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Chapter 1070 The Fast and Ruthless Knife

Chapter 1070 The Fast and Ruthless Knife
At this moment, Professor Oda's mind was extremely clear.

He knows very well what he should say at this time, and what to say is the most useful.

And he also knew that no matter how much Mi Ke hated him at this time, he was helpless.

"Technology requires innovation, but there is no doubt that technology also requires rigor. We must face every scientific problem with a sincere heart."

"I have always believed that a qualified product requires multiple verifications before it can enter everyone's life, rather than through one or two gimmicks..."

"Back then, when I was in school, my teacher once taught me that I must be rigorous in my studies, and there must be no mistakes."

"So, although the rice shell refrigerator has been certified by Gilles, I still insist on my own point of view."

"Of course, I still want to congratulate Mishell Electronics and Shen Sang. Their marketing strategy is undoubtedly very successful."

Sister Dan's education is not too high, but she can understand what this Professor Oda said.

"Damn guy, he's a boiled duck, and he's still stubborn. If it wasn't for the fear of shame, I would want to yell at this dead old man now!"

Mi Yuan frowned and said: "Although there are not many people who believe this guy's words now, but to Mike Electronics, he is still like a fly, which makes people uncomfortable."

"But there is no way to deal with him!"

Just when everyone was angry but helpless, Shen Lin walked onto the stage with a smile.

"Professor Oda's point of view is very pertinent, and it's too accurate!" Shen Lin said with a smile: "I agree with Professor Oda's words very much."

"It's just that some things are easier said than done!"

Shen Lin's coming to power has attracted everyone's attention, because he is the protagonist of this time.In the eyes of many people, the confrontation between Shen Lin and Professor Oda might end this time.

As for who can persuade whom, the people present are all veterans of the shopping malls, knowing that this time, there may be no results.

But they still have some admiration for Shen Lin. After all, in an almost desperate situation, Shen Lin can still bottom out and think of a way to fight back.

Gilles World Records.

This record will definitely offset Professor Oda's remarks a lot, but it is a pity that Mi Ke can't do anything to Professor Oda.

This is probably also the reason why Professor Oda is so unscrupulous.

Takeda Ichiro's expression became more relaxed at this time. The matter has come to the present, and it is impossible to have a worse result.

In his opinion, when Shen Lin came to power, it was just a stinky move that superimposed on the superfluous.

Now that the matter has been explained clearly, there is no need for Shen Lin to take the stage. His coming to the stage, for the certification of the world record this time, may produce bad results.

This time, Professor Oda had better be able to keep Shen Lin speechless. In that case, the sense of loss in his heart would be relieved a lot.

Under Takeda Ichiro's gaze, Shen Lin suddenly took out a newspaper in his hand.He raised his eyebrows, and then turned down and said, "Professor Oda, this is the newspaper I saw today, sent from the island country."

"The newspaper said that you have made academic fraud."

"Seven of the more than 20 papers you published were plagiarized, and the first of them is your graduation thesis."

"Haha, can you explain to those who are here to support you why they want to slander you?"

While speaking, Shen Lin passed the newspaper in his hand towards Professor Oda.

Just as he was handing out the newspapers, the service staff of Mishell Electronics began to distribute the newspapers one by one.

There is also one in Takeda Ichiro's hand.The moment he opened the newspaper, he saw the familiar words and the headline above. It was the news that Professor Oda had falsified his academic papers.

Takeda Ichiro's speed of reading newspapers can be said to be ten lines at a glance, but after reading these newspapers, his face could not help but twitch.

According to his understanding, this... this seems to be true.

If Takeda Ichiro was just shocked at this time, then Professor Oda, who saw Shen Lin handing over the newspaper, was completely stunned.

He is the clearest about what Shen Lin said.

Many of the papers he published were plagiarized, especially his graduation thesis, which plagiarized all the achievements of an unknown researcher back then.

It was also like this that made him skyrocket, in exchange for today's proud horseshoe disease!

But this secret hidden in his heart was mercilessly exposed by Shen Lin.

Looking at the titles of the papers and the comparison of the following materials, Professor Oda felt his head buzzing.

what happened?How could the falsification of my thesis be exposed?

This shouldn't be!
Amidst the surge of thoughts, Professor Oda looked at Shen Lin with reddened eyes.

It's all his fault, it's all his fault!
If it weren't for him, no one would know my secret, if it wasn't for him, my honor and everything...

"You... you are clearly slandering me..."

Professor Oda's face was flushed, and he looked a little out of breath.

Shen Lin said calmly: "Professor Takeda, please calm down, this matter has nothing to do with me."

"As you have seen, this is your newspaper, and the reporters who wrote these reports are also yours."

"It really has nothing to do with me, Mishell Electronics."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin looked at Professor Oda with a smile and said, "But Professor, you still taught us a lesson today."

"Just now, the academic attitude you mentioned was so rigorous, but now? You are academic fraud."

"To be honest, an existence like yours, which looks grand on the surface but is actually scum, makes me sick."

When Shen Lin said this, his eyes fell on Ichiro Takeda and said, "Mr. Takeda, what do you think?"

What Ichiro Takeda had in his mind at this time was how to separate himself from Professor Oda.

After all, he could foresee that the future Professor Oda would be beaten and killed like a rat crossing the street.

It wouldn't do him any good if he got too involved with this Professor Takeda.

But he didn't expect that Shen Lin would ask him such a sharp question.

Under the circumstances, he seemed compelled to answer.

He raised his head and glanced at Professor Oda, and saw that this companion who was still in high spirits just now, as if everything was in his hands, was already a little disheartened.

Look at his eyes, even with a hint of pleading.

He knew what this companion was begging for, but he couldn't do it!
So after pondering for a while, he also said in a voice as calm as possible: "My feeling is the same as that of Chairman Shen."

(End of this chapter)

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