Chapter 1078 Unexpected Backlash

Luo Lei raised many problems to be solved.

Cheng Zhenyuan can solve most of the problems, but he can't make the decision to add a production line.

After all, this is a big deal.

Such a major event needs to be decided by Shen Lin himself.

"Director Luo, I can satisfy what you said, and I will satisfy it as soon as possible. If I can't satisfy it, I will report it to Chairman Shen."

"However, you can rest assured that I, Cheng Zhenyuan, will do my best to support the development of the refrigerator factory."

"Thank you Mr. Cheng." Luo Lei took Cheng Zhenyuan's hand and said, "Mr. Cheng, it's not that I must increase the production line, but that there will be a lot of orders in the future."

"At that time, our production capacity will not be enough, and the task of this order will not be completed. This... This is really a pity."

Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said, "Director Luo, I agree with your idea. Judging from the current situation, our orders for refrigerators will definitely increase rapidly."

"But the matter of expanding production capacity must be decided by Chairman Shen himself."

Luo Lei nodded. After joining Mishell Electronics, he has become more and more familiar with Shen Lin.

He knew that his boss was extremely cautious about expanding production capacity.

Even the establishment of more branch factories is not very enthusiastic.In some fields, they are even willing to give more profits to downstream manufacturers in the supply chain, and they are not willing to earn this penny themselves.

Although Luo Lei didn't understand these things to some extent, he also knew that he could not interfere with the operation of Mishell Electronics.

"I am very grateful to Mr. Cheng. If Mr. Cheng has time, I hope Mr. Cheng can report to Mr. Shen together with me."

While the two were talking, they entered the bustling production workshop.

As Luo Lei expected, as the rumors surrounding the rice shell refrigerator were dispelled, orders for the rice shell refrigerator began to climb rapidly.

Some people who originally ordered rice shell refrigerators, but because of Professor Oda's words, finally returned the refrigerators regretted it.

After all, Professor Oda is a bogus expert in academic fraud. What this kind of person says is not credible at all.

The Giles world record made everyone full of confidence in the rice shell refrigerator.

What's more, rice shell refrigerators are the same price as most refrigerators on the market, and compared comprehensively, the price/performance ratio is still very high.

In the rice shell electrical shopping mall, the people queuing up to order have already moved from the shopping mall to the street, and many agents of rice shell electric appliances use money to buy refrigerators.

But it's a pity: the supply is insufficient!
And following the news that the rice shell refrigerator had won an order of [-] units from Kerry Fu the next day, it became even more difficult to find a rice shell refrigerator.

Some people are even willing to increase the price to buy rice shell refrigerators.

Being in the same area as rice shell refrigerators, the life of Shangxue Electronics Factory has become very sad.

Their refrigerators are not as good-looking as rice shells, and the space is much worse, but the price is more expensive than rice shells, which makes it difficult to sell.

Some people have even proposed to Director Xie to lower the price.

It's just that, regarding the price reduction, Director Xie has no choice but to seek Ichiro Takeda's opinion.

After all, the two parties are joint ventures.

Along with the trade fair, the good news of Mishell Electronics kept coming, and Director Xie was ready to go back first.

Although Shen Lin had never been complacent in front of him, Director Xie was quite upset when he saw Shen Lin who was admired by all the stars no matter where he went.

What's more, now they have to face the dilemma of reducing the price of their snow-covered refrigerators.

Before leaving the trade fair, Director Xie came to Takeda Ichiro's residence again. His goal was to negotiate a price reduction.Products cannot be sold without price cuts, which will make Shangxue Electronics Factory's already pessimistic situation worse.

Knocking on Takeda Ichiro's door, Director Xie found Takeda Ichiro reading a newspaper.

It's just that at this time, Takeda Ichiro's expression was full of ferocity.

The moment Director Xie arrived, his palm slapped heavily on the table.

"Bastard, damn it!"

Takeda Ichiro's anger was burning, and Factory Manager Xie was taken aback. He didn't expect that he would encounter such a scolding when he just came here.

Although he felt that Takeda Ichiro was not targeting him, he still felt very uncomfortable.If you accuse Sang and scold Huai so much, don't you express dissatisfaction with me, Lao Xie, and take the opportunity to explode!
"Mr. Takeda, what's wrong?" Director Xie asked in a low voice after hesitating for a moment.

"Damn Xiaotian, he's talking nonsense, look, what did he do?" Takeda Ichiro threw a newspaper over while speaking.

Seeing the messy report above, but he didn't recognize a word of it, Director Xie felt helpless for a while.

"Mr. Takeda, I don't know foreign languages, um...what did it say?" Factory Manager Xie looked at Professor Oda in the picture and said embarrassedly.

Although Takeda Ichiro's eyes were still red at this time, he had calmed down quite a bit. He snorted and said, "This damn thing, he is talking nonsense, what...what are we ordering him behind the scenes to attack a few people?" Competitor's product."

Ichiro Takeda did not name these opponents, but it is definitely not an ordinary company that can be called an opponent by Takeda.

Hearing these words, the words Dong Chuang Shifa immediately flashed in Director Xie's mind.

He persuaded softly: "Mr. Takeda, you don't need to take this matter to heart, after all... After all, the reputation of Professor Oda has been discredited."

"No one should listen to his nonsense now."

Takeda Ichiro took a deep breath and said, "I hope, but Xie Sang, Xiaotian has no ability anymore. You said his words and became the focus of newspaper reports. Among them..."

Factory Manager Xie looked at Takeda Ichiro's appearance and knew what he was going to say. In fact, he had the same thoughts as Takeda Ichiro in his heart.

A salted fish that had been dried in the sun suddenly started jumping, there must be someone helping him!

Who will this person be?
Director Xie's first reaction was Shen Lin!

Just when he felt in his heart that his thoughts were a little too casual, Takeda Ichiro's phone rang.

Ichiro Takeda waved his hand at Director Xie, signaling him not to speak, and then connected the phone.

Although through the receiver, Director Xie still heard the roaring voice on the other end of the phone.

Takeda Ichiro, who had shown himself to be able to handle many things with ease, stood up nervously, and even murmured to defend himself.

But Takeda Ichiro's voice became smaller and smaller.

A few minutes later, Takeda Ichiro hung up the phone with a trace of depression.

"Mr. Takeda, are you okay?" After hesitating for a while, Director Xie still asked with concern.

"Xie Sang, what do you want me for?" Takeda Ichiro's answer was irrelevant.

Hearing this, Director Xie hesitated for a moment and said, "Mr. Takeda, what I want to say is surrender..."

"Don't talk about it, my position has been dismissed, Xie Sang, someone new will contact you in the future, if you have something to do, please report to him."

"Let's go, I'll pack up and I won't keep you for dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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