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Chapter 1084 Thank you, director, I have a suggestion

Chapter 1084 Director Xie, I have a suggestion

It has to be said that Li Qingbo and Lu Daqing have put a lot of effort into asking the factory director to choose this restaurant with chicken belly as their signature dish this time.

It is said that this belly wrapped chicken is a very traditional delicacy in the Hakka area with a very long history.It was originally a dish eaten by Hakka women during confinement, and it has a very good nourishing effect.

At this time, the three of them sat around the table, the casserole was steaming, the soup was boiling, and each of the three filled a small bowl of thick soup. The chicken soup was sweet and peppery, not greasy at all, really It was so delicious, Director Xie drank a few bowls and warmed his heart when he drank it. He just felt that the internal organs in his stomach were ironed much more comfortably.

The sliced ​​pork belly is also very crispy and tender; the chicken nuggets are eaten with onion, ginger and chicken soup seasonings. It tastes like a white-cut chicken. The chicken skin is smooth and the chicken is tender.It's so refreshing to drink a little cold wine!
"Director Xie, how about this pork belly wrapped chicken? Belly wrapped chicken, as the name suggests, refers to cooking with a whole chicken wrapped in a pork belly. The euphemistic name is: Phoenix Rebirth!"

Li Qingbo took a sip of his wine, and said to Director Xie with a smile.

Factory Manager Xie, who was still sulking in his room half an hour ago, now felt refreshed.

Going out to drink and chat here is indeed much better than staying alone in the room!

"Both leaders, thank you very much for taking me out to relax. Don't worry about the food and drink today, I'm thankful!"

"Haha, it's my age. I would like to ask you two to guide us in the work of Shangxue Electronics Factory."

Thank you for the words of the factory manager, this is really polite.

But he never expected that he just said a polite word, but it was taken as the truth, so he heard Li Qingbo smiled and said: "Xie the factory manager, there is a good saying, it is called friendship, but it is deep. This is a taboo."

"But since the two of us are sitting together, I see that you are another friend worthy of deep friendship, so if you have something to say, don't be angry."

"Director Li, you are too polite. We are old friends. You also know me. I never make any twists and turns. If you have anything to say, just say it."

After the director Xie expressed his position, he suddenly had an ominous premonition, but at this time, the words had already been spoken, and he could not take back what he had just said.

"Xie the factory manager, I think the current situation of your factory is very bad."

"Compared with Mi Ke's refrigerator, you have no advantage, and it is even less likely that you want to compete with Mi Ke."

Director Xie didn't like to listen to Li Qingbo's words, why are you here?Are you a joke sent by a monkey?Or are you here to rub salt on my wounds?

What you said is the truth is good, but do you have to tell the truth?

This Li Qingbo's level has been raised, but his emotional intelligence is really not flattering!What the hell, this bitch!

He cursed a few words bitterly in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

As for the fact that we are a joint venture factory, Director Xie didn't say anything, he knew very well that Li Qingbo and Lu Daqing were experts in this area, and there was no benefit in cooking a duck with a hard mouth.

"Yeah, we are under a lot of pressure when we are with Mishell Electronics!"

Factory Manager Xie said with emotion: "But there is no way, who made our two factories stand next to each other."

Lu Daqing said: "Xie the factory manager, I have a suggestion, you should think about it carefully, of course, this is just a suggestion, in the end, you have to thank the factory manager for your words."

"Look, MiKe Electronics' refrigerators are currently under production capacity. Just now, Ledi Mall brought an order for [-] units at an increased price, but Director Shen rejected it." "You know, this is That’s a lot of income!”

[-] units, and a price increase!

The problem is, it was rejected by Shen Lin because of the lack of production capacity, which made Director Xie feel very happy listening to it. It feels so good to hold these small books under his crotch and let them kneel on the ground and rub against each other. up!

However, he looked at the two men and became alert again.

"The products of your Shangxue Electronics Factory are not selling very well. Director Xie, why don't you think about it and help Mishell Electronics Factory to do OEM."

When Lu Daqing said this, he smiled and said, "Of course, if Director Xie thinks this is not possible, he can also rent the entire factory to Mishell Electronics."

"As for you, if you want to take care of other things in the factory, you can take care of it. If you don't want to worry about it, you can go to another factory to be the factory manager."

"Or transferred to other more important positions, what do you think?"

Director Xie just put the chicken in his mouth, and suddenly felt a smell of chicken feces, and it was no longer as fragrant as before!
He looked at the two smiling people, and his heart burst into anger. These two seemingly dignified guys didn't invite him to drink at all. They were drunkards who didn't care about drinking. They were clearly Shen Lin's accomplices!
But he is very clear that he must not be angry at this time, because what these two people are talking about is not just their own opinions.

"Hahaha, Lu Chu, you hit the nail on the head, and touched my sore spot!" Factory Manager Xie said with a cheerful smile, "This Shangxue Electronics Factory, I really have enough headaches."

"You may not believe it, but I have already applied for it a while ago, and I want a younger leader to help me run the Shangxue Electronics Factory."

"But we are a joint venture factory. Changing the person in charge is not something we wishful thinking. It doesn't count if we agree here. We still need to seek the opinions of Shangmatsu Electric."

"So now, I can only do it myself."

Director Xie was complaining on the surface, but in fact, he had something in his words, which means, whether your suggestion is feasible, not only ask me, but also ask Shangsong Electric.

Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo looked at each other quickly, and Li Qingbo smiled and said: "So, you agree, as long as Shangsong Electric nods?"

Looking at Li Qingbo's calm eyes, Factory Manager Xie felt a bad feeling in his heart, but at this moment, he was already on the verge of riding a tiger.

"Yes, as long as Shangmatsu Electric agrees, I have no reason to refuse. Being an official is easy."

"In addition, if it is leased to Mishell Electronics, it will not only benefit the factory, but also..."

Factory Manager Xie talked about a lot of benefits, as if he agreed very much, contracting the current factory to Mi Ke.

Such a situation made Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo stop talking about this topic. The delicious pork belly wrapped chicken, because they had their own thoughts, so the next meal was not so enjoyable.

Director Xie returned to the hotel and immediately picked up the phone.

Although he spoke perfectly, he felt that he had become the prey of others. In this case, he could only think of Ichiro Takeda who supported him.

Although Takeda Ichiro had already left, he still wanted his contact information.

(End of this chapter)

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