Chapter 1083
When Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo came out of Shen Lin's room, they both frowned.

The problems Shen Lin said are all true. In the current situation, it seems that rice shell refrigerators really can no longer accept orders.

However, if another [-] rice shell refrigerators are ordered, wouldn't it be even more delicious with such a dazzling record!
"Lao Lu, how about we think of another way to help Director Shen find a refrigerator factory and let them temporarily contract it to increase their production capacity?"

Li Qingbo squeezed his chin, and suggested in a deep voice.

Lu Daqing said: "But the question is, where can we find such a factory?"

"We don't have it here in Dongzhou." Li Qingbo said: "If there is, it's very simple. As long as Mike Electronics needs it, I will try my best to make it happen immediately!"

"Hey, this is the first time I have encountered such a sudden situation."

Lu Daqing deeply felt Li Qingbo's emotion.In the past, when I participated in trade fairs, I was afraid that I would not get orders.

But now, the order is not a problem, the main reason is that it cannot be produced.

This kind of treatment is no one else!

"There is still a qualified refrigerator factory in our province, but it's a joint venture factory, so it's hard to talk about it!" Lu Daqing hesitated.

Li Qingbo instantly understood which factory Lu Daqing was talking about, he was silent for a moment and said: "It's hard to talk about Shangxue's side."

"Or let's just leave it at that. Anyway, our results have far exceeded expectations. After all, we didn't count the rice-shell refrigerator on the plate at the beginning."

"This is already a pleasant surprise, we will be content and happy, don't expect any more, and enlarge this surprise!"

Lu Daqing looked at the satisfied Li Qingbo, smiled and said, "Well, I'll ask for instructions."

The lack of production capacity of rice shell electronic refrigerators soon spread to the ears of most of the factory directors who came to the fair.

Hearing this news, many factories that have not even won a single order are a little dumbfounded.

When they were looking for orders one by one, Mi Hao actually thought that there were too many orders and refused to accept the order.

In this trade fair, there can also be ordinary showy operations, as expected of Mi Ke!
Some people are emotional, some are envious, and some have dark eyes.

Director Xie has been getting annoyed to death by Mr. Niu for the past few days, and every time he calls, he is always urging him to solve the problem.

But how does he solve the problem?Good food is delicious, but good things are hard to do.Although he lives in the same hotel as Shen Lin now, so what?Will Shen Lin give him face?
At the beginning, he was still kind and consoling, but he didn’t expect that Mr. Niu would get worse, and almost became Mrs. Xianglin. When Director Xie heard his demands, he became more and more outrageous. No matter what he said, he couldn’t listen. Thank you Chang simply stopped answering his calls.

However, this difficult matter cannot be solved by blocking alone.The two people's mutual relatives, mutual friends, and some other entangled relationships almost all called Director Xie.

Even his wife called and said that Mr. Niu had gone to his father-in-law's house.

The repeated bombings, coupled with Ichiro Takeda's resignation, made Director Xie a little depressed.

When he heard that Shen Lin's rice shell electronics factory was temporarily not taking orders for refrigerators, he felt that the person who told him the news was cutting his body with a blunt knife.This fucking taste is really not ordinary!
It is also a refrigerator factory, and the rice shell orders from others are too many to be used, but on my side, there are no orders at all.

Such a contrast is really too hurtful.

But orders are all based on strength. If Shangxue Electronics Factory can't get an order, they naturally don't have the strength to speak.

So, even if others look at him with unfriendly eyes, what can he do?
These days, as long as your own strength is not strong, why should others look up to you?If you don't praise the high and step down the low, and don't add insult to injury, that is already compassionate enough!
After figuring this out, Director Xie felt much more at ease.At this time, his only hope is that this trade fair should end as soon as possible, otherwise, he really can't bear it.

"Hello, I want to find Mr. Shen Lin." Just when Director Xie was in a daze and wanted to go back to his room, a middle-aged man in his 40s who looked polite and looked at him politely. asked.

This person's voice sounded a bit weird. According to his experience in dealing with Takeda Ichiro, he felt that this guy was probably from the island country.

"Who are you and why are you looking for Mr. Shen Lin?" Factory Director Xie asked immediately alertly due to Shen Lin's natural hostility. "I am Jin Dafeng from Ledi Mall. I am looking for Mr. Shen Lin to talk about the refrigerator. Could you please tell me which room Mr. Shen Lin lives in?"

Happy Land Mall!

Director Xie's contact with Ichiro Takeda let him know that Ledi Shopping Center is a large shopping mall chain in the island country.

They asked Shen Lin to talk about the refrigerator. Isn't this... isn't it obvious that they put eye drops on themselves?
If you obviously don't buy your own, but still come to the door, where do you put your old face?Damn, can I let you, a little book, succeed!

No, this guy can't be allowed to see Shen Lin.

Just when Factory Manager Xie organized his speech and wanted to help Shen Lin drive away this customer, someone took the initiative to say: "Hello, are you looking for Shen Lin?"

"Yes, I'm the purchase manager of Ledi Mall. This time I want to talk to Mr. Shen Lin about the refrigerator." Jin Dafeng turned his head quickly and said to the person who spoke.

It was only at this time that Director Xie realized that the person who spoke was Lu Daqing's subordinate, who seemed to be called Sister Dan. As for the name, Director Xie was not very clear.

But that's enough. In his mind, the plan he had just formed was aborted before he could implement it.

"Oh, you mean the refrigerators of the Rice Shell Electronics Factory. Director Shen has made it clear that he will no longer take orders." Sister Dan stroked her hair and said regretfully.

Jin Dafeng said: "Miss, I have heard about it."

"But in this matter, we have enough sincerity. For example, we can raise the purchase price a little bit."

"So, Miss Sister, please tell me how to meet Mr. Shen."

Being called Miss Sister makes Sister Dan very useful, which shows that she still has the atmosphere of girlhood.Immediately said with a beaming smile, "Mr. Jin, please come with me."

While speaking, Sister Dan took Jin Dafeng and walked towards the room where Shen Lin lived.

But before leaving, she smiled at Director Xie.

This kind of smile may be out of politeness, but in the eyes of Director Xie, this kind of smile is completely gloating, even provocative.

You scramble to call someone a second uncle, but they don't pay attention to it, for no other reason, because you are not a rice shell!

hateful!I want to thank the factory director Ying Ming I, but today I was ridiculed by a silly elder sister, no, no, a silly bitch!
Why is she laughing at herself?Is that a sneer? It must be...

Just when Factory Director Xie was full of displeasure, he went back to his room depressed and watching TV boringly, someone knocked on his door.

Factory Manager Xie said lazily and came in, and saw Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo walking in with great strides.

Although he felt very uncomfortable, seeing these two, Director Xie still smiled and said: "Oh, why don't you two come here when you have time, come and smoke."

Regarding Director Xie's smile, Lu Daqing and the two looked at each other, and then Lu Daqing said, "Director Xie, what's the point of watching TV here alone?"

"Go, go out and have a drink!"

"There is a belly chicken restaurant here that is very good, let's try it!"

Looking at the smiling Lu Daqing, Director Xie felt that things were not that simple.

However, he couldn't refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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