.

Professor Oda's expression was extremely calm at this moment, he didn't seem to be panicking at all.

When everyone looked at him, he was still indifferent, as if you only had this little ability.

Shen Lin didn't linger on Professor Oda's body for long, but continued to smile and said, "Everyone, while there are still a few minutes before the banquet officially starts, let's invite the certification officer recorded by Giles to come on stage."

(End of this chapter)

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