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Chapter 1085 Chairman Shen, please see our sincerity

Chapter 1085 Chairman Shen, please see our sincerity
"Mr. Takeda, I'm Lao Xie, I'm sorry to bother you to rest." As soon as the call was connected, Director Xie said with a smile.

Takeda Ichiro on the other end of the phone has regained his composure. He said with a smile, "Xie Sang, as I said, try to contact the current person in charge of the joint venture factory if you have anything to do. It's better for the two of us to keep in touch less."

"Mr. Takeda, it's mainly the new person in charge of our side. I don't know who it is. Now there is an urgent matter and I want to discuss it with you."

Having said that, Director Xie solemnly told what happened today: "Mr. Takeda, are these people crazy?"

"They actually want to rent out our joint venture factory."

"This... this is clearly wishful thinking!"

Takeda Ichiro was obviously stunned for a moment, and after asking a few more details, he said, "Thank you, Factory Director, I will definitely report this matter to the higher authorities, so don't get yourself in trouble."

After speaking, Takeda Ichiro hung up the phone.

Director Xie, who didn't get any affirmative answer, just felt his hands and feet were cold. Although he felt that his report seemed to play a certain role, but he didn't get an affirmative answer, and he had no bottom in his heart.

And just when Director Xie was worrying about gain and loss, Shen Lin was also talking with Li Qingbo. A smile appeared on his face.

"Shangxue Electronics Factory is a joint venture after all, and the most important thing now is the attitude of Shangmatsu Electric."

"If they agree, this matter will be easy to handle."

In Shen Lin's hand, there was a newspaper in English. He raised the newspaper and said, "It shouldn't be too difficult. After all, the refrigerators of Shangxue Electronics Factory are not easy to sell, and they can't make much money."

After seeing off Li Qingbo, Shen Lin continued to read his newspaper leisurely.

In this newspaper, what he values ​​the most is still the news about Professor Oda.This professor has cooperated with Uematsu Electric a lot, so when he makes a move, he basically hits the nail on the head.

For example, at the behest of Uematsu Electric, some products were judged, so that Uematsu Electric could obtain greater profits. There are several such things.

Of course, each of them is enough for Shangsong Electric to be in a state of desperation.

Glancing at the time, Shen Lin picked up the phone on the table.

What should be done now, Shen Lin felt that he had almost done it, and it was time to finally close the net.

So Shen Lin picked up the phone on the table directly.

The call was to Zhang Yuqing!
"Boss, isn't it inappropriate for you to call your female subordinate at this time?" Zhang Yuqing said with a smile after hearing Shen Lin's voice: "On our side, usually Two meanings."

"Boss, do you need me to explain to you?"

Shen Lin didn't expect that Zhang Yuqing was about to drive when he hadn't said anything yet.

Immediately smiled and said: "We are so far away, I am calling you at this time, of course it is just the first meaning, there is work to be arranged."

"Hey, if you have a second meaning, I can't think about it!" Zhang Yuqing said with a smile: "If the boss has any work, just arrange it."

"Are you going to sue that Professor Oda? Although I am a bit powerless in this matter, I can find a lawyer to deal with it together, and I guarantee that the boss will be satisfied in the end."

Shen Lin said softly: "You don't need to worry about Professor Xiaotian's affairs, and I don't need to sue here."

At this point, he said in a deep voice: "I'm calling you to interrupt the authorization of the LED energy-saving lamp patent with Shang Song Electric."

Lying lazily on the bed, Zhang Yuqing sat up with cucumber slices on his face, because this matter was not a trivial matter.

"Boss, why?" Zhang Yuqing said: "Although some people in Shangmatsu Electric look very hateful, it is not bad for them to give money."

"Moreover, if we don't have a suitable reason, it will hurt the enthusiasm of other collaborators! By doing this, have you considered the possible chain reactions?" Shen Lin said: "The reason is very simple. Kamematsu Electric and the others understand it. , if they want to ask, just talk about Professor Oda, which makes me very angry."

"They won't be entangled by then."

Zhang Yuqing has always been concerned about Mi Ke's affairs. After all, Boss Shen is generous, and she has already earned a lot of money relying on Mi Ke's electronics business.

"Chairman Shen, I understand." Zhang Yuqing said in a deep voice, "I will contact them tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. If they have anything to talk about, just ask them to come to me directly."

Shen Lin said calmly: "Good night."

Following these two words, a beeping voice came from the other end of the phone.

While hanging up the phone, Zhang Yuqing complained: "Call if you want to, and hang up if you want to. What do you think of me?"

Although she muttered in her mouth, she still had a satisfied smile on her face when she looked at her new nest.

Although the small nest is not big, it belongs to her, and the reason why she bought this small nest of her own so quickly is because of the support of the big boss.

After all, Mi Ke's salary is still very impressive.

After tidying up briefly, Zhang Yuqing became busy.In any case, as a worker, it is necessary to satisfy the boss.

Shen Lin ignored Zhang Yuqing's busy schedule.What he has to do now is to bring Shangsong Electric to his negotiating table.

Early the next morning, Shen Lin asked Lu Xiaoshan to help him make an appointment with Tai Jin.

Although the two parties were not happy before, as the influence of Mishell Electronics continued to increase, Taijin accepted Shen Lin's invitation happily.

In the afternoon when Shen Lin invited Tai Jin to dinner, Shen Lin received a call.

"Hello Chairman Shen, I am Komatsu Izumi, haha, now I have taken over the position of Mr. Takeda Ichiro, I hope to meet you and talk about some things."

The moment he received the call, a smile appeared on Shen Lin's face.

He said lightly: "Mr. Komatsu Izumi, I don't think we have anything to talk about."

"I know what you and I want to talk about, but I don't want to talk about it at all."

"Since you took over Ichiro Takeda's position, you should know what he did to Mi Ke."

Shen Lin's words made Komatsu Izumi pause for a while.Immediately, Xiao Songquan smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, we are very sincere."

"Because of Takeda Ichiro's mistake, there was some misunderstanding between your company and us. I am here this time, first of all to clear up these misunderstandings."

"So please, Mr. Shen, give us some time to see our sincerity."

Shen Lin said calmly: "Since Mr. Xiaosong said so, how about we meet the day after tomorrow?"

"Mr. Shen, isn't it a bit late the night after tomorrow? Are you free today?" Xiao Songquan said with a smile, "I found a few bottles of very good wine here. I hope to have a good chat with Mr. Shen."

"Mr. Xiaosong, I'm really sorry. I've already made an appointment tonight." Shen Lin said with a smile, "I've made an appointment with Mr. Taijin from Dongmen Electric. If you're skeptical, you can ask him for confirmation."

(End of this chapter)

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