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Chapter 1076 The Good News Coming

Chapter 1076 The Good News Coming
To say that the people who pay the most attention to Mishell are, of course, the employees of Mishell Electronics.

As one of the middle managers in charge of public relations of Mishell Electronics, Aunt Fat is living in a hurry these days.

Although she is not responsible for the promotion of the refrigerator factory, she is still very concerned about the rice shell refrigerator.

She knew very well the significance of the rice shell refrigerator.

Only when Mishell Electronics produces its own large appliances, can it be regarded as a firm foothold in the home appliance industry.

For the rice shell refrigerator, Shen Lin paid for it, and Aunt Fat saw every bit of it.

But that damn Professor Oda's analysis on the power consumption and poor cooling of the rice shell refrigerator, and the comments of a few brickmen called beasts on TV, made the fat aunt's anger rise.

"Xiao Li, what are you talking about? Our order has dropped again, and the amount of returned goods is more than yesterday?" Aunt Fat looked at the young man who delivered the report to her in front of her, and felt a sense of anger in her heart.

Xiao Li just joined Mishell Electronics this year. She is a technical secondary school student, and she can write and count, so she is in charge of statistical work.

She is familiar with Aunt Fat's character, so she is not angry at Aunt Fat's behavior like this.

"Fat sister, this is a list from the after-sales service. I looked at the data. Although it did not affect the sales of other products of Mishell Electronics, the refrigerator..."

Xiao Li didn't continue, but Aunt Fat knew what she was talking about.

"Oh, the same is true for the company. Why don't you hurry up and find a way at this time."

Aunt Fat stood up all of a sudden and said, "I'll go to Mr. Cheng, he is the general manager of the company, so we can't ignore this matter."

While speaking, the fat aunt hurriedly walked towards Cheng Zhenyuan's office.

Looking at the fat aunt who left, Xiao Li didn't know what to say for a while.

For Aunt Fat, Xiao Li has a trace of envy in his respect.

After all, this is someone who can go to the general manager at any time. Although she also sees the general manager, she knows each other, that is, at work.

But Auntie Fat, not to mention Mr. Cheng's old neighbor back then, and she was also the first batch of employees of Mishell Electronics when it was first established.

It can be said that these people are all veterans of Mishell Electronics.

How can a rookie like myself compare to it?

But from the bottom of her heart, she is quite satisfied with being able to work in Mi Ke.

After all, the treatment of Mishell Electronics is not so good.

And his own company is more face-saving when it comes out, much better than the General Iron and Steel Factory.

I really hope that Mishell Electronics will not have any problems.

Especially for rice shell refrigerators, you must clarify quickly, or you will be in trouble.

Fat aunt went fast and came back fast.

It took only a few minutes for the fat aunt to run back. At this time, the fat aunt's eyes were full of confusion.

"Fat sister, what's the matter with you? Is it..." Xiao Li called, and he didn't dare to ask.

Because she knew that Aunt Fat was looking for Cheng Zhenyuan.

And it's like this when you come back. Doesn't that mean there is no good news?
She hasn't worked at Mishell Electronics for a long time, but she really doesn't want to leave the factory with good environment and high welfare.

"There's no bad news." Aunt Fat waved her hand and said to Xiao Li, "Mr. Cheng asked me to go home and watch TV tonight."

After listening to the answer, Xiao Li didn't know what it meant.

Go home and watch TV, what TV are you watching!

Xiao Li, who was puzzled in his heart, looked at Aunt Fat in blank dismay, but couldn't figure out what was so mysterious about it.

The fat aunt returned home with a head full of doubts. According to the past practice, she basically started cooking after a short rest.

But now, she was sitting on the chair, but she didn't want to move.

After calming down for a while, he turned on the TV.On the TV, the program of the Mi Ke Paw Paw Team was playing in full swing.

Looking at the heroes' puppies, Aunt Fat felt extremely cute.Although she doesn't like watching cartoons, but who let this be her own home!
Could it be that Lao Cheng let me watch TV just to relieve my mood?

Thinking of this, Aunt Fat couldn't help scolding Cheng Zhenyuan.

Her fat aunt has been through all the ups and downs for so many years, and she even used to watch a cartoon to relieve her mood.

After the rice shell Wang Wang team is over, there are advertisements, there are advertisements for rice shell electronics, and there are advertisements for ice dew purified water.

Looking at the Ice Dew commercials that have already occupied the prime time, the fat aunt couldn't help curling her lips.

She knew that this ice dew also had Shen Dong's investment.

But Shen Dong really couldn't tell the priority in this matter, how could he give up the best advertising space to Binglu?

Isn't the ice dew fragrant behind the rice husk?
Now for Mi Ke, the most important thing is the refrigerator!

It's just that her complaints can only be enjoyed in her own heart, and she doesn't have the guts to ask her to persuade Shen Lin.

After all, that is Chairman Shen!
Just when all kinds of thoughts were surging in Fat Auntie's mind, the news had already started.

Fat aunt sitting on the chair, her mind began to wander.

"Mom, why don't you cook? I'm starving to death!" The daughter, who came home from school, asked the fat aunt as soon as she entered the house.

Looking at the daughter who was almost printed in the same mold as herself, the fat aunt waved her hand and said, "I'm watching the news, don't disturb me."

"Mom, since you're still watching the news, let me tell you, why don't you cook first, and then watch the TV series at eight o'clock!" The daughter countered while grabbing an apple and eating it.

What the daughter said made Aunt Fat feel very embarrassed, but the two of them were the only ones in the house, so Aunt Fat didn't have an attack.

But the content of the news, she read lazily.

If it weren't for Cheng Zhenyuan's good reputation in her heart, she would have stopped reading it a long time ago.

More than ten minutes later, just when the fat aunt felt that it seemed unnecessary, the announcer on the TV suddenly said: "The refrigerator produced by Mishell Electronics has been certified by Gilles World Records... and has obtained the most energy-saving, The most environmentally friendly refrigerator... This is the same as Mishell Electronics has always been, focusing on technological innovation..."

Hearing these voices, the fat aunt stood up abruptly.

Watching TV, Cheng Zhenyuan let himself watch TV for this purpose!
She looked at the scene of Shen Lin receiving a certificate on the TV screen, and she was stunned.

She didn't know what this record was useful for, but just looking at this scene, she knew that Shen Lin's counterattack was coming.

And it's powerful!
The most energy-saving, the most environmentally friendly!

This is not aimed at, what kind of bullshit professor said that the rice shell refrigerator changed the original design, consumes a lot of power and does not cool?

This... This counterattack is too powerful!


The fat aunt giggled, and her daughter, who was doing homework, couldn't help but come out of the room and said, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"No, let's go out to eat today, and I'll give you a big bowl of stewed noodles." The fat aunt waved her hand with pride.

Although my daughter was a little dazed, she was still very excited about the result.

At this moment, the TV screen changed, and the announcer appeared on the TV screen again.

"Oh, the news of Mishell Electronics hasn't finished broadcasting yet, so why did it change?" Fat Aunt nagged a little dissatisfied.

"...A number of newspapers in the island country reported that Professor Oda's thesis was falsified, and now... have been involved in the investigation..."

Hearing the news, Aunt Fat smiled even more happily.

She looked at her daughter, waved her hand and said, "I'll add another roast chicken for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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