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Chapter 1079 Is Not A Steady Rice Shell

Chapter 1079: Not an ordinary tough rice shell
Ichiro Takeda lost his position!

Director Xie was a little shocked.

In the process of cooperation, Takeda Ichiro has always been very wise and sober. Although sometimes it seems that his eyes are above the top, but generally speaking, he is still very supportive.

So many times, he felt that Takeda Ichiro was like his backer.

But now, such a backer-like figure fell down directly, which caught him off guard.

In Takeda Ichiro's eyes, Professor Oda, who is like a salted fish, let Takeda Ichiro throw a stone at his own foot, this...

The appearance of Professor Oda reappeared in Director Xie's mind. At this moment, he had a feeling that Professor Oda was definitely not alone.

Behind him, there must be someone supporting him.

For some unknown reason, Shen Lin's smile suddenly flashed in Director Xie's mind.

Is there something wrong with my head, why would I think of Shen Lin?Shen Lin and Professor Xiaotian are incompatible.

If it weren't for Shen Lin, Professor Oda would never have fallen to this level.

Ordinarily, for this kind of guy who wants to put himself to death, Professor Oda will definitely not be in cahoots with him.

Just as various thoughts were surging in Director Xie's mind, someone suddenly rushed to his side.

"Old Xie, why are you so dazed? Chairman Shen's rice shell refrigerator has received an order of [-] units from Jialifu. Tsk tsk, Boss Shen wants a treat, let's go there together!"

Hearing these joyful words, Director Xie was taken aback for a moment, and then he felt his head go berserk.

Mi Ke's refrigerator has received an order of [-] units, is this possible?

He has been here for several days, in the name of a joint venture, but the refrigerator can't be exported.

As for rice shell refrigerators, there are [-] units at once. This...

"I just went out for a walk, and I'm a little thirsty, haha, you go first." Factory Manager Xie waved his hand and said as if nothing had happened.

He tried to keep himself calm, he didn't want others to see his inner loss.

The person who invited him also realized something at this moment, and quickly smiled and said: "Okay, then let's go there first!"

After returning to his room and drinking a glass of water, Director Xie finally woke up from the dismissal of Ichiro Takeda.

Ichiro Takeda put himself in touch with his replacement.

No one knows who is connecting for him, so how can I contact him?

Maybe there is a joint venture, just wait for it.

Maybe the person sent by Uematsu Electric is more powerful than Ichiro Takeda!
"Ding Ding Ding!"

The urgent ringtone of the phone broke Director Xie's contemplation. He thought he was asked to go to the banquet again, so after answering the phone, he smiled and said, "I said it, I..."

"Thank you, director, I'm an old cow!"

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Director Xie froze for a moment, and then thought of who this person was.

This is a lecturer from a certain school, and he is also one of the experts who was found by himself to attack the problems of rice shell refrigerators according to Professor Oda's point of view.

Now receiving a call from Lao Niu, Director Xie was taken aback for a moment and said, "Mr. Niu, why do you have my phone number?"

"I went to your factory today, and your factory office gave me a call." Teacher Niu said on the other end of the phone: "Why, thank you, factory manager, don't you want to answer my call?"

Hearing this, Director Xie felt that Mr. Niu was not kind.

He secretly scolded the group of people in the factory, and then pretended to be relaxed and said: "How is it possible, we are old friends, and I want to chat with you when I have nothing to do!"

"I just asked that, it was just strange." "I hope what Director Xie said is sincere." When Teacher Niu said this, he solemnly said: "Director Xie, do you know what I received today? ?”

"What did you receive?" Director Xie asked with rare humor: "Did your associate professor get the evaluation? Oh, if that's the case, we'll have a good celebration later."

"Associate professor? Shit!" Teacher Niu suddenly became furious: "I received a subpoena, and Mishell Electronics Factory sued me!"

"They sued me for slandering the quality problems of rice shell refrigerators in public without any real evidence, which caused them a lot of losses."

"Moreover, they added our school to the list of incidental defendants!"

Speaking of this, Teacher Niu was trembling with anger: "Now, they not only ask us to make a public apology, but also attach compensation."

"They are like lions with big mouths, and there are millions of them!"

"My monthly salary is only two or three hundred yuan. Where can I find these millions?"

When Teacher Niu said this, he complained more and more: "Do you know that I was pointed at my nose by an old professor this morning and scolded me for academic misconduct."

"I lost the face of the whole school, and now, many newspapers and magazines over there say that I worship foreigners."

"I am now, as long as I walk around the campus, someone will immediately point at my back."

"This day will never pass!"

After listening to Mr. Niu venting, Director Xie's heart trembled violently. He never thought that Mishell Electronics Factory would be so stubborn.

He even sued Mr. Niu!
Such things were beyond his expectation.

After all, this kind of lawsuit is not easy to fight, and in many cases, the result is an apology.

But Mishell Electronics insisted on suing.

"Xie the factory manager, are you still listening?" Mr. Niu yelled angrily.

"Mr. Niu, don't be in a hurry, I'm thinking of a way!" After taking a breath, Director Xie forced himself to be calm.

"Don't worry, I won't ignore this matter. Not only will I handle it, but I will handle it to the end!"

After hearing Director Xie's attitude, Mr. Niu calmed down a lot.He took a breath and said, "Thank you, director, I've already thought about it."

"If I lose this case, then I will tell the whole truth."

"Although I behaved badly, you can't get better either. Do you think that when the time comes, the two of us will die and the net will be broken."

"Hurry up and find a way to solve this matter completely!"

While talking, Teacher Niu hung up the phone harshly.

Director Xie felt his head buzzing when he heard the beeping sound from the other end of the phone.

Originally, Takeda Ichiro's resignation had already made him feel that he had one less capable assistant, but he never thought that this was just the beginning.

Shen Lin is so stubborn, he doesn't intend to let go of those who spread rumors and cause trouble.

Although this lawsuit was time-consuming and labor-intensive, with the strength of Mishell Electronics Factory, it was absolutely affordable!

How to appease Teacher Niu?
If it weren't for Professor Xiaotian's incident, he might have pushed [-], but the ruthless Professor Xiaotian made him panic.

This is how Takeda Ichiro fell, and he must not repeat the same mistakes.

But, how can I solve Mr. Niu's crisis?

Director Xie's mind was running fast, but he couldn't think of a countermeasure.

(End of this chapter)

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