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Chapter 1086 is 2 years older than Shen Lin

Chapter 1086 is two years older than Shen Lin

"If Mr. Komatsu must meet, why not wait until 09:30 tonight, after I finish talking with Mr. Taijin?"

Xiao Songquan said with a smile: "Mr. Shen has a lot of things to do every day, and it's not easy to make up the time. Let's make an appointment at the time that Mr. Shen said."

"Hahaha, I believe that this meeting will definitely have a pleasant result."

After saying this, Komatsu Izumi on the other end of the phone put down the phone, and his face turned dark immediately.

And in his room, there was another person, a person who should never have come back.

Ichiro Takeda!
He looked at Xiaosongquan with a gloomy face and said, "Mr. Xiaosong, is Shen Lin unwilling to meet?"

"That's not true, but he said that today he has an appointment with Taijin, that annoying guy from Dongmen Electric. What do you think will happen when the two of them meet?"

Ichiro Takeda frowned slightly and said: "Shen Lin asked Taijin at this time, probably to buy a refrigerator production line."

"As you know, some time ago, the refrigerators of Rice Shell Electronics have suspended accepting orders due to the shortage of supply."

Komatsu Izumi said together: "What do you think is the possibility of their negotiation?"

"It should be very big, after all, they have cooperated in the past." Takeda Ichiro pondered for a while and said: "It seems that Shen Lin wants to expand the factory."

Xiao Songquan said together: "Mr. Takeda, now that the situation has reached this point, how do you think we can get Shen Lin to resume cooperation with us?"

"Komatsu-kun, I think that even if we don't do the LED energy-saving lamp business, there won't be any fatal losses. Why bother..." Takeda Ichiro was a little excited.

"Hmph, this is indeed only a small loss, but don't forget, now we are still following Professor Oda."

"You don't naively think that Professor Oda is still alone!" Komatsu Izumi said coldly.

The hotel where Tai Jin stayed was much more upscale than Shen Lin's.

After all, they have money in their hands, and there is no need to keep a low profile like Shen Lin.

Therefore, Taijin lived in a very high-profile room with a suite, and even had an office.

"Mr. Seton, Shen Lin will treat me to dinner tomorrow. Find a bottle of good wine from my luggage." Tai Jin who put down Shen Lin's phone said to his assistant with a smile.

Taijin's current assistant, Seton, is a young man in his twenties with black hair and blue eyes. He attaches great importance to this opportunity to become Taijin's assistant, because his predecessor has already become the deputy manager.

As long as he works hard, his future will be very promising.

"Okay, Mr. Teijin, I will prepare it for you. There is a bottle of Riesling in your luggage. What do you think?"

Taijin pondered for a while and said, "Okay, just take that bottle of bar."

"Seton, you should have heard about Shen Lin, what do you think will happen when he invites me to dinner?"

If preparing wine is a daily work arrangement, then the problem now is the test of analyzing affairs and making quick judgments.

After pondering for a while, Seton said solemnly: "Mr. Taijin, I think Shen Lin's invitation to dinner this time should be for the production line of the refrigerator."

"After all, they've skyrocketed since they got Gilles' certification for their rice-hull refrigerators."

"I heard that the current orders are already full, and even the pre-orders of several large shopping malls have been declined."

Sena's words made Taijin nodded slightly.In fact, the question he asked is not too tricky. As long as you are careful enough, you can make an accurate judgment.And his current requirements for Senna are not too high, as long as he has enough observation and comprehension skills, it is enough.

"Senna, do you think I should agree to Shen Lin's request?" Tai Jin took a sip from his coffee cup and asked with a smile.

This question is actually a bit out of line, but as the boss, Tae Jin can ask his assistant whatever he wants.

Senna pondered for a moment and said: "Sir, Mishell Electronics is developing very fast, and they are also very thorough about our production line."

"If we don't sell it, although it will delay the production of Mishell Electronics, they can also obtain production lines from other channels."

"So I think we should still sell the production line to Mishell Electronics."

After Cena finished speaking, he looked at Taijin with expectant eyes, hoping that his boss could judge his words.

"Senna, I'm very relieved, your senses are very keen." Taejin patted the assistant's shoulder with satisfaction, and joked with a smile: "I think in a few days, you can take my place !"

"However, although we can agree to Shen Lin's request, we must maintain the reserve we should have."

"You have to know that I have the initiative, and everything must go according to our rhythm."

Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "This time for dinner, you can go with me and meet this genius who created the Nutshell Electronics."

"By the way, Senna is 26 this year, right?"

"Yes, I just passed my 26th birthday." Senna was very proud of his age.

After all, being able to sit where he is now at a young age speaks volumes about his abilities.

"Well, young and promising, that is, only two years older than Shen Lin who founded Mi Ke." Tai Jin smiled.

Taijin's words immediately made Senna's face twitch. At the same time, he also paid more and more attention to Shen Lin.

Originally, after hearing about Shen Lin's reputation, he felt that this business tycoon must be at least in his 30s. After all, this was already the pinnacle of youth and promise in his heart.

But what he didn't expect was that this Shen Lin was younger and more capable than he imagined.

"Thank you for bringing me out and giving me a chance to increase my knowledge. I will learn from Mr. Shen." Senna, who woke up from the shock, said solemnly to Taijin.

Taijin nodded and said, "Okay, I'll wait and see!"

The meal time came soon in Senna's anticipation. Before meeting Shen Lin, he already had various guesses about Shen Lin in his mind.

But the moment he saw Shen Lin, he found that Shen Lin was younger than he imagined.

If Taijin hadn't smiled and stretched out his hands the moment he saw Shen Lin, wanting to give him an affectionate bear hug, he couldn't believe it. Shen Lin, who has written many business legends.

As Tai Jin's assistant, Senna's Mandarin is still very good, he stood quietly by Tai Jin's side, listening to the conversation between Shen Lin and Tai Jin.

He found that this young man was really a comprehensive master, easy-going in conversation, but extremely profound in knowledge.

Mr. Tai Jin said a lot of things, some of which he didn't know, but Chairman Shen, he could handle it with ease, as if he could follow up casually.

For a moment, he was a little curious about how this extraordinary capable Chairman Shen told Mr. Tai Jin about ordering the production line.

(End of this chapter)

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