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Chapter 1077 Big order for happiness and happiness

Chapter 1077 Big order for happiness and happiness
Rice Shell Garden!

All the employees and family members of Mishell Electronics live here, so they attach great importance to the rice shell refrigerator.

With the broadcast of the news, the peaceful rice shell garden suddenly became lively.

Some people cheered loudly, and some people excitedly held the wine bottle and ran to the neighbor's house to knock on the door.

Some people took out the firecrackers that had not been set off during the Chinese New Year from their homes, and set them up crackling.

The whole rice shell garden is a lively scene.

With the spring conference of Mishell Electronics, Mishell Electronics seems to have entered a bright moment.

However, Professor Oda's remarks on rice-shell refrigerators and some experts' attacks on rice-shell refrigerators based on this made many people feel pressure.

In the eyes of many people, rice shell refrigerators seem to have problems.

The investment of Mishell Electronics in the refrigerator project is almost obvious to all, so some bad-mouthing remarks about Mishell appear in the ears of Mishell Electronics employees from time to time.

But now, nothing exists.

At Cheng Zhenyuan's house, Cheng Zhenyuan is also watching TV seriously.

Although he already knew the news in advance, he couldn't help but read the news seriously.

Even before it was broadcast on TV, he asked his children to record this episode with a video recorder at home.

"Mr. Cheng, I read the report. Is the crisis of our rice shell refrigerator resolved?" A middle-level person living upstairs from Cheng Zhenyuan knocked on the door and asked excitedly.

Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said: "It's lifted!"

"Not only is it cancelled, let me tell you that the next order of our Mishell Electronics will definitely skyrocket all the way, and the situation will be better."

Speaking of this, Cheng Zhenyuan waved his hand and said: "Our whole Mishell Electronics will be better in the future!"

Looking at the high-spirited Cheng Zhenyuan, the middle manager smiled and said, "Then I can rest assured!"

While the two were talking, more and more people walked into Cheng Zhenyuan's house.

Among them, there are even some people from Mi Ke Electric and Mi Ke Transport Team.

"Mr. Cheng, I just saw that Professor Oda has been investigated by their college for falsifying his thesis. Hmph, this guy with sly eyebrows and mischievous eyes is not a good person!"

"Isn't that right, you can eat shit, but you can't talk nonsense. What kind of shit is called a beast? You can talk nonsense when you open your mouth, slandering our rice shell refrigerators. For this kind of guy who talks money and has no conscience, let me say it." Without further ado, come up and clean it up first."

"Hey, what will happen to this guy after this paper is falsified?"

"What else can I do? I'll lose my reputation. This guy lives on his face. Now that his face is gone, what else is there for him to eat!"


Although Cheng Zhenyuan did not participate in the lively discussion of these subordinates, he was still very happy at this moment.

He doesn't smoke much anymore, but he still takes out the good cigarettes in the drawer for everyone to enjoy.

"Mr. Cheng, if you want to say that Mi Ke is the best, Mr. Shen's action is really timely. Not only has he completed the certification of the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly refrigerator, but he has also exposed the old background of the rumor-monger!"

"Hmph, I see, who will dare to slander our Mi Ke in the future!" An old employee who was familiar with Cheng Zhenyuan said with a smile while holding a cigarette.

At this moment, Cheng Zhenyuan's phone rang.

The people who were discussing stopped their voices one by one, waiting for Cheng Zhenyuan to answer the phone.

Cheng Zhenyuan picked up the phone and gave a hello, then said: "Chairman Shen, I'm at home!"

After hearing this, the smokers stopped smoking, and the drinkers quickly put down their cups.Everyone looked at each other and did not dare to make any sound.

"Mr. Shen, I've already watched the broadcast on TV, hahaha, it's really enjoyable."

"By the way, I've already contacted our Dongzhou TV station and asked them to broadcast our certification."

Cheng Zhenyuan said with a smile: "Mr. Shen, don't worry. I'll go to the refrigerator factory later and ask Director Luo to speed up production, ah? What? You have won another big order for exporting refrigerators!"

"How much? One hundred thousand units? Oops, that will probably make Director Luo tired, but he, Luo, will laugh out loud when lying on the ground!"

"I will arrange production right now, and work overtime to increase our production speed."

Putting down the phone, Cheng Zhenyuan said excitedly: "Chairman Shen called and said that we have received an order of [-] sets of refrigerators from Jialifu."

"Now, our refrigerator factory has to work overtime to increase production."

"In addition, Chairman Shen asked me to tell everyone that tonight, the process of our refrigerator being certified by Gilles World Records will be broadcast on time in a set."

"Haha, everyone must remember to watch it!"

The export order of [-] units confirmed what I had just heard, and the Michel employees present couldn't help cheering.

As the middle-level of Mishell Electronics, they have not seen large orders before, but the export of [-] refrigerators still makes them feel very excited.

Because this has extraordinary significance for Mi Ke.

In 10 minutes, Cheng Zhenyuan came to Mike Refrigerator Factory. At this time, the refrigerator factory has become a sea of ​​joy.

Among them, the most excited one is Luo Lei, the director of the factory.

As the person in charge of the rice shell refrigerator factory, the production of rice shell refrigerators was decided by Shen Lin himself, but as the specific person in charge, he was under the greatest pressure.

He brought a group of people from the refrigeration plant to Mishell Electronics. During the past six months, he had already enjoyed various discounts brought by Mishell.

If the refrigerator messes up this time, although Shen Lin may not drive him away, he feels that he has no face to stay here.

So these days, Luo Lei almost lived in the rice shell refrigerator factory and never went home.

Not only him, but almost everyone in the factory is under great pressure.

For those negative news, Luo Lei thought about how to break the situation almost every day.

Unfortunately, even if he tried to break his brain, he couldn't figure out what to do.

When he contacted Shen Lin, Shen Lin told him that the matter would be resolved soon, and that he could concentrate on production.

Regarding Shen Lin's statement, Luo Lei half believed it, but now, he completely believed it.

Not only has the problem been solved, but it has also ruined the reputation of the originator of the rumor.

There is nothing more exhilarating than this!
"Director Luo, did you receive Chairman Shen's call? Kerry Fu has already placed an order for [-] refrigerators."

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at the excited Luo Lei, smiled and said, "The burden on your shoulders is even heavier."

"Chairman Shen can't come back temporarily, so let me come and see your refrigerator factory, what needs are there, as long as I can do it, I must meet it."

Luo Lei also got a call from Shen Lin, and he was not pretentious at this time: "Mr. Cheng, this order of [-] refrigerators has indeed brought great pressure to our production."

"In addition to raw materials, what I need now is more human support. In addition, I think it's okay..."

"Finally, I think the factory must expand its production line!"

(End of this chapter)

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