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Chapter 1072 The Abandoned Person

Chapter 1072 The Abandoned Person

Shen Lin is indeed very busy!

At this time, he is enjoying the treatment of the stars.

After all, in the crisis that Mi Ke encountered this time, he not only won a complete victory, but also ruined the reputation of Professor Oda who made the rumor.

Looking at Shen Lin at this time, I feel that he is a bit like a martial arts master who is hiding in a secret room. The secret book is on the left and the treasure book is on the right. .

Even if Mi Ke's reputation hits a low point, he can still rebound from the bottom. Such a method makes people feel chills just thinking about it.

"Mr. Shen, you are so safe and sound!" Walsen came to Shen Lin, raised the glass in his hand and said, "I knew that rice shell products must be high-quality goods, and the quality is absolutely fine, because you Shen Lin Dong has always believed that reputation comes first."

"Haha, these irresponsible guys, the conspiracy failed, and they were ruined!"

Having said that, he raised his glass and said, "Come on, let me toast you and celebrate."

Shen Lin raised his wine glass and touched Walson and said, "Actually, even if I don't clarify, as long as the reputation of the rice shell refrigerator ferments, everything will be destroyed by itself."

Shen Lin took a sip of his wine and said with a smile: "After all, the real can't be fake, and the fake can't be real."

"Yes, that's a good point!" Walsen agreed in his mouth, but secretly slandered in his heart: "You said it lightly! Seeing that you, Shen Lin, don't look like a peaceful person, you don't want to grab Professor Oda's braid? Let it go, will it be the result like today!"

"Mr. Shen, I want to talk to you about the refrigerator contract. We, Jialifu, have tentatively placed an order of [-] units of rice shell refrigerators this year. What do you think?"

One hundred thousand units!
As soon as Walson opened his mouth, it was a big number.

Shen Lin looked at the smiling Walsen, but didn't immediately agree.

With the certification of Gilles' world record, Mi Ke's refrigerator already has a big gimmick.

Now, many people in foreign countries have begun to advocate energy conservation and environmental protection.

Rice shell refrigerators are the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, and they will definitely become the indicators that these people pay attention to when shopping.

Under such circumstances, there is no need to worry about the sales of rice shell refrigerators.

It can even be said that whether a store has a rice shell refrigerator or not should become one of the criteria for measuring the store.

Before the start of the trade fair, Shen Lin and Walson talked about the rice shell refrigerator, but Walson refused.

Now, Walson really wants to buy it.

"Mr. Watson, today is mainly a thank you reception. As for the order contract, it's better to talk about it later, what do you think?"

Shen Lin said gracefully.

Walson's face twitched, and then he smiled and said: "Chairman Shen is right, we will talk about this matter later."

"Then I will visit you again at this time tomorrow."

Shen Lin smiled lightly and said, "Okay, we are old friends now, Mr. Walson doesn't have to be so polite."

As Shen Lin walked in other directions, Walsen walked towards Da Lucy who was waiting for him.

"Shen Lin didn't agree to our order." Walsen was a little annoyed.

In previous trade fairs, he was always the object of compliments.

But facing Shen Lin, he didn't take advantage of anything. For example, this time, it also ended in his failure.

Although Da Lucy is younger than Walson, at this time she smiled and said: "This is normal. The output of rice shells' refrigerators is not too high."

"And after this Gilles record certification, it is conceivable that their products will not worry about selling at all."

"Under such circumstances, Shen Lin is not doing charity. How could he agree to your request with just one sentence from you?"

Watson smiled bitterly and said: "He promised to talk to me tomorrow, but I think, judging from his attitude, the price may have to be increased. This abominable profiteer! He really took all the benefits!" Darcy didn't say anything. She felt the same way in her heart.

In the reception, the most leisurely ones should be Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo.

The two of them didn't have any tasks, so they drank red wine leisurely and chatted softly.

"Shen Lin's handwriting is not as big as usual." Lu Daqing said: "I originally thought that the refrigerator of Mijia Electronics might become a failed product of Mijia Electronics. The leader in the product!"

Li Qingbo smiled lightly and said, "Old classmate, I never thought that Mi Ke's new product would fail."

"However, I didn't expect that Shen Lin's counterattack would be so steady, accurate, and ruthless. It's almost as if he didn't make a move. Once he makes a move, it will be a blockbuster. It's thunderous!"

Lu Daqing took a sip of his wine and said, "This is a good thing, maybe the rice shell refrigerator can give us a lot of orders."

Li Qingbo nodded and said: "Yes, the turmoil caused by these negative public opinions in the past turned bad things into good things, and Shen Lin made good use of them!"

"This matter is finally over, and my big concern is finally resolved!" While speaking, Lu Daqing raised his glass: "Come on, let's have a drink."

The two wine glasses touched each other lightly, but at this time Li Qingbo shook his head and said: "I don't think this matter will pass so easily.'

"Uh, do you mean that there will be people who will find fault?" Lu Daqing asked suspiciously.

"No, I mean, I'm afraid Shen Lin won't let it go easily." Li Qingbo said: "After all, what some people do is a bit low, and the means are too bad!"

The reception was very successful, it can be said that the guests and hosts had a good time.

Except for some people, of course.

For example, Takeda Ichiro, he drank a lot of wine, although he was not drunk, but he felt extremely suffocated in his heart.

It's a good thing, it turned out like this.

This made him very unhappy!

As soon as he returned to his room, the secretary whispered, "Sir, Professor Oda is here and wants to see you."

After hearing what the secretary said, Takeda Ichiro couldn't help but roared: "He still has the face? Tell him to get out of here!"

Just as the secretary was about to leave, Takeda Ichiro stopped him again: "Call me over, I want to see what face he has to talk to me about!"

A few minutes later, Professor Oda, whose face was a little blue, came to Takeda Ichiro's room.

At this time, Professor Oda, although he was still dressed like that, in the eyes of Takeda Ichiro, this is no longer a high-spirited professor, but a dog in the water.

A underdog who can be knocked out at any time.

Before Professor Oda could speak, Ichiro Takeda said angrily, "Mr. Oda, I always thought that you are a rigorous academic person."

"But I didn't expect that you actually plagiarized academically, are pure rubbish!"

"Do you know how much loss your fraud has caused us?"

"are you a pig?"

Hearing this scolding, Oda Ichiro's face twitched.In the past, Takeda Ichiro didn't say anything to him, his face was like a spring breeze, and he didn't smile or speak.

But now, in the eyes of Takeda Ichiro, he is worthless.

A kind of anger burned violently in his heart, but thinking of the purpose of this trip, he still suppressed this anger.

"Mr. Takeda, I am here this time to get back what I deserve. You promised me a hundred thousand dollars. I hope you can fulfill it."

(End of this chapter)

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