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Chapter 1075 We have nothing to lose anyway

Chapter 1075 We have nothing to lose anyway
In Professor Oda's mind, various thoughts kept surging.

Believe in Shen Lin, or not believe in Shen Lin?These two thoughts switched alternately, making him so entangled that he didn't know how to choose.

Trust Shen Lin, he knows exactly what Shen Lin wants him to do.

If you don't believe Shen Lin, he already has nothing.

Between being extremely entangled and weighing the pros and cons, Professor Oda involuntarily looked at Shen Lin who was squinting at him.

In his heart, he couldn't help but feel a kind of hatred.

This young man, he clearly knows what he needs, but he just refuses to give it.It's typical for him to do this, with oily buns hanging on his head, just for viewing, not reaching.

And the reason why he dared to be so presumptuous was because he felt that he had already made up his mind.

Thinking of tying himself up, Professor Oda wanted to resist. He wanted this scheming guy to know that he was not so easy to defeat.

However, facing Shen Lin's smile and thinking about everything he was about to face, especially the one hundred thousand dollars, his face turned grim again.

Ichiro Takeda, it was you who forced me to get to where I am today!
If it weren't for your treachery, I wouldn't be like this.

Thoughts flashed one by one, Professor Oda said in a deep voice: "I believe in you, and I will definitely show my sincerity."

"Okay, Professor Oda, I hope we can cooperate happily." Shen Lin shook Professor Oda's hand, with a hint of a smile in his voice.

The moment he shook hands with Shen Lin, Professor Oda felt a chill in his heart. He knew that in the days to come, he might not be able to escape from this person's palm.

However, he has no way out.

At the same time that Shen Lin visited Professor Oda, Director Xie, who was wearing a hat and showing his head, had already arrived at Ichiro Takeda's office.

At this moment, Takeda Ichiro was no longer as calm as before. Under his gloomy face, Director Xie could even feel a kind of madness.

A kind of madness that wants to explode at any time!

Director Xie, who originally wanted to discuss a countermeasure with Takeda Ichiro, suddenly realized that he didn't seem to come at the right time.

But no matter what he thinks now, people are already here anyway.

At this time, it is impossible for him to retreat.

"Mr. Takeda, I'm here this time to discuss the matter of Mishell Electronics with you." Director Xie knew that there was no need for the two of them to put on a show, and it would be better to get straight to the point.

Takeda Ichiro took a breath and asked back, "Xie Sang, what do you want to discuss?"

This sentence seemed normal, but after listening to this sentence, Director Xie felt that Takeda Ichiro's confidence was somewhat lacking.

Some time ago, Takeda Ichiro was very interested in anything about rice shells.

But now, Takeda Ichiro is obviously a little lazy.

But today, since he has come, he cannot retreat.

"Mr. Takeda, now the reputation of rice shell refrigerators has not only recovered, but also because of this incident, it will bring them a wave of advertising effects."

"I'm afraid the rice shell refrigerator will be scrambled by many people."

Ichiro Takeda didn't say a word, he had already thought of what Director Xie mentioned.

He knew that Director Xie was looking for him, and he definitely wouldn't just talk about these things. He was waiting for Director Xie to say something else.

"The refrigerators we produce in Shangxue will be greatly affected."

"I came here this time to see what your company's countermeasures are for the current situation."

Factory Manager Xie looked at Ichiro Takeda eagerly after he finished speaking.

Takeda Ichiro was really disappointed with Director Xie's request for help.He originally thought that Factory Manager Xie was here this time to give him some advice.

But he didn't expect that this person just asked him what to do.He had completely calmed down at this time, so after taking a breath he said: "Xie Sang, you are upset."

Director Xie complained in his heart, this hateful Takeda, at this time, is still pretending to me.

My heart is disturbed?I bother!Under such circumstances, I don't believe that your heart can still be as stable as Mount Tai!

But he also knew that he still had to rely on Ichiro Takeda right now, so he smiled and said nothing.

"The current refrigerator market has not reached saturation. The next step for rice shell refrigerators is to become a home appliance that consumers are competing to buy."

"But I don't think this will affect the sales of your Shangxue refrigerators."

Speaking of this, Takeda Ichiro said: "Shen Lin not only defuses our offensive this time, but also turned a bad thing into a good thing."

"But, tell me, what have we lost?"

"Except for the failure of the plan, what have we lost!"

When Takeda Ichiro finished speaking, his voice became a little higher.

Along the way, Factory Director Xie thought the most about what he should do next, but what Takeda Ichiro said, he really didn't think about it.

At this time, he began to think carefully.

What have I lost?
It seems that I have nothing to lose, that Professor Oda, if he is unlucky, he will be unlucky, what does it have to do with me?
Even if Shen Lin knew well that these things were done by himself and Takeda Ichiro, what could he do to the two of himself?
After figuring this out, Director Xie's expression became much calmer.

He said to Ichiro Takeda, "Mr. Takeda, thank you for your enlightenment."

"Originally, I was still in a hurry, but after listening to your enlightenment, I am really at ease now."

"We have nothing to lose."

"It's just a plan that failed."

Takeda Ichiro said: "Damn Xiaotian, it was a good show, but because of his behavior, our plan completely collapsed."

"However, it is Oda who lost now, and we are almost unscathed."

"Even if Shen Lin knew we were the ones who did it, what could he do?"

"Can he do anything to us?"

When Takeda Ichiro said about Shen Lin, he stood up all of a sudden, and his eyes flashed with a trace of complacency: "Shen Lin can't do anything to us."

"Even if he hates us in his heart and suffers from unfounded lies, he will still greet us with a smile when he sees us."

"No matter how aggrieved he is in his heart, he can only swallow the aggrieved."

"Xie Sang, do you think what I said is right?"

Factory Manager Xie had completely calmed down at this time, he pondered over Takeda Ichiro's words, and felt that Takeda Ichiro's words were very disliked.

But in reality, that seems to be the case.

At this time, Shen Lin, no matter how uncomfortable he was, he could only swallow his anger.

"Mr. Takeda, you are so right. Shen Lin seems to have won, but he only defuses our attack. For us, there is no loss."

Factory Manager Xie pondered for a moment, and then said: "Now, even if he feels uncomfortable, he may just hold back."

Takeda Ichiro picked up the cup in front of him, took a sip of water and said, "Xie Sang, don't worry about the joint venture, I will take it to heart."

"Not to mention that your order is not bad now, even if your order is not good, I will go back and apply to the headquarters to ship some goods from you, and let you show your face in terms of export .”

"Thank you, Mr. Takeda." Director Xie finally relaxed his frown when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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