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Chapter 1080 What is a Difficult Brother?

Chapter 1080 What is a Difficult Brother?
Factory Manager Xie couldn't think of any good solution, so he had to find allies.

After the rice shell spring product exhibition, the several large refrigerator manufacturers that joined forces kept contact information with each other.

Under such circumstances, Director Xie can only contact his allies.

"Haha, Hello, Director Ding. I'm Lao Xie from Shangxue Electronics Factory. Long time no see, man. It's been a good day!" Once the phone call from Director Ding, who in his eyes was the most powerful, was connected, Director Xie Greeted with a smile.

"Okay, what's the matter!" Director Ding said with a hint of impatience in his voice, "Old Xie, you don't know, I'm really annoying right now."

"I'm looking for a good friend from my hometown. Fortunately, Mishell Electronics Factory has sued my friend!"

"Not only that, but there is also the liability for compensation. Now my friend has come to my house and asked me to completely solve this problem within three days!"

"Grandma, it makes me dare not even go home now!"

Factory Manager Xie was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that Mishell Electronics was just making trouble on his own side, but he didn't expect them to make such a big deal.

I am not the only one who suffers from headaches.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved.Anyway, it is difficult to be the same, and there is too much shit to not bite. After all, there are other people who are also accused together, which makes him feel much happier.

"Hey, Director Ding, I'm the same as you, the teacher Niu I'm looking for..."

Factory Manager Xie finished talking about Mr. Niu with a long sigh, and then said: "Brother, what do you think about this matter?"

Factory Manager Nading said: "Thank you, Factory Manager, I've been thinking about it for the past few days, and I can't think of a good solution."

"For this kind of thing, if the professor you find is reliable, everything is easy to talk about. Mi Ke is willing to make a fuss, so let's just run with him."

"But now, Professor Oda himself has become a liar. If we go to court, basically one word: lose!"

"I think that to untie the bell, the person who tied it must be needed. Brother, listen to my advice, you'd better find a solution from Shen Lin."

"You are all from the same place. Find an acquaintance and ask someone to make peace with you. Let's bow our heads when we should."

Listening to Director Ding's suggestion, Director Xie felt his face flushed.

Bow to Shen Lin!
Let yourself surrender to Shen Lin, how is this possible?He always refused to do such a humiliating thing.

But just when he was about to sternly refuse, for some reason, the words in his mouth turned into thinking about it.

Putting down the phone, Director Xie rubbed his temples, and just as he was about to take out a cigarette to wake up, the phone rang again.

I deliberately didn't answer the phone, and I was afraid that I might miss something important.

After all, those who know their phone numbers are basically people with whom they have a good relationship.

"Hello, I'm Lao Xie, who is looking for me?" After connecting the phone, Director Xie said in a deep voice.

On the other end of the phone, came an unfamiliar voice: "Mr. Xie, I'm old. We met a while ago."

"Hello, Director Chang." Director Xie was very impressed with this awkward-sounding Director Chang. Although he felt that it was not a good thing in his heart, on the surface, he was still extremely enthusiastic.

Either way, start with enthusiasm.

"Thank you, director, I'm in trouble, and now the people from Mishell Electronics Factory will give the expert we're looking for to..."

Listening to the content on the phone, although Director Xie spoke nicely to comfort him, he said in his heart: "You call me, there's no use for it!"

Compared with Director Xie's embattled situation, Shen Lin's mood at this time is quite good.

Because Jialifu won the order, another old friend also started to contact him. According to Shen Lin's estimation, there will be about [-] foreign trade orders for Mihu refrigerators.Although this increase is the icing on the cake for MiKe, it has already destined MiKe refrigerators to rise strongly and become an instant hit.

Therefore, under the booing of Director Li and others, Shen Lin still generously treated people to a meal.

Because they were all old friends, everyone didn't have too many worries about speaking, and congratulated Shen Lin one by one.

However, everyone present also understood what the rice shell refrigerator had gone through, and apart from congratulating them, they also admired Shen Lin.

After all, the situation Shen Lin encountered was, in the eyes of most people, basically an unsolvable situation.

After drinking and eating, Shen Lin returned to the hotel where he was staying, and just as he was about to rest, there was a knock on the door.

Opening the door, Shen Lin recognized the person who came, and it was Director Feng of the Provincial Machinery Factory.

Although the two don't have much friendship, they often greet each other when they meet, and they are considered familiar with each other.

"Haha, Mr. Shen, please forgive me for coming here uninvited, so I won't disturb your rest?" Director Feng smiled politely.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Director Feng, sit down quickly. I was talking about drinking some tea, but I can't fall asleep anyway."

Factory Manager Feng sat down on the sofa, and after a few gossips, he said with a troubled expression: "Mr. Shen, I am here this time because I was entrusted by others!"

"I heard that your factory has already sued Mr. Niu. Lao Niu just has no brains."

"Usually, it is said that the wind is rain, but in fact, he is not a bad person at all."

"As for him, he and I are still from the same village. This time, his father found me, and hoped that I could help, and begged you, Director Shen."

"This matter is over. Director Shen might as well let him go. I promise him that he must change his past."

Shen Lin had a good impression of this Director Feng at first, but his brows immediately frowned upon hearing his words.

He looked at Director Feng with a smile, and Director Feng looked a little uncomfortable.

"Director Feng, do you know how much damage this incident has caused to our rice shell refrigerator?"

"If it weren't for our luck, Professor Oda's academic fraud was exposed by them, and our refrigerator might not even be sold."

Shen Lin said lightly: "Now we have reversed the situation, but those nonsense people, do you think they have no responsibility at all?"

"What's more, they didn't do it unintentionally, they did it on purpose."

"I'm not afraid of your displeasure. We at Mishell Electronics will sincerely accept accusations based on facts. Compensation should be compensated and correction should be corrected."

"However, we will not let go of those who slander Mi Ke at will without any real evidence. We also need justice."

When Shen Lin said this, he turned to Factory Manager Ding and said, "I'm afraid this matter will disappoint Factory Manager Ding."

Hearing Shen Lin's plausible words, Director Ding sighed.

Although he felt that Shen Lin's attitude was too tough, he also didn't want to offend this prosperous rice shell boss.

In the midst of pondering, he forced a smile and said: "Oh, I originally thought that it was better to settle enemies than to tie them up. I didn't know enough about the actual situation. Haha, Chairman Shen, I understand now."

"Haha, I'm leaving, you have the right to pretend that I didn't say anything about it."

(End of this chapter)

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