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Chapter 1069 The most powerful and environmentally friendly

Chapter 1069 The most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly
Certifying Officer of Gilles Records!
What is Shen Lin doing?
People present have heard about the Gilles world record, and some even went to see the certification of the Gilles world record.

Under such circumstances, Shen Lin invited the certification officer of Gilles World Records. What is this guy with all kinds of tricks up to?
Just when the people present were puzzled, Professor Oda's expression showed a trace of solemnity.

He quickly realized that this guy was probably doing this because of his doubts about rice-shell refrigerators!
Rice Shell Electronics actually invited Gilles World Records certification, which...

Could it be that the rice shell refrigerator has reached the world record?
Thoughts flashed through Professor Oda's mind, and he looked at Shen Lin with more serious eyes.

Takeda Ichiro, Director Xie and other relevant personnel became serious and joined together at this time. They felt that the current matter was probably more complicated than they imagined.

"What is Gilles' world record?" Sister Dan quietly asked Mi Yuan, feeling the atmosphere around her.

As a middle-aged woman, she has no time to care about other things except the most basic work.Therefore, this Gilles, broke through the range of her cognition.

Na Miyuan said: "The Gilles world record is to certify the best in various worlds."

"This time, Shen Lin probably wants to use this record to eliminate the negative impact of Professor Oda's remarks on the rice shell refrigerator."

"His idea is very good, but it also shows that the rice shell refrigerator definitely has its unique features."

Sister Dan nodded, and didn't ask any more questions, because she felt that she didn't understand the next thing.

Just when Sister Dan was silent, a tall, blond middle-aged man walked over with a certificate in his hands.

As soon as he came to the stage, he solemnly read: "I am Jack, the certification officer. After our testing and experiments, the power consumption of rice shell refrigerators is 0.8 kilowatts per hour a day and night. This figure is far lower than that of similar refrigerators. level, and the fluorine-free technology of the rice shell refrigerator has broken the…”

"So, we are now applying for the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly refrigerator certification for rice shell refrigerators, and we are sure that the certification is successful."

"Congratulations to Mishell Electronics."

"Here, I would also like to say that technology is constantly changing, so I hope that Mishell Electronics can continue to improve, so that my refrigerator can always maintain the record just certified."

"Thank you!"

Following this reading, the huge banquet hall was silent for a while.

Almost everyone is quietly digesting this certification at this time.

The most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly refrigerator!

This is almost a slap in the face!
Professor Oda’s remarks earlier said that Mishell Electronics changed the design of Dongmen Electric, which may cause the refrigerators produced by them to have poor cooling effect and high power consumption.

But now, Gilles World Records directly certifies that the refrigerator of Mishell Electronics is the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

This slap was quite loud!

Professor Oda's expression was a bit grim. He knew that his reputation would suffer a lot if he passed this certification.

But he couldn't resist yet, because Gilles had already given the certification.

If he doubted Gilles' record, then he wasn't just fighting Mi Ke!
But how could he be willing to throw away his helmet and armor like this?

So, when that Jack left, he was ready to go on stage and wanted to make amends.

At this moment, a smiling hostess came to the stage. She said with a smile, "At the invitation of Mishell Electronics and Gilles World Records, our program has already filmed the entire process for this certification."

"After we go back, we will edit the clips, and you will see the whole certification process on TV this Saturday."

"thank you all."

After finishing her speech, the hostess also floated off the stage.

Takeda Ichiro had already come to his senses when the hostess finished speaking. Although his heart was full of unwillingness, he also knew that the offensive he made had been easily resolved by Shen Lin, a scheming guy. up!
Moreover, after being certified as the most energy-saving and environmentally friendly refrigerator, MiKe Electronics’ refrigerators will definitely soar into the sky.But Shangxue's refrigerators are destined to have no competitiveness.

Just when he was in a trance, he saw Professor Oda coming to the stage.He was taken aback, but looked forward to it.

According to Takeda Ichiro's understanding of Professor Oda, this Professor Oda is not a person who is willing to admit defeat.

When he came up at this time, he definitely wanted to launch a Jedi counterattack.

In this case, even if there is no result, it is better than doing nothing.

So, he quietly watched what this Professor Oda had to say.

Director Xie also looked at Professor Oda expectantly. He felt as if he had been hit on the head by the reading of the Giles record just now.

This hammer made his head buzz.

After all, this kind of thing is really too sudden.

He realized that the plight of the rice shell refrigerator would soon break out of its cocoon and turn into a butterfly!

Although the previous negative public opinion pushed the rice shell refrigerator to the forefront, but with such a reversal, the bad thing turned into a good thing!

Moreover, objectively speaking, the technology of rice shell refrigerators seems to have surpassed that of their own refrigerators.

In this case, his heart was filled with sorrow.

But just when he felt overwhelmed, Professor Oda stepped onto the stage.

It seems that this Professor Oda should want to fight to the end.

Although I don't know how useful it is, as long as Professor Oda goes up, he feels that it will be a loss to Mi Ke.

"Mr. Shen, are we..." Lu Xiaoshan looked at Professor Xiaotian who was walking on the stage, and said to Shen Lin in a low voice.

The falling orders have made Lu Xiaoshan full of resentment towards Professor Xiaotian.

The fact that he is now on stage makes Lu Xiaoshan extremely angry.So at this moment, Lu Xiaoshan is not going to be silent anymore.

Shen Lin waved his hand towards Lu Xiaoshan and said: "Xiaoshan, don't worry about it, you control the world, you can't control people's bragging and farting! We, Mi Ke, can't stop the mouths of these guys?"

Lu Xiaoshan looked at the confident Shen Lin, stopped talking, and just stared closely at Professor Xiaotian.

As for Mi Yuan, Lu Daqing and the others, they also stared closely at Professor Oda, wanting to see what this nasty guy had to say.

Walson, Da Lucy and the others also stared at the figure of Professor Oda.

Professor Oda came up again at this time, which made them feel that he seemed unwilling to admit his failure.

And this approach, in their hearts, is very fond of it.

After all, this good show will continue instead of coming to an abrupt end.

In the anticipation of everyone, Professor Oda looked around, and then said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I am very surprised that Mishell Electronics' refrigerator has passed the certification."

"But no matter what, I still want to congratulate Mishell Electronics."

"But here, I still have something to say."

(End of this chapter)

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