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Chapter 1071 If there is regret medicine in the world

Chapter 1071 If there is regret medicine in the world
Professor Oda stood to one side with a pale face.

At this moment, he felt as if he had been stripped naked in public. Shen Lin, this guy who must take revenge, unexpectedly exposed his most shameful side without any politeness.

His heart is full of annoyance!
Why should I listen to Takeda Ichiro, why should I help Takeda Ichiro against this young man, why should I get involved in this kind of thing, I...

At this moment, Professor Oda's intestines are green with regret!

This young man is terrible, why should I provoke him?
How did he know that I cheated academically...

Not to mention, Takeda Ichiro shamelessly emphasized that he agreed with Shen Lin's point of view, which made Professor Oda feel embarrassed and hard to accept.

How could you Ichiro Takeda make trouble like this?What do you think of me, Professor Oda?You take me for a dog?Do I call at whomever I direct?
But now, this bitten person is not afraid, you Takeda Ichiro thinks that I have no use value, so you immediately dislike me?Is that right!

He wanted to fight back, he wanted to roar, but at this moment, under the eyes of everyone, he was like a joke.

A brazen scum.

Shen Lin looked at the pale Professor Oda, and said calmly: "Mr. Takeda, I heard that Professor Oda is a consultant of your company?"

"Haha, I didn't expect your company to have such a consultant! Doesn't this make people laugh out loud?"

When Shen Lin mentioned the word consultant, Takeda Ichiro's heart trembled.

He knew that at this moment, Shen Lin was pressing hard, but under such circumstances, he had no other choice.

Even if Shen Lin didn't say anything, Takeda Ichiro was going to cut him clean with Professor Oda. What's more, at this moment, in front of so many people, Shen Lin wanted to associate Oda Ichiro, a stinky shit with a bad reputation, with them, Shangsong Electric.

"Every company has one or two pieces of rotten meat. We are not talented, so he has been pretending to be a consultant in our company for the past few years! Thanks to Mr. Shen for helping us see the true face of this person!"

Takeda Ichiro said incomparably heartlessly: "From today on, Oda has nothing to do with our company."

"We will even go after the consultant fees we paid him earlier."

Professor Oda, who woke up from panic and annoyance, looked at Shen Lin and Takeda Ichiro, and felt that he was going crazy.

He pointed at the two people and wanted to speak, but couldn't speak.

Finally, he turned his head and walked out towards the door.

At this time, it was meaningless for him to stay here.

Seeing Professor Oda leave in a hurry, no one keeps him, only ridicule.

"Such a person is also worthy of being called a professor? Tsk tsk, it's really eye-opening!"

"Hurry up and get out. This kind of person confuses the public and turns black and white. Staying here will only spoil our appetite."

"Tsk tsk, it's really embarrassing to come here and talk nonsense by plagiarizing the superior."


At this moment, Director Xie felt his hands and feet were cold.

Although he was not the one who was hit, and he didn't even show up at all.

But he knew that the strategy he had planned had come to nothing at this time.

Professor Oda's reputation has nothing to do with him, but the rice shell refrigerator will definitely rise strongly by taking advantage of this opportunity. This is the heaviest blow to their Shangxue refrigerator.

But in the face of this kind of blow, he has no solution at all.

However, Shen Lin used this method to defuse the crisis of the rice shell refrigerator and hit himself and others, which made him feel a sense of fear in his heart.

This Shen Lin is too scary!

"Mr. Takeda, everyone, the successful certification of our rice-shell refrigerator this time is a full affirmation of our rice-shell refrigerator technology. Here, I would like to thank..." As the host, Shen Lin, after Professor Oda left , no longer entangled.

After all, there is no point in entanglement now, he wants to maximize the effect of this banquet.

As Shen Lin's words came out, the entire banquet began to return to normal again.However, many people looked at Shen Lin with fear.

For example, Director Xie, at this moment, he was a little out of his mind.

Holding a glass of wine in his hand, he stood aside in a daze, not knowing who to talk to or what to say.

At this time, all that was in his ears were discussions about this matter.

"Mike's refrigerator has a large space, good cooling effect, and saves electricity. I will buy one later."

"These people are really good at spreading rumors. The rice shell refrigerator I ordered a few days ago was returned after listening to what these people said. Well, I had to go to the rice shell electric appliance store again!"

"Hee hee, you said that Professor Oda is asking for trouble, why offend Shen Lin?"

"Hey, he is entrusted by others and loyal to others. Do you think he is willing to discredit Mi Ke? It's nothing more than taking people's money and doing things for others!"

Listening to these discussions, Director Xie had an urge to leave immediately.But he also felt that if he ran away like this, he had a ghost in his heart.

Therefore, keeping calm and persevering is the best choice at present.

Just as Director Xie was standing aside cautiously, waiting for the time quietly, Shen Lin came over with a wine glass.

"Thank you, factory manager, thank you very much for coming to our appreciation meeting this time. Come, let me toast you." Shen Lin said with a smile while holding his wine glass.

At this time, Shen Lin was the well-deserved protagonist, and everyone's eyes followed Shen Lin's movements.

When Shen Lin raised his glass to Director Xie, Director Xie felt that he had become the focus of countless people's attention.

This Shen Lin, he did it on purpose!

He deliberately brought himself, who was carefully hidden, back into people's sight.

Although he understood it in his heart, Director Xie could only raise his glass and said, "Mr. Shen, congratulations, your rice shell refrigerator is about to skyrocket."

"Hahaha, it's all just luck. To be honest, I was still devastated by what Professor Oda said!"

Shen Lin lightly sipped the red wine in the glass, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect this professor to cheat academically."

"And it was exposed on their side."

"You know? When I saw the news, I was so happy that I almost didn't jump up."

When Shen Lin said this, he looked at Director Xie with a smile and said, "Director Xie, tell me, you want to doze off, someone sent a pillow right away! Isn't this luck?"

"Okay, good luck!" Director Xie felt that his mouth was a little dry.

"What does this mean? It means that the real can't be fake, and the fake can't be real! If you want to use some tricks and tricks, it won't be seen at all, and it won't work, what do you think?"

Shen Lin shook his wine glass, and said word by word: "To be a business, you have to fight hard in the end, and you have to work hard!"

Director Xie could tell that what Shen Lin said was for himself.

Almost every sentence is a slap in the face.

But facing Shen Lin's words, he neither dared to refute, nor could he just walk away. Under the general situation at this time, he could only follow suit.

"That's right, Chairman Shen is right. When we run a business, we must ultimately fight for our strength."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Thank you, the factory manager, if you need anything, just call our staff, I will not accompany you."

"Okay, Mr. Shen, just be busy!" Factory Manager Xie breathed a sigh of relief, the conversation with Shen Lin just now made his back start to sweat.

And in his heart, there was even a sentence rolling: a guilty conscience.

(End of this chapter)

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