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Chapter 1081 Can't Take Orders Anymore

Chapter 1081 Can't Take Orders Anymore

Shen Lin didn't regret sending off Director Feng with a bad face.

Not to mention that Director Feng has no business relationship with Mishell Electronics, even if he is a close business partner, Shen Lin will not give face.

Small things talk about unity, and big things talk about principles.If Mikr Electronics does not fight back against these rumors, especially those who slander at will, then more people will discredit Mikr in the future.

Only by teaching these people a lesson can they kill chickens and scare monkeys!
"Ding ding ding..."

Just as Shen Lin was pondering, the phone rang.

When Shen Lin answered the phone, he heard Cheng Zhenyuan's voice coming from the other side.

"Mr. Shen, I didn't bother you, did I?" Cheng Zhenyuan said with a smile, "I wanted to call tomorrow, but I was afraid that you would be busy tomorrow and it would be delayed."

"Xiaoshan said that you just returned to your room, so I will report to you today."

Hearing Cheng Zhenyuan's politeness, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Cheng, we two old buddies don't need to be too polite."

"Tell me, is there anything you want to arrange for me?"

"Mr. Shen, orders for our refrigerators have soared now. Some customers who had already lost have not only placed new orders, but many new customers have also placed orders at the same time."

"Combined with the contract you signed now, our production capacity is far behind!"

"I discussed it with Director Luo today. Under such circumstances, if we want to complete the production task, we need at least two production lines."

"Look, are we increasing the production line!"

While speaking, Cheng Zhenyuan reported an order number to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin had expected the increase in orders for rice shell refrigerators, but he was still a little surprised when he heard the number.

He is well aware of the production capacity of the refrigerator factory. According to this situation, even if we work overtime, it will be difficult to complete the order within half a year.

Not to mention, plus the [-] units I promised to Kerry Fu.

"How long will it take to increase the production line?" Shen Lin tapped his fingers on the table and asked Cheng Zhenyuan in a deep voice.

Cheng Zhenyuan already knew this number in his heart.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. Shen, if we increase the production line, it will take three or four months to start production."

"This still needs, people are willing to sell us another production line."

Shen Lin nodded and said, "Mr. Cheng, have you thought of any good solutions?"

"I discussed two methods with Director Luo. One is to let other factories do the manufacturing according to our previous method; the other is to buy another refrigerator factory."

"Besides these two ways, there is no other way."

Listening to Cheng Zhenyuan's suggestion, Shen Lin pondered and said, "Mr. Cheng, let me think about what you mentioned."

"By the way, tell Luo Lei that while keeping abreast of the production progress, he should first pay attention to quality and second, pay attention to safety."

"By the way, let's inform the after-sales service later that if there is a quality problem with our product, within one month, we will only replace it without repairing it."

"Since our current brand has been printed, we must not destroy the signboard because of these details."

Cheng Zhenyuan agreed with Shen Lin's arrangement with both hands. He has already deeply realized the gold content and importance of the golden signboard of Mi Ke.

Among other things, let’s take some relatives and friends as examples. When shopping, for the same item, people would rather buy high-priced products produced by Mike than those cheap three-nothing products.

In fact, this is the emphasis on the Mishell brand.

The influx of orders now is also due to the effect of Mihu's brand.If the MiKe brand collapses, it will be MiKe Electronics that suffers the loss.

Capacity is limited!

Shen Lin pinched his forehead, feeling helpless in his heart!
Now, with the rising reputation of rice shell refrigerators, it can be said that it is a good time to attack the city.

But the production capacity is not enough, which is really a headache.

In the past, Shen Lin had always controlled the size of the factory. After all, he didn't want to become a large-scale but low-profit company.

But now, the profits of refrigerators are still considerable.With such a large profit in front of us, it is quite uncomfortable not to be able to eat it.

How can we expand production capacity at the fastest speed?

Several methods quickly emerged in Shen Lin's mind, but in the end, one method emerged in Shen Lin's mind.

Early the next morning, Lu Daqing happily came to the restaurant for breakfast.

The dazzling performance of rice shell electronics, especially rice shell refrigerators, made his task almost complete.The next step is to complete the task beyond the standard.

When he came, he didn't pursue this too much.

But now, with the surprises brought by Mishell Electronics one after another, he always feels that he seems to have every reason to pursue more.

After all, this is also a good thing!
Eating fried buns and drinking old duck soup, Lu Daqing felt extremely at ease!
Last night, Shen Lin, the host, didn't drink much, and everyone didn't seem to dare to pay more respects to the owner of Mi Ke, so they all went straight to him in the direction of the toast.

This caught him off guard, but when he was happy, he drank too much.

"Lu Chu, I'm eating!" Sister Dan came to sit down opposite Lu Daqing with a plate, and asked with a smile.

Lu Daqing smiled and said: "Eat more breakfast, you will be energetic for a day, Xiaodan, you are very busy these days, so you must eat breakfast well."

"Thank you Lu Chu for your concern." After Sister Dan sat down, she began to chat with Lu Daqing while eating.

After chatting for a few words, Sister Dan suddenly said: "Lu Chu, I heard today that Chairman Shen just gave instructions to their sales people that they will no longer accept orders for refrigerators."

"What, the refrigerator is no longer accepting orders, what do you mean? Chairman Shen, what is he trying to do?" Lu Daqing put down the chopsticks in his hand all of a sudden, and asked anxiously.

The purpose of bringing a group out this time is to get more orders, so as to make greater contributions to foreign exchange earnings through exports.

Rice shell electronics, especially the certified rice shell refrigerator, can be said to be a blockbuster product.

One Kerry Fu is an order of [-] units.

Competing with Kerry Fu also has this number, as long as this number is won, it will be 100% stable!

If Mishell Electronics does not accept the order, then...then...

In Lu Daqing's heart, he became anxious all of a sudden, and even the old duck vermicelli soup, which he thought was delicious just now, didn't taste good now.

Shen Lin, what are you doing here?

"I just won't accept the order, and I don't know anything else." Sister Dan looked at Lu Daqing anxiously, frowned and said, "Lu Chu, please don't tell Chairman Shen, I told you."

"I also heard it by accident."

Lu Daqing put down his chopsticks and said, "I see, I will definitely not tell you about this matter, do you know any other news?"

"Then I don't know." Sister Dan said honestly.

"Okay, you can eat first, I'm in a hurry to talk to Chairman Shen, and help me clean up later." While Lu Daqing was speaking, he hurriedly walked towards Shen Lin's room.

(End of this chapter)

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