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Chapter 1082 It's not that I don't want to, but I can't

Chapter 1082 It's not that I don't want to, but I can't
Lu Daqing hurriedly wanted to find Shen Lin, but in the end, he found Li Qingbo first after he was halfway there.

After all, his friendship with Shen Lin is not that deep yet, so he still needs to discuss many things with Li Qingbo first.

Li Qingbo was about to go down to eat, when he saw Lu Daqing coming, he smiled and said: "Old Lu, you didn't come here to find me to accompany you for dinner, did you?"

"What do you mean having dinner with me? I have something important to tell you." At this moment, Lu Daqing was not in the mood to joke with Li Qingbo.

He hurriedly said: "Do you know that Shen Lin asked the people of Mike Electronics to stop accepting orders for refrigerators!"

"What? Don't accept orders for refrigerators?" Li Qingbo was taken aback for a moment, he wondered if he heard it wrong.

What is the situation?Why is the order not being accepted?
You must know that the order of [-] rice shell refrigerators has given them a great deal of glory.

After all, this is the first of its kind, and there are still [-] units.

According to Li Qingbo's estimate, there are still a lot of orders in the future. If you don't accept orders, then there will be nothing left?
In the flash of a thought, he solemnly asked for confirmation: "Did you hear it wrong?"

"Sister Dan said she heard it with her own ears, so there's no way she could be wrong!" Lu Daqing said, "It would be great if she was wrong."

"But what if this is true?"

Li Qingbo frowned. If Sister Dan really heard this, then the possibility of getting it wrong is very small.

"Let's go, let's ask Shen Lin." After Li Qingbo said this, he closed the door and walked out.

This was what Lu Daqing was waiting for, but Li Qingbo had just taken two steps, then pondered for a moment and said, "Let's find someone else."

Still looking for someone, who is this looking for?

Lu Daqing thought for a moment and said, "Lao Li, this is already burning my eyebrows, why are you still talking about it, let's go."

"This person is gone, he can liven up the atmosphere for us, so that we don't have to wait until we say something wrong with Shen Lin, and then get stiff."

While speaking, Li Qingbo walked towards the floor where Mi Yuan lived.

Just after Mi Yuan came back from dinner, she saw Li Qingbo and Lu Daqing looking for her. Before she could ask, Li Qingbo said: "Mi Yuan, come with us to find Chairman Shen."

Mi Yuan didn't know why these two people were looking for her, but in the end she followed Li Qingbo and Lu Daqing to Shen Lin's room.

Lu Daqing looked at Mi Yuan who followed, and suddenly felt something in his heart, but he would never say this feeling.

Shen Lin also just had dinner, and when he saw Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo waiting over, he already had some understanding in his heart.

He smiled and said: "Lu Chu, Director Li, Mi Yuan, I'm really flattered that you three are here!"

"I don't know what instructions a few have, but it's just what you say."

At this time, Mi Yuan already understood why Li Qingbo and Lu Daqing called her. At this moment, her heart was full of strangeness.

These two people had something to do with Shen Lin, but they pulled themselves together inexplicably, which actually explained the problem.Don't you all think that my relationship with Shen Lin is extraordinary in private?

If you have such a guess, is it because you are not rigorous enough, reserved enough, or frank enough in your usual actions?
She had mixed feelings in her heart, but she could only comfort herself. The reason why these two people attracted her was entirely because of work.

"Mr. Shen, I don't dare to take instructions, but there is one thing, the two of us want to ask you, Mr. Shen."

Lu Daqing glanced at Li Qingbo, and found that Li Qingbo was not going to speak further, so he could only continue: "I heard that Chairman Shen arranged for your salesman to stop accepting orders for rice shell refrigerators?"

"I wonder if this rumor is true?" Shen Lin looked at Lu Daqing and the other two people who were smiling, slapped his forehead in embarrassment and said, "Lu Chu, this is not a rumor, this is true."

"To be honest, it is a great thing for us to have an order, but you have to be able to digest such things as orders."

"Our current domestic orders, plus Jialifu's orders, will take six months to complete, so I can only endure the pain and arrange to stop accepting orders."

"Otherwise, it's a breach of contract!"

I don't want to look at it, but Shen Lin, Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo feel a toothache when I can't help it.

What Shen Lin said should not deceive them. This business is so good that it is indeed a trouble that makes people happy.

After pondering for a while, Lu Daqing still turned to Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, I know you are in a difficult situation, but earning foreign exchange through export is a major issue. We still have to focus on the overall situation. Do you think so?"

"I think, on Mi Ke's side, we still need to complete the task of earning foreign exchange through export."

Li Qingbo looked at Lu Daqing's eyes, and followed suit: "Mr. Shen, what Lao Lu said is the truth, so please think about it."

"I know, but we have already collected the money from others, and it is impossible to refund." Shen Lin said with a embarrassed look: "I have already criticized our person in charge of sales."

"Actually, they didn't expect that Mi Ke's products would become so popular all of a sudden, and that's why they made such a big mistake in a hurry."

"But now it's a done deal, and we have nothing to do."

"How about we wait until next year, and after next year, I will plan ahead and make good arrangements. This side must be the main one. What do you think?"

What Shen Lin said is reasonable, and Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo are also very aware of the impact of rice shell refrigerators being recognized as the most environmentally friendly and energy-efficient.

Under such circumstances, they had no way to blame Mi Ke, but they were unwilling to give up so easily.

"Mr. Shen, can you increase the production capacity?" Li Qingbo pondered for a moment and said, "As far as I know, it took your production line three months from commissioning to use."

"If one or two more production lines are added, won't these problems be solved?"

Lu Daqing clapped his hands and said, "Yes, increase the production line! Chairman Shen, I can come forward to coordinate this matter."

"Hahaha, I believe that this time, Chairman Shen will definitely use a faster speed to complete the increase in production capacity."

Shen Lin spread his hands and said, "Increasing production capacity, the purchase of production lines requires foreign exchange. We don't have any foreign exchange reserves at present. If we want to purchase production lines, we may need to apply for a lot of money."

"Also, with the sales of our rice shell refrigerators all the way, the purchase of the production line may not be so smooth."

Shen Lin's words made the smiles of Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo disappear without a trace, while Mi Yuan, who was standing by the side, remained silent.

She felt that Shen Lin's words today seemed a little deliberate.

However, she didn't say anything about Shen Lin's performance, she just watched Shen Lin's performance silently.

"Mr. Shen, if your rice shell can contract a refrigerator factory, will you be able to produce exactly the same rice shell refrigerator?" Li Qingbo pondered for a moment and asked softly.

Shen Lin didn't answer immediately, but after thinking for half a minute, he said, "It should be possible, but it requires a new type of production line."

(End of this chapter)

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